The twitter posts around the video that made the rounds are mostly righteous outrage, but there's some claims of fakeness in there too that got me thinking about this random video with no link to this random NGO someone found. So, I did a little investigative journalism. Here's the hard facts I've gathered:

The Welsh Refugee Council is a self-explanatory Welsh charity that is partially, or in some years in large part funded by the Welsh government.

Their main team is an Indian, an Iraqi, and an Asian working together with 5 maybe-Welsh individuals.

On the 2nd of December, 2022, they visited Brynteg School to run an event where schoolchildren, mainly schoolgirls, produced videos welcoming refugees and detailing benefits for them in Wales. A Google Drive with these videos is available there on that page - I would link it directly but Drive links cause a post to get removed (this is a repost in fact). Their logo is edited clearly into some of the videos, so they are directly responsible for their creation.

Notably, the video in the twitter post is absent. However, given that they like wiping pages, and thus evidence, off of their website, like the one about the visit to the school, and given that we have 10 videos of schoolgirls being instructed by them to welcome refugees, I have no trouble at all linking the 11th one from the twitter post to them directly.

Another loose connection is that these 10 videos all mostly end in the same CapCut logo as the video from the twitter post.

I'd dig deeper, but this stuff makes me sick to my stomach and I think I've already found enough. The grand point is: no, it's not fake, yes it is government-funded, and it's worse than we even thought.


The twitter posts around the video that made the rounds are mostly righteous outrage, but there's some claims of fakeness in there too that got me thinking about this random video with no link to this random NGO someone found. So, I did a little investigative journalism. Here's the hard facts I've gathered:

The Welsh Refugee Council is a self-explanatory Welsh charity that is partially, or in some years in large part funded by the Welsh government.

Their main team is an Indian, an Iraqi, and an Asian working together with 5 maybe-Welsh individuals.

On the 2nd of December, 2022, they visited Brynteg School to run an event where schoolchildren, mainly schoolgirls, produced videos welcoming refugees and detailing benefits for them in Wales. A Google Drive with these videos is available from them here. Their logo is edited clearly into some of the videos, so they are directly responsible for their creation.

Notably, the video in the twitter post is absent. However, given that they like wiping pages, and thus evidence, off of their website, like the one about the visit to the school, and given that we have 10 videos of schoolgirls being instructed by them to welcome refugees, I have no trouble at all linking the 11th one from the twitter post to them directly.

Another loose connection is that these 10 videos all mostly end in the same CapCut logo as the video from the twitter post.

I'd dig deeper, but this stuff makes me sick to my stomach and I think I've already found enough. The grand point is: no, it's not fake, yes it is government-funded, and it's worse than we even thought.

wish i had some insight to add but i'm gobsmacked. devs or community manager or whoever the hell is in chat asking if they want more porn for the next OST livestream.

is this what it's come to? just make your game revolve around sexy ladies fondling each other, create tons of AI porn of them, and publicize a slideshow of said porn online to sell infinity copies?

i can't be the only one that thinks games were meant to be a little more than that, can i?


Hey, guys. I run a fork of the game Cortex Command, which is a 2d pixel-physics retro-rtt-shooter game that went open source a while back. We want to both improve the game's content and C++ source and foster a strong modding community, since the modding system and Lua scripting are uniquely intuitive and powerful.

This is an open invitation to all the people here that feel that there is no place for them in the indie-open-source space. We're sane people and the only limitations on free speech are if you're an obvious glowie or you completely ruin the chat. We also stand in direct opposition to another, trooned-out fork of the game you may or may not have heard of.

We're particularly looking for people that have been aching for a project like this to contribute to that isn't run by disgusting people, but obviously we invite anyone that just wants to hang out too.


Our self-hosted chat: https://www.cortexcommandcenter.net/home

Our github: https://github.com/Cortex-Command-Center/

Our gitgud (just a backup for now): https://gitgud.io/Cortex-Command-Center

Our ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/games/cortex-command-community-continuation