DistilledLife 2 points ago +2 / -0

As the days go by, I'm waiting for him and similar other members to start espousing that "the Founders were wrong", if some haven't already. I've been seeing an increasing number of "conservatives"/traditionalists going down that dark path these past few years.

DistilledLife 5 points ago +5 / -0

large number of trash tourists is giving some people a wake up call too

I believe Kishida-deku agreeing to lower the bar for entry for ToUrIsM was an attempt by the NGOs/subversives/US State Dept to try and normalize foreigners being present in the country. Too bad for the globalists that gutter trash bring their bullshit with them and it's likely going to blow up in their face.

DistilledLife 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe the way to utterly destroy that argument (loli/sho leads to pedophilia) would have to be done scientifically, a psychological experiment that tests the reactions of both convicted child sex offenders and loli/shotacons with various materials, fictional depictions and CSAM/CP. I theorize that most of the pedos would not even touch the fictional material and most of the loli/shos would be repulsed by the CSAM (There's always going to be overlap and outliers when dealing with the mind).

The problem is such an experiment is most likely illegal (though John Money got away with his shit), would probably mess up some of the test subjects and the results subject to relativism. Also the science field is so compromised it would just result it the subjects' identities being leaked, so it can't be conducted in the current environment.

DistilledLife 3 points ago +3 / -0

But I don't want to have to make everything about how great white people are, or whatever

Neomarxists have reframed cultural arguments to be strictly about race and sexuality to the point that even people who want to fix society won't shut up about those arguments either. Neutral escapism is probably dead until this goes away.

DistilledLife 8 points ago +8 / -0

Isn't this the fourth or fifth time Infowars has talked about announcements of a new pandemic and lockdowns for the past six months? I'm tired of these headlines from AJ...

DistilledLife 4 points ago +4 / -0


I think it goes beyond that, "respectful". It still feels too easy for even some longtime members, who'd step up to take the position, to fall into the trap of shutting down things they don't like. The rules can be abused in different ways depending on the mindset of the mod. The current arrangement is an annoying stalemate.

DistilledLife 3 points ago +3 / -0

possibly even 12

checks link

Downvotes, Downvotes Everywhere

DistilledLife 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's easy to exploit and socially engineer as many humans default to thinking in binary terms for convenience, "us/them", "good/evil", "left/right", "God/Satan", etc.

DistilledLife 8 points ago +8 / -0

identified the 14 in Manitoba, which we now know turned out to be nothing more than a pile of rocks underground.

They made the mistake of not calling it hate crime to even check the graves (re: Treblinka and the "undisturbed ground", which this whole "incinerated and buried" brings to mind), now they have to keep moving the goal posts.

DistilledLife 3 points ago +3 / -0

As usual, Congress only moves when the goal is to make things more untenable for the populace.

Go figure.

DistilledLife 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been going on for a while now where Urinalists and toilet-paper certified experts tell us the Constitution is outdated. Tyrants just want an excuse to make whatever laws they see fit.

DistilledLife 38 points ago +38 / -0

The Civil Rights Act was probably the worst piece of legislation forced down by giving SCOTUS a means to override the Constitution over bullshit pretenses.

Thank you Celler and LBJ, hope you're both burning in hell. Maybe JFK too, since he supposedly proposed the bill first.

DistilledLife 4 points ago +4 / -0

>jewish (German?) hapa

>possibly female (Sachi is a girl's name)

>Ivy League associate professor

>sex/political studies to pull nonsense conclusions out of Japanese culture and subvert peoples understanding of it

Why is this unsurprising?

DistilledLife 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything's black-and-white apparently. If you want to get rid of shit like Social Security, you have to note all the people that paid into it and don't have anybody new pay into it, stop further payments, then either chose to give back immediately or slowly (adjusted for inflation) what people paid. But even that there's going to be complaints about.

There seems to be this common attitude now, "somebody's going to have to get fucked, just not me"

DistilledLife 6 points ago +7 / -1

Modern jews never deserved that land. Their supposed "ancestors" lost it after the Romans blew them to the four winds. Higher-ups in the banking system and others had to sneak someone sympathetic to Zionism like Balfour into the Foreign Secretary position to get their hands on it. And this was after promising it to the Syrians et al, if they helped overthrow the Ottoman Empire. The British are really the ones that allowed this whole issue to arise.

DistilledLife 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't explicitly say anything like that in this thread or defend lapalapa's position on that specific matter, simply disagreed on definitions about a government cheese program. If you want to be an antagonistic knuckle-dragging niggerfaggot troll by putting words in people's mouths, then go ahead.

DistilledLife 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're not going to get meaningful solutions here or from Internet randos, since it's a problem that's too complex for individuals to have answers for. There's so much complexity to the large dysfunction of Western society that for the average person, the only solutions are some infantile "total collapse" or "turn the clock back". Some portion of society is going to suffer in the end, that's a guarantee, as has been seen in history.

DistilledLife 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Literally"? Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. Anybody who has not paid into Social Security should not have it, but the way Beef talked implied that even those who have paid into it by force of law are suckers.

Don't make assumptions about someone's politics based on just one reply they made in disagreement of a misguided opinion. It's been a significantly growing problem on this forum, we don't need it getting any worse.

DistilledLife 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, i mentioned the government handout ponzi schemes.

like social security

Unless you're self-employed or a contractor, your employer already withholds the SS and Medicare/aid taxes from your paycheck. By current Federal law and by threat of fine or jailtime, any member of the populace with an income are forced to pay into it. It needs to be grandfathered out and abolished, but good fucking luck getting politicians and a large chuck of the sheep to go along with it.

The fact that you were victimized by a scam...

In the sense of a 401K/Roth IRA, then yes, you're right because people can make the choice of getting scammed. In the other cases, you're telling people to get fucked because the government stole their money. 2edgy4me bruh

DistilledLife 5 points ago +5 / -0

He can form a pretty good, well-researched argument, as seen in his books. I became convinced television wasn't the place for him as it brought out his nuttiness.

DistilledLife 14 points ago +14 / -0

What happened to Tucker was unsurprising as this behavior from Fox has been long time running. They don't like the competent researcher types, nor intelligent critical thinkers that won't side with everything the networks wants to propagandize.

I know Glenn Beck at this point is regarded as a somewhat insane chud brimming with TDS, but similar shit happened to him when he went around exposing Fox's masters. The network made him to cut out his "The Left are Nazis" tantrums (he kind of was sabotaging himself with those), so he decided to focus his shows on US history. Was lucky to watch some of these shows as they aired, but I don't quite remember if I saw the final nail in the coffin episode on the History of the Federal Reserve that got him fired (videos of that episode are floating around though). One the greatest nuggets I got out of the short run of history episodes was explaining how the post-WWI 1920 recession was handled.

DistilledLife 7 points ago +7 / -0

Man, how the anisphere has changed when enjoying Eva and sympathizing with the characters as they suffer can get you branded a pedo/creep. HO-LY-SHIT.

Although, it existing nearly 30 years in weebspace makes it almost ancient at this point. Only twice that length of time, and you have the era where anime was starting to blossom as a media format.

DistilledLife 4 points ago +4 / -0

seems everyone is laser focused on the campus bullshit

That is the point. Focus on jewish victims while the muslims continue to rally themselves to destroy Westerners and Christians. The ethnic jews and others among the powers that be have been using the backwater cult as one of their wedges to disrupt Western civilization. Hell, even when it's muslims starting shit with jews inside Western white nations, they try to spin it as White man's fault or mask that the perps were muslim

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