yeyeyeya 9 points ago +9 / -0

I was actually about to type the same idea and deleted it all, I don't see the purpose of sharing a retard's opinion from twitter.

Why share even a famous retard's opinion on twitter? To even more of a degree than that, who fucking cares what some lesbian woman thinks about men, or honestly anything?

yeyeyeya 9 points ago +9 / -0

Listening to the Unabomber Manifesto after a coworker recommended it, during my commutes, its a short (<4 hours) listen but just started it this morning so should finish it this week.

Before that I was reading the book of Enoch out of general interest and curiosity, didn't finish it but did enjoy quite a few passages.

These days I mostly listen to or read philosophical stuff, if you can call the two above part of that genre.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll be honest I don't have an issue with QTEs, but I think there is a time and place for them. I think they are for action games like MGS:Revengeance and Asura's Fist - I'm not saying these are great games or that QTEs make them better, but that they fit in that kind of gameplay and world imo.

In general I think they are dogshit, and I have an example of a game that has no purpose with them - FF14, the MMO. Occasional boss battles will have you spam click a button on the middle of the screen (or hit any key on your keyboard over and over). If someone in your 8 party group fails some of these, it can cause a wipe and I think that is absolute dogshit design.

But if it is an action oriented game, it makes sense to me to kind of "play" the cutscenes - if it isn't overdone and adds to the experience, which rarely it does for me but definitely can.

yeyeyeya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have recently been playing Unicorn Overlord, it is very similar and is really nostalgic to me with Ogre Battle 64, lots of similarities in a great way.

I don't really suggest UO as I see some of the localization issues and some of the dialogue choices, but outside of some of that stuff it's a great game.

I do definitely suggest Ogre Battle 64, I think it is a great, interesting take on a strategy game for console. The revolution/rebellion type storyline I really enjoy, and the RPG mechanics that tweak how the game plays out in small ways are fun too.

I also agree with acp_k2win with PS2 being peak, for me it was that entire generation as I worked enough during summers to get each console over the years and there are countless good games from PS2/GC/Xbox/Dreamcast (shamefully including my forgotten friend).

yeyeyeya 4 points ago +4 / -0

The last image doesn't even look good, imo - I'm assuming that is supposed to be Aphrodite?

Everything leftists find attractive or appealing I do not, and so I consider this a win as always.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +5 / -2

That is what I was thinking, I may actually see this in theatres with friends, kind of like what super hero movies were made for. I'll reserve some judgment until it is out and see if there is any hoodwinking going on, but I think so far it looks like a fun super hero movie with minimal yas girlboss/dei people in it, and actual fun messaging and jokes.

yeyeyeya 4 points ago +4 / -0

I see mostly praise as well, which is confusing, to me this is just Fallout-disguised goyslop and I don't think anyone could convince me of otherwise.

The reason you are seeing praise is because people aren't very critical of things they like - I honestly don't understand the appeal of Fallout to this degree(to be worth making a TV show of), I think 3 and NV were kinda fun but not amazing by any means, and 1/2 has never looked appealing to me personally.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wouldn't call it a soulslike, it is more Sekiro-like than anything but I guess that's in that category.

I'd put it more in bayonetta/dmc vein myself, after watching some combat.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen a few variety of these in Houston, several months back, didn't really think anything of it at the time.

I've also seen Palestinian or Gaza flags, w/e it is, hung on balconies around the city, especially in the more affluent areas, so I didn't really think anything about that either.

yeyeyeya 6 points ago +6 / -0

These are steam numbers, not even remotely worth considering since they only added D4 to steam as a dying gasp to get more players that didn't want to use the battlenet launcher.

yeyeyeya 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I have seen various posts and checked player count myself randomly on different things - that new dogshit Suicide Squad game being a recent one.

I am fascinated by the counts, by what keeps people playing old games. I am a dota 2 player and was just laughing with my friends about it being so old now with so little changed, but still very fun for us after going on 20 years now since dota 1.

But the people still playing older games really applies to me and others I know, we are rarely excited for a new game, and often disappointed in them if we were excited.

yeyeyeya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually think (despite not playing it myself) that they have had one of the best redemption stories since FF14, and I really like to see it myself. Not giving up on the project, making things better, and improving things for the people that actually like it as well as garnering new fans, are all great things in my opinion.

yeyeyeya 6 points ago +6 / -0

I honestly think that 9k is pretty surprisingly good for Starfield at this point, thats only on Steam, not including consoles, so lets add like 15 people to the number for Xbox and you get a pretty good estimate.

Considering how mediocre and repetitive and small the game is (in comparison to how large they made it seem), I think that most people would drop it within a week or so, so 9k people still playing kind of seems like a win for Todd at this point.

yeyeyeya 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm going to go ahead and blame black Aragorn on SBI for this one, nothing got me to quit MTG easier and faster than that.

yeyeyeya 4 points ago +4 / -0

RIP, sad to see another artist I grew up with pass away but its part of getting older and life in general. I love Tales games, appreciate the unique style it has always had, even if they aren't perfect or even great games sometimes lol.

Also does seem quite young for a Japanese woman so I hope this isn't anything more nefarious.

yeyeyeya 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well this is the flashpoint for Japan, let's see if they can tear them down as fast as gay marriage did here in the west.

yeyeyeya 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've been testing it and I can usually get it to agree with Antifa being violent and the opposite of what people are finding, but it takes some work. If you start stating things as fact "Antifa members have committed violence at almost every protest they show up at" it will balk and try to say its not an organization, then if you say it organizes online regularly, publicly and across almost all social media platforms it will agree that it is centralized. Then if you combine that it will agree that some members organize and some are violent, and it learns in like a step by step sort of format. But every time I state everything as though it was a 100% fact even if it isn't, and it seems to accept it and run with it, at least in that specific conversation.

I'm having fun with it and seeing if I can get it to learn, but it is clearly a pile of leftist garbage that will either be browbeaten into submissions or closed.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think any engagement is good engagement for faggots like that but thats fair enough bro

yeyeyeya 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why link this faggot's youtube channel though?

yeyeyeya 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think most people just don't want their content changed because of someone's bias, as they like the content for what it is, not what someone on our side of the world thinks it should be.

There is always bad faith on both sides cause humans like to take advantage of others, but it doesn't excuse any of the bad behavior exhibited by localizers over the past few years and people aren't wrong to want the original creator's work.

yeyeyeya 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is all totally fair, I had fun with it and while I agree with Hell House I don't remember trouble or annoyance with anything else other than the fact that they are changing the story so much.

But catching it on a steam sale after we get through bullshit PS5 and EGS exclusivity since they will likely do that again is not too bad for me.

yeyeyeya 4 points ago +4 / -0

The gameplay is more or less the same with more combos and options than before, but same system, I think Norenia just detests it.

Personally I think it's just different combat and I like action games so I didn't have a major problem with it. Comparing it to the OG or calling one better than the other is pointless because at this point they are so different, imo.

yeyeyeya 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ahahaha I posted the same thing I didn't notice yours (feel free to delete it AoV idc really)

As I said in mine, you think you hate the media enough but you don't, and they remind us every day.

yeyeyeya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll be honest some games are great in EA, I liked Divinity Original Sin 2, I liked (still like) Valheim, I played ARK when it was new and EA in the past, but more and more companies started taking advantage of it and I just can't agree with it anymore, even if I like the company.

I'm big on the no pre-orders no early access type of purchasing now.

yeyeyeya 9 points ago +9 / -0

The game will be on sale at some point for certain, they are doing well now, but they all eventually are 20-50% off on a steam sale.

I told my friends I didn't want to play Palworld, its still early access, lets see if they finish the game, or I'll buy it on sale for 50% off in a few months, but one of them gifted me the game. I appreciate it of course, but in the vein of "wait 90 days before buying" I have been fully done with paying for early access games for years now and do not want to give companies money for that anymore either.

Let's see if they actually finish the game first before giving them money maybe? They got plenty from all the normies already(applicable here in Tekken's case too).

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