onetimeuser 5 points ago +5 / -0

i want nintendo to crash with the rest of them. they openly hate and actively sabotage any efforts by their own customers & fans to celebrate nintendo shit

onetimeuser 5 points ago +5 / -0

How did it get so bad that the state brainwashed his daughter, so that she would in turn brainwash the father?

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

in reality yes. i lived there 10 years ago. factory worker, consumerist mindset. very few think about or imagine the future as we outside of japan do

reduced to a cog in a machine and worked to death with few chances for proper rest.

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will be shit. Because all the people around me who are big supporters of lgbt and all that shit, are hyping themselves up for this game in particular

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm actually glad I found the quartering. I didn't known about any of the alternative media sites until I saw some of his YouTube videos back in 2018-2019.

It's that which led me to bitchute and eventually to here over the years.

Haven't followed Jeremy since around 2020-2021 though, but good to see that he's still at it. If it pulls more people out of the matrix, I see that as a positive

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah OK good to have cleared that up.

But yeah, I get that point - the hero is the one to buck trend.

I just still think that the initial impact in films - of the setting, how it's presented, the default state of consciousness... That's all dystopian and I think that repeatedly shoving that in our faces does some rewiring in our brains to eventually accept those visions of the world.

Seen it happen so many times when Hollywood adapts such stories into their (producers') visions

onetimeuser 8 points ago +8 / -0

If it were authors of books and like I can give some leeway and not place the blame squarely on them.

But I assume we're talking mainly about film, in which I tend to criticise the work as a whole. Because even if writers are innocent, they still have to answer to (((producers)))

onetimeuser 18 points ago +19 / -1

Predictive programming, normalising, etc.

There's a reason why in many sci fi dystopias, the world is already presented in such a bad state by default

onetimeuser 7 points ago +7 / -0

In terms of popular culture and (((western))) "societal values", then yes they are behind

But in terms of demography, financial structure, distractions that futurists have dreamt of, ultimately resulting in a reduced person - they are ahead by 10-20 years I reckon

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clearly now.

Probably more shit like this until July when the counter terrorism bill goes to vote

onetimeuser 9 points ago +9 / -0

Islam = good

Christ = antivax = bad

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

So last night there was another stabbing incident in Sydney

A brown teenager who is

  • Muslim

  • motivated by religious anger toward a church priest's comments on Islam

  • now classified as a terrorism event

  • police looking into his online history

So within a few days the other checkmarks are being ticked

One point I'll give to the "single white male" agenda though is that they've withheld this kid's identity because he isn't white

So now my gut feeling has become: that this is clearly an op. Google's sensitive events policy has been active for 2 months(?) now?... So maybe this is a test in gauging response and altering records shortly. This also comes as Australia is going have the digital extremism bill amendment in June/July. So the more shit like this happens the more "support" this bill will probably get.

It's an attack on single white men first, but then it'll be all men, and then anyone who they wanna classify as a threat. Legally speaking.

onetimeuser 4 points ago +5 / -1

So Canada is now full-on "mask off" with their socialist authoritarian nightmare policy?

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

perhaps. but that's a decent list of pivots that could be made should the authorities want to shift blame onto either of them

onetimeuser 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yep, clearly an agenda had to be pushed. So many ripe details to do so. I'll relist below what I said in another post (as reported by Aussie news):

  • single white male. Wearing a football jersey to make it more blatant

  • history of mental illness (schizo)

  • targeted women

  • his father was heavily religious

  • put down by a stunning & brave middle-aged white female police officer

  • was KNOWN by authorities for years and not dealt with in the past

  • stabbed a baby

Aussie news media now calling him a "mass murderer" after killing 6 people. Trying to really elevate his evil status

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

man the false flags / engineered events keep on rising in this country

used to be like 1 every 5 to 10 years, to once a year, to now more than once a year

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

then we'll go back to sticks and stones and black oil paint water balloons

onetimeuser 15 points ago +15 / -0

you are technically involved if you keep paying taxes to fund this

onetimeuser 10 points ago +10 / -0

Funniest thing is that most trannies eat up almost anything Japan and Japanese culture

That's fine by Japan, take the money from degenerates and keep anthem at arm's length all other times

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

i wonder if the country side / smaller towns away from big cities like tokyo and osaka, etc. at least won't be hit

north hokkaido was one of my escape plan destinations

onetimeuser 1 point ago +1 / -0

low wages, uneven work-life balance. hivemind society. majority accepting of authority and hardly question it.

basically it's already declined. the more i look into the history, the more i look back on my time living there, and the more i look at state of Japanese society i' more and more convinced that:

post-ww2 until the 90's was a massive economic and social experiment. to see if one could build up and then tear down a society to the point of stagnation, but held up perpetually (at least as far as we can tell) - the ultimate slave plantation. the results of which are now being exported or trialled around the world in various ways.

i think japan is one of the prime models for the future western societies.

the few good products of culture that come out of Japan are creative outlets of the people there who recognise the decay of their surroundings and are expressing it to us (either deliberately or subconsciously).

onetimeuser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, at the time of watching I did think TLJ was the worst, and my normie friends thought so but couldn't put their fingers on it.

In hindsight, The Force Awakens is the absolute worst movie for me. Seeing the intentions behind it now makes it clear the trajectory the rest of the series was headed

It was a shitshow but got a pass because of how "well" it was dressed up compared to TLJ

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