Erithal 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you're going out anyway... "Witness me!" but with Testimony sounds like a good send-off.

Erithal 9 points ago +9 / -0

My local comic book store overinvested in stocking Marvel and kept barely afloat by hosting Magic events. They were lefty, more libs than progressives. Lower key 'allies' rather than true believers.

A second store opened in the same building, and when they started hosting Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh, the first store went under. This store is just straight Geek shit, minimal politics.

If you can't support them, support their competitors.

Be the change.

Erithal 5 points ago +5 / -0

You jest, but Kevin Conroy, the definitive voice of Batman, channeled anger over his treatment as an outed gay man into the role. That's where he drew his inspiration for the edge he voiced when Bruce Wayne put on the mask.

The difference is that Batman: the Animated Series was about Batman-- not queerness. These days, the mask has slipped and it's all about The Message.

Erithal 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'll parrot Arch here. He was talking about Warhammer, but it applies more broadly:

Geekdom was never for everyone.

It was for anyone-- anyone who had passion for the material.

So now we have faux Geeks, who feigned interest to gain entry putting their politics first.

Erithal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me too.

That said, Elon is not 'our guy' and has his own set of incentives and motives as one of said oligarchs. He's also behind Grok AI, an OpenAI competitor.

The $64 question: is Elon just blocking a rival with lawfare while seeking to claim that space or seeking open source for other reasons? It's not altruism; he'll benefit. Open sourcing gets him access to a rival's codebase.

As someone who wants non-converged alternatives, an Elon win placing an open source version of AI in everyone's hands seems like a win.

Should we cheer?

My position is: we'll see.

Erithal 11 points ago +11 / -0

Absolutely. Altman is positioned to be minted into the next tech oligarch. Which means most of what's going on with Elon & Google can be explained as competing oligarchs vying to suppress the emergence of competition.

Erithal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wind Rose?

Based and dwarf-pilled.

(Also more than one album)

Erithal 2 points ago +2 / -0

How much is warning, how much is predictive programming? Who can say?

A lot of the older writers were writing warnings, Bradbury's mechanical hounds in Fahrenheit 451 were a warning. The people who sell the Thermonator have no such excuse. You don't make the Terrorvortex from the classic sci-fi novel 'Don't make the terrorvortex' and get a pass.

The visionaries who see the future and warn us cannot save us from the midwits who read them and make their visions a reality.

Erithal 8 points ago +8 / -0


"The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own." -- Tolkien, The Return of the King

Erithal 15 points ago +15 / -0

nProtect. Live-service. Freemium battlepass.

Won a battle, conceded the war.

Erithal 8 points ago +8 / -0

What is "couch casting behaviour", may I ask..?

The 'casting couch' is what Harvey Weinstein did: letting actresses earn their position on their backs.

Erithal 16 points ago +16 / -0

LoL addicts getting bricked by rootkits? kek

How much you wanna bet there are arbitration clauses in the Riot ToS?

Erithal 6 points ago +6 / -0

The critique of mutant supremacy has a point:

If I had to sum up the Krakoa-era X-men, I would call it stories about a floating island enthostate run by objectively superior people. That the mutants are then all written like vengeful villains says a lot about the moral inversion of the left and what they'd do if they had power.

Erithal 4 points ago +4 / -0

For those on the precipice of this rabbit hole, keep in mind this is a long playlist of long videos. It very firmly documents and names the devil, but is a hard watch.

I made it to vid 10/11 about a year and a half ago, and had to stop watching because of I veered out of sadness and disbelief into anger as I watched.

Necessary videos, good to view, but hard to finish.

Erithal 17 points ago +17 / -0

Cavil: gets an ironclad contract to respect the lore

Amazon: gets GW to warp the lore so it can fulfill the letter of said contract

Erithal 8 points ago +8 / -0

Given the way Games Workshop was handing out NDAs like candy in the wake of the Warhammer+ animation acquisitions, I wouldn't be surprised if the community managers are similarly constrained.

Erithal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would ask whether the SwordSkill is capped or modified by your Misc/Minor/Major choice as well. TES was mostly about xp gain, with the level you got based on your skills moderating your gamestate.

I find myself wondering if there should be a hard coded 'edge' to your prioritized skills beyond that. Even a flat "10% better if it's a major skill, 10% less if for misc skill" creates a mathematically meaningful choice at character creation, representing the hard edge specialization might give.

Just my two cents

Erithal 6 points ago +6 / -0

Your post reminds me of Kenshi and the fact that I should really get back to the grind. I understand that your interest is more in the nuts and bolts of design, but that's where my mind went.

What are you looking to take from TES's major/minor/misc system? If you're looking to 'break' from class as a unified system, what does that mean for the game world you're building?

Are you looking at having a screen or tab that 'lifts the hood?' For instance, there's a whole tab in Last Epoch dedicated to all of your modifiers, so you can track what your gear does and where your stand in terms of 'crunch' as far as your build goes. Maybe you can implement something similar?

The other game that's worth looking at would be Dwarf Fortress, where everything character is governed by discrete skills, ruled by math. The player has little/no direct control, but the system is probably worth examining in detail from a design standpoint.

Erithal 2 points ago +2 / -0

These retards' views on race are monolithic, and in fact the very definition of racism.

To be racist is to be for the preservation of your race against the monolith of miscegenationist/cosmopolitan culture. 'Racist' as a term was first used against native tribes attempting to preserve their cultures against their era's Americanization. It is used in the exact same way against Whites resisting our era's Americanizaton.

Think of Richard Henry Pratt saying: "A great general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indian there is in the race should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man." Then recognize that globohomo wants to do the same thing to white people. They want your kids brainwashed, raped, and re-educated as leftists. Same thing.

Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism. -- Richard Henry Pratt

They aren't the 'real racists.' They're progressives, same as they've always been. The progressives seek to subvert and destroy whites as a nationalist/resistive force, and they have largely succeeded. Racially aware Whites are (at the very best) a parochial force. This is by the design of the left (ie the long march through the institutions) and the ceding of institutions, cultural & educational, by the right.

Racism has always been about resistance to 'progress.'

Get used to being racist.

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