marsupialLarge 24 points ago +24 / -0

Years ago I saw a report on 60 minutes that was a nice fluff piece about two young men that had started an app for phones that was basically a bank; but since it's an app and generally has low overhead it could really revolutionize and change the banking industry.

Then at the end of the report they basically said "well it has been about 6 months since then and lawsuits from big banks/regulators/etc. have destroyed the company."'

We're in a new gilded age where big business wields the government as a weapon against people/small businesses (when it should be the other way around). Maybe it never stopped.

marsupialLarge 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol hey look it's me!

I'm a beta that can only get leftover women Chad has already run through, and I quit my job years ago. Time to leech and wait for collapse!

After seeing the "woman stabs boyfriend to death and gets 0 jail time because she smoked weed" especially. Men are literally worthless and there is no punishment for killing us; to work, pay taxes, and support this nightmare is ridiculous.

marsupialLarge 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was re-watching The Shield and it's basically the same thing, but came out in the early 2000s.

All white males are corrupt and/or pieces of shit. The one competent white male is a clown that everyone makes fun of (and whose wife left him/cheated on him).

There are two pure good cops in the precinct; one is a black woman who is a genius and honorable (wants to root out corruption). The other is a black man who is also a repressed gay Christian (fucking hell lol). He's not as competent, but along with the lady, is one of the only two cops trying to do good and push back against corruption.

So yeah... Once you notice "black characters and women good; white characters and men bad (or at least comic relief/a joke)"; you may realize it goes farther back than you thought.

marsupialLarge 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's about interest rates.

After nearly 15 years of free money (interest rates around 1-2%); the free money sink has finally been turned off. Interest rates are back up around the "average"; I think they're at about 7% vs. the average being 6.5%.

Businesses all over have been taking out shitloads of loans since the money has been basically free. Now the money is not free and we're seeing belt tightening and layoffs all over the place. This is because of interest rates and has nothing to do with AAA gaming being a piece of shit (which it has been for a long time before these layoffs started occurring).

The only saving grace is that lots of DEI/ESG bullshit was propped up by the infinite free money. Now that companies need to actually make money instead of taking out loans constantly; we will see them actually buckle down and return to (somewhat) a meritocracy.

marsupialLarge 8 points ago +8 / -0

Friendly reminder to all readers that these charts are a simple example that women can't into math. They cannot understand basic distributions on an intuitive level in the way that men can (notice that men naturally create a Bell curve without being pushed towards doing so). So they come up with this weird "90% of men are ugly" distribution that makes no sense.

marsupialLarge 10 points ago +10 / -0

I agree, but I think it's more that mid/ugly women want to be hot; and so they lash out at any perceived sexual harassment since, in their mind, the hot girls can reject and degrade men for hitting on them... so if a mid chick can freak out and bitch at a guy for hitting on her, then she is also a hot chick.

Actual hot chicks (in my experience) tend to handle dudes hitting on them and flirting with them pretty well since it happens all the time. They usually just ignore it or brush the guy off. It is always mid/ugly women that flip out and throw a shitfit; because they finally "get to" do so (since it almost never happens).

marsupialLarge 11 points ago +11 / -0

Exactly. They're so close to figuring it out but can't quite get there.

"I see a hideous monster and am immediately reminded of myself... Am I doing something wrong? NO! It is society who is at fault!"

Some times I do feel bad for them. Often they are lonely, or addicted to porn, or were molested as kids; and get roped into some groomer discord group. As they hit their 30s/40s and mature enough; they realize that they were fooled and have ruined a (previously) functioning body beyond repair.

(Of course on the other hand they often continue to groom other younger lonely kids; and agitate for tranny story hour and other garbage; so it's hard to stay sympathetic.)

marsupialLarge 7 points ago +7 / -0

Pardon me because I think I've replied to you with this same stat before, but it seems relevant and funny.

Domestic violence increases as women are added to a relationship. Gay men have the lowest DV rates; then straight couples in the middle; and then lesbian couples have the highest DV rates.

Hmm..... Seems there's a common problem here

marsupialLarge 4 points ago +4 / -0

To counteract this I would like to point out some extremely anecdotal evidence where a girl I know that claimed to be gay in college is now happily married with 2 children; and has (seemingly) no problems in the marriage.

Lastly I see nothing in the article that claims women who experiment with being gay in college have higher divorce rates/cheating rates/etc. Most girls I knew that did that stuff in college did it for attention.

marsupialLarge 38 points ago +38 / -0

Supposedly the Dead By Daylight devs are very lefty/woke and truly did not realize what a shitstorm would be caused by casting a trans VA to be an "unknown"/not gendered monster.

The "offensive" skin is not the default; and even the trans VA that complained has walked back their complaints. Trannies never walk back their crusades usually so this is hilarious. Either payment was about to be taken back from the trans VA or they were threatened with lawsuits or being blacklisted. Very surprising if it's true that the company behind Dead By Daylight really didn't know how this would come across, lol.

Lastly there's the classic joke of "Ahhh I'm trans and this hideous monster is OBVIOUSLY meant to mock me!!!!"

".... Huh, why would you think that?"

(In fairness it looks quite a bit like many MtF trannies)

marsupialLarge 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sweet Baby Inc.

Baby in the name; baby on the logo; swirl pattern in the logo ON the baby...

Unfortunately the pedophiles CAN keep getting away with it.

marsupialLarge 11 points ago +11 / -0

When I am weaker than you I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles

marsupialLarge 10 points ago +10 / -0

Recent Spiderman game did this. Players complained about the Mary Jane sections (because they want to play as Spiderman in a Spiderman game, duh); and so the sequel had Mary Jane sections again where she was even more overpowered.

This sort of thing keeps getting more brazen to the point that even normalfags are calling it out. Even on Reddit I see posts making fun of Mary Jane being a stupidly overpowered character.

Also recently we have the Fallout show where the creators have made it very clear that they're out to push propaganda and NOT please the fans.

marsupialLarge 9 points ago +10 / -1

Likewise women are allowed to get away with more and more to an insane degree; such as the girl that stabbed her boyfriend to death because she smoked weed, but will serve 0 jail time.

Casey Anthony very obviously killing her child so she could get back to partying is an older one.

marsupialLarge 12 points ago +12 / -0

RDR2 winning the labor of love award shows how bad all these winners are. I don't think the online got updated much, and I'm pretty sure the single player wasn't updated at all in 2023.

marsupialLarge 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lefties/progressives mostly believe that crime/murder/etc. only happens because people are poor and bad things happen to poor people because life sucks when you're poor. They also believe all races are perfectly equal (in capability/potential) as well as both sexes being perfectly equal (which is so obviously untrue re: women's sports vs. men's sports; but I digress).

Most artists are lefties and yeah they rig the scales nowadays to block out right wing artists; but I think that right wingers/conservatives are so much more likely to get a stable job and live a simple/stable life that it explains why we almost never see right wing/conservative artists. Thus; in a sci-fi story the lefty writer always assumes/portrays everyone as equals getting along in perfect harmony. They think that since no one is poor; that there will not be any more crime or racial hatred or anything like that.

It is their ideology being put forward as though it succeeded and they won. "See! Once we get to post scarcity everything will be fine! Surely black people won't continue to kill white people at a rate 10x higher than the reverse once we fix poverty!"

I didn't answer your question; but I wanted to point this out because of how annoying it is to me. Oh yeah people will become perfectly equal and harmonious once poverty is eliminated. Once we implement your dumbass space communism then all our problems will melt away, right.

marsupialLarge 7 points ago +7 / -0

Waaaaay more than 8% of men are completely unable to date/build relationships/fuck/get married/whatever you want to call it.

Last I saw the male virginity rate at 30 years old is about 20%; vs. the female virginity rate at 30 being 1-2%. This is somewhat old data; I think from like 2018 or 2020; surely those numbers are only getting worse for men.

20% is the virginity rate btw. I talk to plenty of young men that basically never get laid and can't get into a long term relationship despite having good jobs and being (no homo) pretty good looking young fellas. The dating game is beyond fucked. If 20% are virgins at 30 (which is a fact); I'd ballpark about 40% of men (under 40ish) not being able to form a long term relationship or ever get married.

Where are you getting this idea that less than 10% of men struggle with dating or getting laid? I live in the US so maybe it's different where you're from.

marsupialLarge 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also the classic "I NEED to kill my own child growing inside me! I just wanted the FUN part of sex!"

Basically all women support this; kind of hard to take them seriously when they clearly have 0 morals; as well as 0 understanding of actions and consequences.

marsupialLarge 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also the teams had to be re-shuffled because the all women team could not function on any basic level. Must have sucked to have been one of the men forced over to the womens' team to do their labor for them after the men had already gotten themselves set up.

marsupialLarge 6 points ago +6 / -0

Domina dev is based af; only one I know of though. It is a shame but that's sort of the way it goes. Conservative people (including myself here) are generally not very creative. They (we) are far more likely to get into math/programming/etc.; but be an efficient worker/manager at a company. Maybe it's just a dumb stereotype but it seems to hold true in my experience.

marsupialLarge 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it was really funny. It's 90 minutes of shitting on annoying woke pussies and even has a little side plot where a guy grows some balls and stands up to his wife. (Not a spoiler you'll see it coming from a mile away.)

(I looked up one of the writers on IMDB out of curiosity and ofc there was an article about how the movie was bad and unfunny. Yeah it's unfunny if you're a woke faggot like all the pussies in the movie.)

marsupialLarge 5 points ago +5 / -0

Black Athena would like a word with you; they are absolutely pozzed and pro-blackwashing white people

marsupialLarge 4 points ago +4 / -0

FTL: Faster Than Light made by the same studio is also good. Very fun space combat game

marsupialLarge 17 points ago +17 / -0

Lol yes; basically just ugly/old women that can't stand being treated the way men are treated their entire lives.

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