Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a fair number of perfectly mature reasons to at least be a little hesitant of committing to the *state *institution of marriage. Divorce law being amongst the top reasons.

What I find a little more troubling is how often such couples have absolutely zero interest in ever having any kids, ever. Ignoring the marriage variable, I think that's a little sad, and that they're depriving themselves of an important part of the human experience.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Over exaggeration is the norm I guess when the real story is almost certain to be tame or mundane. Not just something chicks do, but chicks tend to tell more stories to other people about the goings-on in their personal lives.

Ender910 6 points ago +6 / -0

Had a Left 4 Dead group that ended up revolving around this one chick. She wasn't exactly a monster or extra controlling, but she definitely didn't shy away from trying to get her way when the group was discussing what to play.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sadly, I've found that nerdy chicks, more-so these days, can be a double edged sword. Some of them are remarkably deranged and drink any kind of "kool-aid" they come across.

Ender910 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Star Trek "soft" reboot films prepared me, somewhat, for how other franchises would be rebooted and ruined. Granted, I had no way of predicting just how badly they'd fuck it up.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's still dead in the water, last I heard. WB doesn't seem interested in taking any risks while it continues attempting to plug its financial holes.

Not that they're really doing anything smart with their approach. They've been cancelling good shit and bad shit alike, and try to pick up the slack with shitty cheap reality show-tier shows and the occasional DEI dip.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

Knew a chick who had like a basket full of such things. Was honestly a bit horrific in a way.

Ender910 11 points ago +11 / -0

I suspect that part of it might've also evolved as a result of the number of people in very long-term committed relationships that still opt to not get married. I know a fair number of people who've done this, and I could see why utilizing a different title for it might seem natural to them.

IE, "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" might sound insufficient after being together for so long (especially since those can be more synonymous with new or short term relationships) and descriptors like "lover" give off their own off-key vibes.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another option is to just avoid mainstream media, social media, and any urban cities. All of that alone is usually enough avoid all kinds of faggotry.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd recommend the GAMMA modpack. The mod combination is well curated and provides almost everything you could want. Also well managed with an easy enough installation process overall.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's honestly an interesting historical topic, but unfortunately yes, it's the worst topic to try to have a discussion on when we're still being swarmed by those trolls.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of this is what I was attempting to allude to in another comment. In many respects a lot of the dynamics are not that far off from relatively modern Western cultures. Especially with regards to whether or not a marriage proposal or arrangement is deemed acceptable or not by the father. The practical and emotional concerns of a father have not exactly changed a lot in the last 1000 years. (Clownworld aside).

While obviously there were probably cases where things were rushed due to financial and/or political concerns, I imagine that most involved would likely not be eager to arrange something unless a young woman had gone through sufficient physical development to manage through ordeals such as childbirth.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this sentiment was at least somewhat shared between both nobles and people of lower classes alike.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Warped as it may sound, I wouldn't be surprised if the age and timing sometimes depended a lot on when a young woman had "blossomed", to the optimal appeal and value as a prospective wife and mother. Which I imagine might've had some range and variability, while also factoring in mortality and different cultural norms of the time period.

And I think in some respects there'd be a similar sort of expectation for the ideal male bachelor as well. Obviously with different kinds of qualifiers.

All of this is of course that those involved weren't pressed for time with regards to financial or political concerns. And I am totally hypothesizing her without an solid evidence to back up my thoughts.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

Probably depended quite a bit on how vital it was that they create an heir.

Beyond that though, I'm unsure. How much social pressure the young married couple would experience might be rather rooted in their culture, which can vary a bit from one European country to another on something like that.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

A better example that people might be more familiar with would be some of the over the top automation setups people sometimes do in Minecraft. IE with hoppers and pistons iirc.

This is also probably where a lot of people started developing such an interest in conveyor belt type mechanics. Even more-so if you delved into any of the mods like IC2.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sometimes it's just the logistics, planning, and structure that appeals to people. Other times it's maybe just the setting and environment having some kind of appeal.

And in some of these games there's sometimes a little bit of a creative design element to the gameplay, like when you try and design your own rollercoasters or other rides. Or building design in survival games like Minecraft.

There are a few games that are almost entirely centered on the conveyor belt gameplay though, which generally does not appeal to me at all. Satisfactory and Factorio are good examples of that.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

That quote, lol... And yet they will bitch every single time there's not max tier "diverse representation". What a fucking lying cunt.

Ender910 11 points ago +11 / -0

On the one hand, some of my favorite Slavic themed games were produced by Ukrainian studios. On the other hand... more USD being thrown into the sinking moneyhole that is Ukraine.

Maybe it depends on if "faggify your game" is one of the conditions for the funding. Knowing the Biden administration and leftist agenda, it's a likely possibility. And reading the actual article, it certainly sounds like the grants veer in that direction.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I'm aware of that. But a small studio that's more focused on getting the job done and creating games isn't going to give a rat's ass about following those DEI sections, not unless they're already gunning for DEI handouts and/or full of a woke development team in the first place.

The actual technically significant parts of the standards obviously would be useful to keep on hand for anyone writing any code, and most of the DEI stuff is comprised in one subsection, so it'd be easy to just skip that stuff for what it is: meaningless fluff.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aye, that's the same conclusion I was starting to draw after I attempted a few keyword searches.

Ender910 8 points ago +8 / -0

The article makes a subtle mention of it, but this stuff was already in Epic/Unreal's "Coding Standard" back in 2022, and had been posted about in a fair number of places like here iirc. So "why now" could just be a matter of influencers/sites trying to jump on a headline opportunity.

Also, I went ahead and compared the Standards from 5.0 vs 5.4. While some predictably retarded additions or tweaks were made, there wasn't anything substantially different.

Although there was this one line that I hadn't noticed back in 2022: "Following the coding standards is mandatory.". I'm not sure if that's supposed to be legally binding at all though. I'd have to analyze the hell out of the EULA and other licensing agreements to be sure.

Ender910 25 points ago +25 / -0

...That's not entirely accurate. I'm fairly certain the coding "standards" only apply to those working on the engine itself at Epic. And there's no fathomable way they could try to apply and force this metric on outside studios.

Still supremely lame clownworld nonsense, but not quite as bad as the headline tries to indicate. The worst part is probably the amount of wasted time and bugs it'll produce, that could've been better spent internally on improving the engine.

Ender910 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's one of the only books I legitimately had trouble reading because of the old English prose, at least with the edition I had. And I've never had issues reading any other kind of book before, and I've read a fair variety.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll cut him some slack on that, given the timeframe. Lack of hindsight and some limitations on available information (due to distances, travel time, etc).

Plus, regardless of the later ramifications of the French Revolution the French nobility at the time were notoriously fucked up and gave absolutely zero shit about the people. Absolute degenerates that share a lot in common with today's modern elite.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I recall correctly, part of this goes back to the Federalists. I'm almost positive it's one of the main reasons Alexander Hamilton has been thrust forward with that godforsaken musical in Broadway.

Jefferson on the other hand was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party, who wanted to return back to the free state model. "liberalism, republicanism, individual liberty, equal rights, decentralization, free markets, free trade, agrarianism, and sympathy with the French Revolution"

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