newironside 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just can't believe a multi million dollar corporation would ever pick that thing to represent them in any capacity

newironside 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was being investigated for a 3rd ethics violation and shut down the government to halt the investigation.

Its like if during the impeachment sham Trump fired all the investigators.

The average Canadian is still willing to vote for Trudeau.

newironside 4 points ago +6 / -2

Divinity: Original Sin 3 looks amazing, I refuse to call it Baldur's Gate since it won't play like BG, won't use the same system as BG and Baldur's Gate won't even be in the fucking game.

The only reason why its called BG3 is for marketing and I refuse to support that.

newironside 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jade Empire is amazing and I would highly recommend it.

Just as a note get the GoG version instead of Steam since when EA put it on Steam they broke the game and made it unplayable without external patching.

newironside 3 points ago +3 / -0

So a bunch of people were spamming in a stream and got banned?

Nothing but a political stunt, if these people came into this stream and started spamming weeb shit it wouldn't mean the US army is trying to censor Anime.

newironside 7 points ago +7 / -0

Right now according to the executive order it only applies to transactions connected to WeChat and tiktok, which is pretty reasonable even if you are some pro-china commie.

League of Legends isn't being used as spyware, to our knowledge anyway, while WeChat and tiktok are directly controlled by the communist party of fake China.

newironside 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes for sure but if you ever say something about it you're called an anti vaxxer

Robert Barnes has talked about how the vaccine industry has unconstitutional legal protections and even his and Viva's community labels him as being an 'anti-vaxxer'

newironside 4 points ago +5 / -1

On the plus side the op who posted this cancer won't be around for very much longer

newironside 8 points ago +9 / -1

Tbh I think this is just shitty low quality design from a company trying to milk every penny. If they really wanted to push this shit they wouldn't have pulled the doll and called us anti-semetic instead.

newironside 7 points ago +7 / -0

Holy shit

I never would have pointed to teespring as having the balls to do something like this

newironside 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uhhh I mean I could but its not like anyone is watching me play any SMT games

When I get the Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne HD Manics Edition I'll name my Demi-Fiend TRUMPJR2024 if that makes you feel better.

newironside 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven't you been paying attention? The 'inclusivity' bullshit always pushes for more and more power until they get rid of everyone who isn't as woke as them then what was once a great company just shits the bed from then on.

Look at what happened Marvel, Disney, Naughty Dog and so many others. Don't give these people a single inch.

newironside 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, the first Original Sin was very much better than its sequel

newironside 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow Bug Fables looks amazing, I can't believe it flew under my radar.

Hades is a great game but I'm worried about it jumping the inclusivity shark, they give you the option of having Zag fuck his step brother and the latest patch turned Achilles pretty fucking gay. On the other hand the Hades speedrunning community is pretty Based and aside from GG is the community I spend the most time with.

newironside 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fox has always been the most reputable out of all of MSM. Don't get me wrong, all MSM is shit and Fox is still ran by leftists but its still always been better than anything else.

newironside 4 points ago +4 / -0

So this is apparently this is a statue of Marianna, in Paris, which Wikipedia describes as

As a national icon Marianne represents opposition to monarchy and the championship of freedom and democracy against all forms of oppression

So these Marxists are rioting against the very freedom that allows them riot and are demanding oppression.

There is no sympathy anyone should feel for these evil beats.

newironside 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't get the joke either so if the OP could jump in that would be helpful

by Breeze
newironside 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the Air Force but the fucking Army?

Who ever sent this shouldn't have a job, the boots on the ground men this pencil pusher is responsible for are going to match this insane definition of 'white supremacy' and if this person thinks 'White Supremacy' needs to be eradicated how do we know they aren't just going to send our men out to die?

I'm glad at least the Army is saying they are going to investigate, I hope Trump does do something about this.

newironside 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally Space Jam is still the song that's had the most influence on my life in the last 5 years

newironside 10 points ago +10 / -0

Imagine being transgender in a world where there's magic that can change someone's race. Like wtf faggot just learn magic yourself or pay someone else to cast it on you.

newironside 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP can you press your print screen button then open paint and press 'control v' to take a screen shot. Alternatively there are a number of free screen shot programs, I personally use Gyazo since it can also take gifs.

newironside 16 points ago +16 / -0

He was probably robbed to many times.

I used to live around the district where that guy shot at the police after stealing his taser and there was this Dairy Queen that was robbed early in the morning, robbed that afternoon and then was robbed for the 3rd time as they were closing.

This all happened across the street from government offices.

And the Democrat ran city wondered why businesses kept leaving

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