rentfREEEE_since2016 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes it is wrong. stfu. No shit.

My point was about what penny is saying NOW

Saying you were being a Good Samaritan and that you only choked out a guy for 5 minutes is not exactly a “smart move” in JewYork City.

rentfREEEE_since2016 2 points ago +2 / -0


When questioned by the cops. Your answer is always


“I felt immediate threat to my life and was I trying my best to defend myself”

rentfREEEE_since2016 8 points ago +8 / -0

And best comedy goes to….. 2024 Emmy production team!

rentfREEEE_since2016 2 points ago +2 / -0

Being a “private” corporation doesn’t give the right to circumvent constitutional rights, not to mention their own written bylaws. Being a private corporation does not allow you to defraud. Being a private corporation does not allow you to abuse “freedom of association” especially when your functionally control all paths to power.

Your enemies don’t care about the rules. They care about your destruction. They will enslave you with your libertarian platitudes and watch you bury yourself alive with them.

rentfREEEE_since2016 3 points ago +3 / -0

Through the US government who will defer as they precisely did during COVID

“Oh, WE’RE not preventing you from working, your company is”

“Oh WE’RE not forcing you to get the shot. We’re just following WHO guidance On international travel.”

“Oh WE’RE not forcing your kids, they just can’t go to school if they’re not injected”

rentfREEEE_since2016 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wrong. Alex jones to scapegoat pharma companies so we forget about the governmental half of this bullshit.

I saw the Weinstein interview. Many good things to say but he puts it all on pharma. It’s not all on pharma. It’s half on pharma and 💯 on you know who.

rentfREEEE_since2016 8 points ago +8 / -0

If it’s real. Which it probably isn’t because it’s Reddit. But if it’s real she’s a fucking idiot for being engaged to a Muslim. She calls herself a Christian? Not for long.

Muslims regularly act agnostic. Marry women. Then gaslight them into the faith over a number of years. Because Muslims will shame and coerce when Christian’s won’t. I don’t even want to read the comments.

rentfREEEE_since2016 3 points ago +3 / -0

“How much milk can you suck out of Dead cow?”

  • ((record labels))
rentfREEEE_since2016 4 points ago +4 / -0

Police are probably frustrated too being used like this

Almost like police shouldn’t have paramilitary forces in the first place or something.

rentfREEEE_since2016 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m convinced Abe was killed as a signal to the LDP to stay in line with globohomo

rentfREEEE_since2016 2 points ago +2 / -0


Step one: operate at a loss, claim you deliver more value to customers based on your “more better” business cost model.

Step two: drive competitor business cost structure out of business

Step three: discover your business model doesn’t and never will make money

Step four: recreate competitor business model and pretend said competitor never existed.

Step five: go back to DoD overlords and ask for next bidding.

rentfREEEE_since2016 22 points ago +22 / -0

imagine if it happened to you.

It is happening everyday you insufferable zionists. Importing African rapists every day. Niggerfy-ing our cities. Turning our daughters into zog sex slaves. Shipping our young men to die in the desert, committing terrorists acts to fuel zog propaganda machine.

rentfREEEE_since2016 6 points ago +6 / -0

This. piers interviewed crowder.

Kept asking totally loaded questions. And kept saying “jones was found guilty of defamation”

Crowder kind of walked into the trap because he should have replied “wrong, Jones was found liable for damages in civil court” civil court doesn’t find you “guilty “ of anything.

Why should you be banned from the internet because you were sued in your personal capacity?

Fucking dumbest shit ever.

rentfREEEE_since2016 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can tell the difference between boys and girls at 3 months.

Only people without kids couldn’t tell the difference.

rentfREEEE_since2016 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck no. That guy lies like a rug. He will say anything to get into political office. Snake.

rentfREEEE_since2016 5 points ago +5 / -0

They won’t have to redux jfk.

Trump showed during COVID that given the right sphere of influence and staffers he will basically propagate anything they want him to.

A Trump Haley ticket would tell me Trump learned nothing from his first 4 years. It would also tell me the establishment is fine with him winning.

rentfREEEE_since2016 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not even clear what he’s looking at.

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