AnotherSchwarzesMark 5 points ago +5 / -0

Frieren was such a good anime man, probably my favorite elf of all time and now alongside a couple others one of the first when I think elf. To think people see that and think racism/we gotta add black elves is just insane to me.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

No blonde/silver haired elf no buy, simple as that.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Growing up with a lot of turks I gotta say: I can live without lamachun being easily available when it means less /no turks.

People like that were 100% blind to the issue or told by their parents to just be nice about it. Isn't it even in our DNA to want to be close to our tribe and not have anyone outside it close?

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd not want to live in a culture like that so that question is irrelevant to me personally. Literally one of the last places I would go to, India is such a shithole. Say I go to America to live there, I'd celebrate July the 4th, thanksgiving etc. Its part of the culture and I would like to fit in. Literally what it should mean when you immigrate somewhere but some just want to make the country they went to into their old country.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

There kinda is. I've mentioned this before but I've had issues with my AMD card, I even bought a new one, was probably the Motherboard+CPU that caused issues alongside the card. I never fixed it and jumped to Nvidia which has its own tiny bit of problems but is overall a lot better running for me at least.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends entirely on the game. Tactical slower paced shooter vs Doom. Both are shooter, both play differently

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

I literally have no idea what this recall features use case would be. Maybe MAYBE someone who works on it and loses progress due to a program crash. But that could be fixed by not having programs crash or make auto saves more frequent. Other use cases seem superfluous and unneeded. Trying to remember a thing I saw on the net? History in the browser or even better: bookmarks. It all jsit seems like Spyware disguised as this "cool" feature.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even if that toggle works I'd expect then to randomly turn it back on after an update or two. Microsoft has been known to fuck with settings that you turned off or on.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

On top of lutris I recommend bottles which is yet another wine loader but for a different cause. I mostly use it to install gog games as they work quite well.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least in government work there's talks about alternatives I heard from a friend who used to work in that field recently as a temp job. Seems like w11 is a security nightmare.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you just assume their gender?!

But yeah I was one them at the time the story broke. Guess she got that "white male rage" all the retarded lefty "funni" people tell us exists.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw them having building bricks that were fake, too. It's such a weird place.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can BARELY do agriculture for crying out loud! They're many many thousands of years behind.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 40 points ago +40 / -0

Could also be som lefty shill. Always hate how they pretend the actual provable fact is just not as bad. Actual anti white racist? Might not be that bad you goys. Fuck these people.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 5 points ago +5 / -0

Warning about Audacity: they've been bought by a company that does not seem to have your best interest in mind. They instantly wanted to put in telemetry but the community pushback was huge so they rowed that one back. Right after they talked about saving userdata and sharing that one with their Russian main office. I jumped ship at the first part and just use Tenacity now, a fork.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder how this will be going forward if you are forced to use Adobe in any work environment. My place of work, like most has a data protection specialist and I would like to know their opinion on this since it does sound like they will roll this out everywhere. Can already tell they will not he happy, lol.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 6 points ago +7 / -1

Gimp is surprising powerful if you know how to handle it. Just a bit weird if you are used to Photoshop. Personally edit stuff in Krita more since I am used to it though.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

CAD is the one of the few areas where it just outright sucks. I wonder why there isn't an effort to make it a lot better. In terms of productivity software we got davinci resolve which also works on Linux, we got gimp and krita as a semi Photoshop replacement. I am not well versed in audio creation but that is probably another area that isn't as well on Linux sadly. Programming can be done on both, games too.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 8 points ago +8 / -0

For me it feels like it's the other way around. I never wanted anything to do with it for obvious reasons knowing where I am from but they have become so blatent I cannot just not wonder about it anymore. Someone stands next to you on a chair and Eric Cartman style farts into your face and you are just supposed to ignore it? Yea, right.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

All that was said in a podcast I enjoy that the guy was someone known, some sorta sympathiser for the cause at least according to someone close to the organisation. Literally nothing else is known as of now. Source: Honigwabe, German podcast where a known speaker for BPE said so. Starts around here. They talk about the guy in blue at 30:30 and the specific part is 33:00.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 10 points ago +10 / -0

According to people close to the org this is someone who isn't directly with the org but some sorta sympathiser for the cause or something. More was said on a German podcast about the whole thing(of you are able to understand German check out Honigwabe from Sunday 2 days ago). What made this guy punch the helper restraining the terrorist is sadly as of now unknown. Starts around here. They talk about the guy in blue at 30:30 and the specific part is 33:00.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 1 point ago +1 / -0

German hashtag against the pride month(check it out on twatter). Was a thing in 2023 also. Literally translates the same but instead of buttseggs promotion its more about celebrating your country, region and heritage. Also dunk on the pride month which is a plus. A lot of non Germans are joining in with their own version.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 3 points ago +3 / -0

God I wish. At least you guys got free speech.

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