I_Bent_My_Wookiee 2 points ago +2 / -0


I_Bent_My_Wookiee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah it is a reference to her, and her uniform Plastic Surgery Face™.
Joke being, she is so indistinguishable from any other OF Thot that she may as well have come off a shelf where all the other thots are stored.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 4 points ago +4 / -0

standard issue type, one each.

This is a reference to military supply paperwork, where the inventory of supplies are listed in such a fashion.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Consequences are only for people with whom I disagree!" -some commie

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn't matter how soon it happens, the response will still be the same.
"Racist, extreme alt-right bigots are causing the show to fail"

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ahhh those halcyon days when there was only one Gollum in the world.
Nowadays you can't go outside without stepping on one Gollum or another.
And they've modernized themselves in odd ways.
Unusual hair growth featuring bizarre colors.
Raspy voices raised in jarring and disjointed shrieks...
Al least we can rest assured that the modern-day Gollums will see themselves represented on TV.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 8 points ago +8 / -0

"My weight doesn't dictate my happiness anymore. It was a lot of work with self-love and valuing what my body could do over how my body looked. I see it as an opportunity to love myself."

"Vanity. Definitely my favorite sin. Hahahahaha" -John Milton "The Devil's Advocate"

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 21 points ago +21 / -0

"Two-spirit" is derivative of Native American belief that an animal spirit dwells within and guides the soul of the person. Big Native shaman thing.
Of course, the degenerates took a spiritual belief and re-made it into sexual deviancy.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 27 points ago +27 / -0

Slaanesh ascendant, and I hate it.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 17 points ago +17 / -0

During the proceedings, character witnesses, such as Toronto’s first black police chief, Mark Saunders, testified on Clarke’s behalf, praising her for her integrity

TRANSLATION: "Dis nigga is my kinda nigga."

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once. When I wanted a "fine dining" experience and had an extra $1.50.
(Don't know why they call it the "DOLLAR Store" when it costs more than a dollar.../banjo)

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like I posted on Matt & Blonde: "HAMILL! Get up there and read the script like you were told. We'll make sure you stay relevant for a couple of months if you read it verbatim! Jen Blackie, get up there and help the doddering old fool if he runs into trouble!"

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mice appear to have been injected with something, according to protesters.

Yes, yes, I can totally see the needles sticking out of the mice in this video...

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a reason why Slaanesh is on the side of Chaos and Destruction.

Sure, sex drugs and rock-n-roll sound fun, until the rock-n-roll is just a wall of noise, the drugs all revolve around rohypnol, the sex gets weird, and you don't get to opt out.

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I played it and found that the UI and character set up were too similar to WoW (esp talent trees). That said, I did like the character look, especially the Marauder and Magus. They looked really cool

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 3 points ago +3 / -0

"I'm sorry sir, the "No Boundaries" sauce has Insanity peppers included. The brand without never made it to market. Is that still okay?"

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 9 points ago +9 / -0

His actor complained that his fictional character didn’t get to have fictional sexy with other fictional characters. “Those white men…” is how he described his fictional characters cock blockers.

"Those white men" (probably): "Sorry darkie, no miscegenation for you! MUAHAHAHAHA! (Yeee-haw!)"

I_Bent_My_Wookiee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe if they had graffiti under the "R" saying "Daddy" they'd have had a clear path out of this fabricated mess

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