Ender910 14 points ago +15 / -1

Definitely represents at least one city.

Ender910 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's one of the games on Nextfest, so they may have been banned after trying the demo.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

First result on a search engine peek:


Also, probably worth trying to avoid built-in Realtek for any subcomponents you really intend to utilize. Their driver support can be pretty godawful with Windows, I'm sure it's only going to be even worse on Linux.

Also, AMD GPU's have some reputation for being a little more Linux-friendly due to open-source driver support. Not sure if that's changed much in recent years though so be sure to double check on how accurate that is. (I can't do it right now, since I have to head out.)

Ender910 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think another big part of it too is that they're essentially so hateful and cynical about almost everything, and this is one of their many trolly "fuck everyone else" moves, for an easy paycheck.

On top of shoving that narrative up everyone's ass.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Depends on the kind of shooter it is:

What kind of guns there are, what kind of enemies you face, what kind of weapons they're armed with, and what kind of combat environments you can expect.

Generally though, I like a good mix of the two. Even better when different guns and gun attachments/customization options allow you to min-max a bit to balance out the performance factors that affect the overall direction of how the gun handles.

Also, fuck instagib "hitscan" ballistics/hit detection. I legitimately can't believe Counterstrike is still using that shit.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

There were a lot of free ones last year, but most of have gone premium by now.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

The font style change alone is off the scale cringe.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

I could see some fun or interesting applications for something like this, IF, I repeat, IF, it was my own software that I'd designed and trusted, and I kept it 100% localized, secure, and "off the grid". (Also, I'd want a quick toggle for it so I'd only use it for specific situations. No autorun, that kind of thing.)

No way in hells do I put any trust in ANY company with this however.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will admit that occasionally, it is as simple as developers taking shortcuts due to time/cost. Particularly in the visual department.

However, there are also a lot of clearly deliberate examples of extra effort being spent on creating ugly and "diverse" characters too. Or changing things in dialogue, story, and gameplay, just to cater to ideological sentiments.

Frankly, the DEI/SBI stuff is mostly a solid indicator if a game's going to be trash, because a studio that turns to that is clearly looking for "gimmie bucks" in place of sales based on quality.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, he's been continuing to be active for quite a while. He's just not as outspoken on every single thing like he used to be I guess. (Just every other thing now)

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it's somewhat understandable that schools usually don't cover this kind of stuff. A lot of the extra nuance isn't necessarily in the core documentation, essentially, but in "cliff notes" that many founding fathers had written regarding their thoughts and concerns on the future course and direction of the country.

Still, there really should be more time and attention given to such matters. The level of ignorance and lies spewed by leftists has brainwashed a lot of people into being half-wit citizens in this country.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

For sure. Or at least a lot of chicks that would go on to become terfs. They eat up a lot of the gossipy aspects of the lolcow stuff.

Ender910 2 points ago +3 / -1

These same people probably don't understand the (legal) differences between a private company and a corporation, or how differently tax laws apply. They just bunch any kind of success into the same damn echelon, and then assume the system is broken because of "capitalism".

Granted, I suppose sometimes Rinos have given a little too much credence to cutting corporate taxes while continuing to tax the hell out of private companies. At the very least they also try to advocate for cutting down on government spending, unlike leftists.

Ender910 11 points ago +11 / -0

Plus obscenely out of control government overspending. Overly expanding the "necessity" for business-run colleges and universities. Bank fuckery left and right. Everything shifting over to public companies and corporations instead of privately owned/run companies. Out of control medical/health industries. Out of control insurance industries.

Ender910 9 points ago +9 / -0

I sail a sloop up and down the high seas myself.

Ender910 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've pretty much expected that to happen, assuming it hasn't already been happening for years already.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn't be able to offer detailed suggestions since I use them a little infrequently, but a few of what I've used have already been suggested here. Namely, Paint.net and Krita.

There's also some Wikipedia articles and guides out there with some decent info too. Here's an example you can look at, and then you can take a closer look at any programs that seem like a good fit.

And if you're looking for vector-based programs, I'm sure there's another article that should cover that.

Ender910 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not sure Gimp was ever especially good. At one point I suppose they matched up alright with Photoshop and was pretty much the only alternative that didn't outright suck.

These days though there's a lot more options to choose from that are generally pretty good.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I'm aware of the necessity for a reliable playerbase for this and a lot of other kinds of multiplayer games. I never tried to claim that the competition was especially strong, just that it "technically" existed.

I get your point though. A population-less game isn't exactly anywhere close to resembling any kind of existing competition, not in actuality anyway. And it certainly doesn't mean squat as far as potential sales go.

I must admit, I have trouble understanding why so many small studios try for the multiplayer only scene. There's not exactly a high range of success to be had, and the fruits of your labor are almost guaranteed to fade into the ether within 1-5 years, and that's being optimistic.

There's obviously the cash grab reasoning, but I suspect that this is becoming increasingly less effective as gamers have wizened up at least a little bit after getting burned over and over so many times. Probably why they've been resorting to connecting with cult classics and franchise, since the only way to get past skeptical gamers is to lure them in with some enticing marketing.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh totally. Like that's why I brought up the couples who also refuse to ever have children. That's almost always a solid indication that they're definitely trying to avoid growing up and becoming mature and full fledged adults.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno, I think the goofy premise is precisely what might make it stand out. Well that, and that a lot of the potential mechanics are going to fall outside of the norm based on details from the film.

Unfortunately, a lot of the developers for these kinds of games also have a pattern of putting pretty low effort and follow through. Game only just recently came out and I'm reading reviews right now. Apparently they didn't get around to implementing rebindable keys yet. Bloody sick of devs pulling that shit.

And I know from development experience that it's not THAT difficult to implement, unless the developer took a lot of shortcuts and is too lazy to correct them.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's hilarious how many leftists absolutely hate the concept of the Prime Directive, no matter how many reasonable points are made to justify such a concept.

As per usual, they're incapable of trying to fathom what kind of consequences might play out 4-5 moves ahead.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not exactly like their game needs a large team to maintain such a mechanically simple game. And they can probably just outsource for art assets at this point.

Ender910 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ehhh, technically they do? Upcoming Clowns from Outer Space game, from the devs who did Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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