arglide 20 points ago +20 / -0

intelligent, knowledgeable, educated, learned

These are more or less synonyms, and are a 'wet streets cause rain' situation. The actual cause is going to university. The effect is they are indoctrinated by the mostly extremely left-wing professors running often extremely left-wing programs like women's studies. Feminists don't have college degrees because they're smart, they're feminists because they have college degrees. There's also a huge bias towards women who value having children... having children, which does not require a college degree. Leaving the feminist types who don't have children to be increasingly over-represented in more advanced degrees, not because feminists are more capable, but because non-feminists married a man instead.

financially empowered

This means "Earning money". This is just a sneaky way to say that women who choose to have a career are good, women who choose to raise children are bad. And also that, somehow, men who spend half their lives working and then give that money to their wives are oppressing them by doing so.


As illustrated above, this woman's definition of successful might as well be "Be a feminist". You can pretty much rewrite that sentence as "Feminists don't have children" repeated six times in a row.

arglide 16 points ago +16 / -0

Even within your own retarded, reality-denying framework, you'd still 'know' their gender, you'd just be provably wrong. The left is so detached from reality you can't even keep track of your own delusions.

arglide 17 points ago +17 / -0

All democrats should be forced to only receive medical care from black lesbian women, regardless of qualifications.

arglide 16 points ago +16 / -0

If they were capable of writing a good story, they wouldn't need someone else's IP to do it.

arglide 8 points ago +8 / -0

People are cutting their dicks off and the rest of society has to play pretend with them

Is that better or worse than the people not cutting their dicks off, and still demanding society play pretend that they're women, and that being called a man is so damaging to their psyche that it makes them kill themselves and is essentially murder genocide, yet continuing to have a dick doesn't bother them at all?

arglide 6 points ago +6 / -0

CONTENT WARNING: The above post contains a hateful term, phrases and imagery.


Left-wing hate groups such as "The Online Hate Research and Education Project" use this as a fear-mongering term to label the words and actions of their political opponents. The term itself is meaningless, and therefore impossible to disprove, but it carries the connotation that whatever innocuous words it's applied to must have sinister and potentially violent meanings.

arglide 15 points ago +15 / -0

The men at the Olympics are in the top 1% physically, so they can say "Hey, wanna fuck?" and it's considered hot. The men at gaming tournaments are probably not in the top 20%, and therefore not worthy of even speaking to a woman.

As has been observed by many before me, the line between sexy and creepy behavior is mostly whether the woman thinks you're hot. That's all that's going on in this post.

arglide 15 points ago +15 / -0

It was the first newspaper to cover edward snowden.

Specifically that was Glenn Greenwald, who has since left the Guardian, co-founded the Intercept, then got kicked out of that for wanting to report on the Biden laptop, and now spends most of his time writing articles about how much the current media sucks.

arglide 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't think I've ever actually heard someone say they're against free speech. But I can't count the number of times I've head "Of course I support free speech, but that doesn't include..."

arglide 4 points ago +4 / -0

They make carbon fiber "racing legs" that look more or less like that. The evidence is that they're actually more efficient at sprinting than normal calves and feet. I feel like the upper 3/4s of those pictures are different in some way, but I can't put my finger on it.

arglide 17 points ago +17 / -0

If a woman identifies as attractive, could she get taxpayer-funded plastic surgery? Boob jobs? All they're missing is a new phrase for "Being ugly causes me irreconcilable mental anguish".

arglide 5 points ago +5 / -0

Patrick McGoohan, the actor/writer/director from that show, did an earlier show where he played a spy, called "Danger Man". It's not officially connected and it's much less unusual, but it's still a solid spy show.

arglide 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's about expanding the audience. A lot of the people going to twitch are there for the normal game streaming, they don't go to the internet specifically looking for thots. But when they see it, some of them get pulled in, and the simp audience gets expanded. They're mostly men (or boys, in this case, which makes the whole thing significantly more unpleasant) and they already obviously have a desire for the streaming "relationship", so they're a rich source of future thot onlyfans audience.

Getting a new audience is often easier than getting someone to change their preferred brand.

arglide 17 points ago +17 / -0

It could mostly be condensed down to "I will not buy media that is clearly written by people who hate whites, hate men, or hate the idea that men might enjoy something."

arglide 13 points ago +14 / -1

go forward with your retarded egalitarian viewpoint and have women be part of the draft in which case, it's still retarded but at least it's being applied fairly

A society that actually treats men and women the same would be considered inconceivably cruel to women by approximately 100% of the population.

Having women be treated like men doesn't just mean women register for the draft, because as we know from women who voluntarily join the military today, when things get scary and it looks like they might actually get shipped off to fight, a substantial percentage of them suddenly become pregnant. The rate of pregnancy for a forced draft, for women who never even wanted to join the military in the first place, would be extremely high. Having an actually equal draft means, at a minimum, eliminating an exception for pregnant women: when their number comes up, either they're forced on birth control, and the ones already pregnant are separated from their child and sent off to basic training after birth, or just forced abortions all around. I can't imagine the left or the right agreeing to either one of those under any circumstances. Imagine the photograph: A crying woman, a crying baby, being pulled apart by uniformed MPs. Basically nobody has the stomach for that. Men being dragged out of cars and separated from their family at the Ukranian border, no problem, but never a woman. There are many men who have died in foreign wars who never even saw their child, who is then raised having never met their father, but women will never be expected to do anything similar.

arglide 33 points ago +33 / -0

As always with this sort of thing, take the content they won't allow in a remake, multiply it by two, and that's how much stuff they wouldn't allow in a wholly new game where nobody would even know what content they cut. Writers at big studios are all made to be servants of "sensitivity readers", AKA the most terminally offended left-wing faggots they can find. Good characters, good writing, and good games are being strangled in their crib by these assholes. Whatever the game design equivalent of corpoate memphis is, that's where the industry is going.

arglide 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yuzu's patreon displays the amount they make: $28,120/month, which puts the payment at 7.1 years of patreon income at their current level. Zelda: Breath of the Wild was when awareness of Switch emulation went mainstream on March 2017, but they only started their patreon in January of 2018, so they would have missed the big spike in interest. So given that their income would have started from 0, I would guess that 2.4m is considerably more than they'd cumulatively made on patreon, but they probably cleared at least 1 million.

arglide 9 points ago +9 / -0

I got some great food, and all it cost me was $20 per meal, 10% of my yearly income going to pay their welfare, my son stabbed, my daughter raped, my job lost to a diversity hire, my culture demonized and replaced, and society entering a gradual decline as we concentrate resources on importing the third world instead of improving the standard of living. What a deal!

arglide 6 points ago +6 / -0

Do you not starch and iron your bras? You should be ashamed to be seen in public.

arglide 7 points ago +7 / -0

The college I went to would send out emails when there was crime on campus when there wasn't an immediate arrest, basically "X crime reported at Y location, physical description of suspect Z". I'm sure most people here can already imagine what happened: The physical description kept including "black". So they stopped reporting race. The same happens on basically all news coverage.

In a choice between catching criminals or acknowledging that their political views are wrong, the left has been making the same choice for as long as I've been alive to notice it.

arglide 42 points ago +43 / -1

Alternative third panels:

"What if I googled one parent households by race?"

"What if I googled reverence for education by race?"

"What if I googled drug use by race?"

"What if I googled IQ by race?"

"What if I googled criminality and reverence for criminals by race?"

"What if I googled college application rate by race?"

When it comes to "Diversity is our strength", blacks are somehow so different from whites they bring a unique point of view in every field and thought process, but when it comes to explaining the cause of different outcomes, they're exactly identical in every way.

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