ZeroPercentCamoIndex 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm guessing he was up date on all his boosters.

GAD65-based Stiff Person Syndrome + autoimmune shit

Celine Dion got Stiff Person Syndrome during the vaxx rollout, first time I'd ever heard of it.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

oi oi, I love the look of Felvidek. Glowing Steam reviews which all suggest it's very short, so I might even be able to fit it in my backlog without forgetting it forever...

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 19 points ago +19 / -0

My favourite is this one:

The doctor who opened and moderated 2023's World Vaccine Congress, and who happens to be a pastor who 'heals body and soul', went up on stage and led various talks about how to reduce vaxx hesitancy.

He doesn't mention in his stage talks that he too has got permanent tinnitus from the jab, and that it's "extraordinarily bothersome" and still "debilitating". He just keeps on preaching.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 13 points ago +13 / -0

How fucking 'trad' can an Australian glowie ever be in the first place, considering the willing globalist puppet that that country's power structure has revealed itself as. Trad or not, she searched the entire world and picked an A1 cunt.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 8 points ago +8 / -0


The case for polyamory


I suspect this advert in the middle of the article, with a pic from that new faggy tennis movie, tells me more about the piece than the text does.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, there is an outside chance that I'm being incredibly uncharitable to the MaHoYo translation because I'm not going through and doing a comprehensive comparison. I'm just using it as a fallback for when I'm lazy or brainlocked, so it's possible that the 3-4 times the Japanese temporarily defeated me are the exact same points where the translators chose to inject... flourishes, or else were defeated by the text themselves - but I doubt it.

The point where I decided it's 100% unreliable in general was this: 鳶丸(tobimaru, a char name)の推測だが、この少年は個人的に譲れない事のみ白黒をハッキリさせる気質らしい。 It's a reasonably twisty sentence, despite the brevity, which means 'It was just Tobimaru's speculation, but the boy seemed to be of a disposition where he only sought confirmation on certain things, ones which he personally couldn't let slip by.' (My own translation, ugly for the purposes of including everything said). In context, the 'shounen' just asked for clarification on something said to him, which is out of character for him to do. The English has: 'Tobimaru had come to suspect that the boy had a very black-and-white way of seeing things.' Totally lazy, lacking insight and in fact gives the direct opposite meaning. It's a translation that kind of gives up on the entire grammar and tries to get by on latching onto the 'black-and-white' word used in the Japanese. The boy is clearly perfectly content for most things to exist in a grey zone, since despite being a fish out of water he only seeks clarity on rare, specific things. English only readers don't get told this. It just makes me wonder how much else they're not being told, or being told wrong, with every sentence that goes by.

The quality of presentation with the art and camera usage in the scenes is off the charts for a VN, still. On some level I'm glad that the officially translated game is, apparently, good enough for most to enjoy and love, but like you I've toyed idly with the idea of getting into this scene myself and setting the world to rights. The one I still toy with is the possibility of putting out the world's first and only worthwhile English translation of Cross Channel - although given the history of the different attempts to translate that one, it's probably cursed. The one on Steam is a foul travesty, anyhow, not least because it's so censored.

A while back, I got talking to a guy over our mutual enthusiasm for Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa. In the time it took me to finish reading through that VN a couple of years back, it got an official translation to English. From what I've seen, it's a pretty decent translation that captures the spirit of the original, although I can also testify by Parvati's tits it is heavily embellished in parts (the original Japanese in the pic is just 'nan ja?!?'). The English editor did however respond to a YT comment of mine and used it to make a correction to the script which was applied in a patch, apparently.

So anyway, the aforementioned Muramasa enthusiast at one point invited me to a discord server where several professional VN localisers supposedly hang out and discuss their work, including Moogy, the Muramasa guy who responded to my comment. I turned this invite over in my head and wondered if this might be my in-road into making some contacts and adding my own contribution - hopefully a better one - to this shit-stinking field. In the end I made my excuses and never clicked the invite. Because we all know what it's like - trannies and sexual degenerates. This would have been trannylation central. In fact I'm reasonably suspicious that Moogy himself is a tranny. If game translation can ever be redeemed, and I'm 80% sure it can't until there's a bigger cultural shift, it would take a lot more than me making friends on some dicksawed server, something which is probably only going to pose a challenge to my sanity and my retch reflex.

Anyway, if you ever do decide to take on the challenge of translating something independently, keep me in mind and shoot me a message lol. We couldn't possibly do a worse job than some of the stuff getting the highest praise.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reason number 437

Truth. There really are so many reasons. I picked up MaHoYo/Mahoutsukai no Yoru/'Witch on the Holy Night' for language practice a few days back. My Japanese is a long way short of perfect, so occasionally when my dictionary-fu fails me I switch to the English script for a reference point. This turned out quickly to be pointless in MaHoYo because the English is brutally bad. Any reasonably difficult sentence will attempt to paper over the translation cracks with Flavour(tm) or else will have a coinflip chance of just being completely mistranslated.

This is a game that's Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam, with thousands of reviews, so as far as popularity goes it's stratospheric for a VN, knocking on the door of Saya no Uta level. But these reviewers aren't even really playing the same game. I've never heard about any translation controversies or complaints with this game (although that might just be because I don't poke my nose into circles where it gets discussed). I think for most people it just 'seems good enough', but really it shouldn't be and isn't.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 10 points ago +10 / -0

Seems there's no room for mockery, they actively embrace the 'trannifa' label. So since it's uncontroversial, trannifa's the word for antifa one should use when talking with normies - force them to make the association and pick an alliance in their heads.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

With this long spent programming the golem, I'd complain to its manager too.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 8 points ago +8 / -0

The FGC is dead because it's full of this kind of woman/troon and their young enablers now. Notice how it's piggybacking off a sonicfox tweet and gets wall to wall Likes.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 8 points ago +8 / -0

They pretty much do their own policing, at this point

They aim for this. The modern state of affairs where they are mostly not permitted to be a law unto themselves is historically the more abnormal one. People know and worry about sharia but are mostly ignorant of talmudic tendencies:

Since the time of the late Roman Empire, Jewish communities had considerable legal powers over their members. Not only powers which arise through voluntary mobilization of social pressure (for example refusal to have any dealing whatsoever with an excommunicated Jew or even to bury his body), but a power of naked coercion: to flog, to imprison, to expel - all this could be inflicted quite legally on an individual Jew by the rabbinical courts for all kinds of offenses. In many countries - Spain and Poland are notable examples - even capital punishment could be and was inflicted, sometimes using particularly cruel methods such as flogging to death.

This was the most important social fact of Jewish existence before the advent of the modern state: observance of the religious laws of Judaism, as well as their inculcation through education, were enforced on Jews by physical coercion, from which one could only escape by conversion to the religion of the majority, amounting in the circumstances to a total social break and for that reason very impracticable, except during a religious crisis.

-Israel Shahak, 'Jewish History, Jewish Religion'

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guys our age need to lean the other way and tap into the spirit of grandeur, with words like 'splendid', 'magnificent' and 'remarkable', but also while trying not to seem too gay.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vids hosted on mp4upload have a working download button in the player. It wouldn't be the most convenient thing in the world but you could download them 1 by 1 while watching along in another tab.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 17 points ago +17 / -0

Blatant pretending. He says 'Japan is known for scaling down difficulty' while linking to some obscure shit about the original FF7, acting like he doesn't know the much more recent and bigger story about Squenix's Ethics Department getting involved with Tifa's tits. He just has no idea what any of it's about...! gawsh.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 10 points ago +10 / -0

as an author you're the puppet master behind the curtain, attempting to maintain the illusion that the puppets are real people acting in real events. But the moment the audience becomes consciously aware of your presence, you've failed as an author.

Well put. I watched a bit of this game earlier and this sort of thing bleeds through all over the dub (and practically any western dub in general, which is why they're intolerable to me). The VAs, particularly the female ones, never sound like they're performing a real character. Instead they always sound like they're intoxicated by the cool novelty of voice acting itself, which they milk for every bit of quirkiness, ostentatiousness and bossgrrl assertiveness, trying to reinforce their own egos as people outside the game.

The performances and the English script for this game are some of the cringiest I've ever heard. Instead of actors in a story, they feel more like some knockoff Critical Role session performing to a twitch chat.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 10 points ago +10 / -0

dublin-based group recently acquired by TransPerfect

TransPerfect... With the business they're in, the 'trans' is meant to refer to translation, but I can't help but feel it resonates with my own edit note. In any case, when it comes to tech companies, people should think of Dublin like they think of Ottawa. Likelihood of pozz is very high IMO.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 13 points ago +13 / -0

Full agree. It's just sticking in slang code words to signal to fellow ideologues.

Tangentially, /pol/ seems to have appropriated 'chud' as a self-descriptor of pride nowadays, like blacks with 'nigger'. But that doesn't make it any less of a hyper-specific piece of factional net slang.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 16 points ago +17 / -1

Interesting. Do we know who handled localisation?

I've been casually interested in this game from afar, so it would be disappointing if it's been tainted. While localisation is cancer and it's beyond dispute that many localisers deliberately set out to undermine the source material, this state of affairs has put everyone on a hair trigger and there is overcompensation going on where innocuous stuff is getting flagged. This Elron guy does seem to get a couple of things wrong. For instance in the full version of the pictured post, there's this part:

In English Lian states "Its so nice to meet you, ma'am. You might say im Nowas... oh, whats the word? Well, lets just say I occupy a special place in his life. But you can call me Lian. The aunty then runs off to tell the entire village Nowa has a girlfriend and hes embarrassed.

Lian state to the Aunty In Japanese Dōmo hajimemashite Noa-kun no sono nan teyuuka tokubetsuna sonzai tte iu ka. Nice to meet you! Noah, you are, how can I say, special. (conveying how much hes loved)

I'd say that in this case, the official translation gets it right and the poster just mistranslates.

"Let's go embarrass Nowa in front of his people" seems like more of a red flag since there's no trace of that in the Japanese. But if, in context, there's a pattern of this character behaving that way towards him already, it might fall in the category of 'flavour' - which I know many people are against, but some translations tend to be heavy on that sort of thing as a style choice, not necessarily an ideological rewrite. Yakuza games have always been full of it, for instance. Needs more examples and eyes on it to see for sure.

EDIT: reading further, 'chud' has apparently made its way into the localisation. This suggests it was worked on by terminally online trannies.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 5 points ago +5 / -0

So... they're saying all the same stuff they said about the first game, which also had “a wide range of ethnicities”? All the contrast is inserted by Kotaku. None of the direct quotes suggest a change in direction.

See where the quotation marks end in the article:

“a wide range of ethnicities” this time around.

Notice how they didn't speculate on whether black people will be in KCD2. They're too pussy for that fight just yet, plus everyone's grown way more sick of blacks since KCD1, so it's a losing question. However, they're acting like it's been asked and answered by contrasting Warhorse's milquetoast PR against the statement "back during the lead-up to the first game, Vávra insisted there wouldn’t be any Black(sic) people in it" - as if there is a clear change.

DT990P is right, this is FUD D&C bullshit. They are still seething about DEI rewriters like Sweetbaby being uncovered so they want you to be seething too and to think of their presence as normalised, in every last patch of the industry. Quick search shows the entire blogger warfront, pcgamer etc. all the usual suspects, are running this exact line: 'KCD2 will be diverse this time, what now racists!' They haven't told you a single thing that wasn't in the game reveal or prior PR, but they're acting like there has been some ideological confrontation that has worked out in their favour. The fact that at this stage they're too cowardly to have pushed the issue as strongly as it was pushed last time, suggests maybe the opposite.

That's not to say KCD2 won't be pozzed. Warhorse got acquired by Koch media and who knows if Vavra still runs his own show. I don't know, but neither do Kotaku et al. They are a lousy irrelevance, let them die.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 22 points ago +22 / -0

If you like this show on any level, I've lost any and all respect for you. In fact, I don't think I even view you as human any more if you like this show.

lmao now that's the kind of strength of feeling we need more of. I tuned into Synthetic once when he was playing FF7 Rebirth and was put off with how mild he was and how much he seemed to be pulling his punches, but maybe that's necessary in the moment, when you've made the commitment to sink tens of hours into one of these terrible games. In light of this, I'd take his opinion over Critical Drinker any day.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hit Detection

'Hit' as in, if you don't conform we'll put out a hit on you and hitpieces from our journoblog cocksuckers will rain down. Pay our protectio- I mean, detection fee and we'll detect any of these upcoming hits.

I don't think I'm joking; these companies know what they're doing and they pick brazen branding. The less said about what Sweet Baby were hiding in plain sight with their branding, the better.

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