Vicious_snek6 1 point ago +1 / -0

that makes sense, it's not how I remember it, but it was a different era, before everyone was sick of everything whedon.

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +6 / -0

theatre kids though yeah, we can agree on that, those people are the worst.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

It depends on what the game is designed for.

I was watching something that raised a good point, that ADS is put in to places where it doesn't belong. Titanfall being a good example. It's supposed to be a fast wall running thing, ADS is a temptation that pulls you away from that.

I'm all for ADS, so long as that pace is the point of the game.

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm not a member of any Orthodox church so it's not my place to critic the dogma used by a member.

Why not? Error is error. I don't need to be a prot to call out prot heresy

Vicious_snek6 9 points ago +9 / -0

yeah I'm at this point too.

They trampled anti lockdown protestors but bowed for BLM, the cops who refused the fake jab were forced out. All that is left are those who serve the rainbow flag, why not fly it for them, it's their flag. It's only honest.

Vicious_snek6 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Leftists are so brainwashed they think Biden is repairing the inflation problem Trump caused.

He did allow and enable it. Covid, triple the money and stop all production and services? There's going to be a load of inflation. Lockdown and therefore a lot of the current inflation are bad things Trump did. Dems just wanted even more of it

Vicious_snek6 12 points ago +12 / -0

"The government won't provide me with free sportsball!"

Governments have long put on circuses to appease and prevent revolt. Easier than doing a good job. But canada and the woke can't and won't even do that.

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +6 / -0

back in my day we rented westwood's lion king repeatedly from blockbuster and got stuck at the waterfall or throwing level.

For real though, there is good difficulty and there is bad difficulty. Clunky unresponsive controls and being hit despite not being in the shown area, do not make for 'fun difficult', and that was my expierience playing souls. For that matter, bullet sponge enemies doesn't make for 'fun difficult' either.

I'm fine with difficult, but have it be fast reaction difficult. That's where the fun is.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

more degenerate tho, so add a little weimar republic in too

Vicious_snek6 11 points ago +11 / -0

What a shameful way to go, betraying your own countrymen and putting them at risk to a muslim terrorist. Disgusting.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

Those tabs are cursed for sure. I'm more of a yabbit enjoyer, but respect for the cherry fox fans

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

He died a shameful death, attacking innocent countryman and putting them at huge risk. It's just lucky that nobody else was injured by the terrorist, no thanks to the inept and evil actions of this officer, he put them at great risk. Shameful.

Vicious_snek6 7 points ago +7 / -0

Me too. Under the current system the only ones who would get my organs would be those who complied, those who aided and abetted the gov. Those who took the mark.

Nah I’m keeping my organs thanks. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's grandma by giving people my organs which haven't been subjected to gene therapy.

Vicious_snek6 47 points ago +47 / -0

Ah yes, the soldiers that were kidnapped as children, injected with experimental drugs and subjected to experimental surgeries that left half of them dead or severely mutilated, and indoctrinated to serve the UN.

You know what, this fits perfectly.

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still keep firefox installed for one reason, and its to use 'download helper'

That's for when 'enable right click' on brave doesn't work and I cbf going through the whole f12 thing to find it in the sources

then stick em on rumble or something?

Vicious_snek6 14 points ago +14 / -0

The full thing is on rumble:

" Aufklärung über den Politischen Islam ...es ist unfaßbar" is part of the video title. I just searched mannheim and looked for a longer vid.

A highlight is the police throwing down 2 anti-islam signs behind the scene to try to cover it all up china style. At the 20:00 point and 21:40 points

Oh, and that cop is fucked, he was real wobbly after 20 secs, lot of blood.

Vicious_snek6 12 points ago +13 / -1

19th century was full of cuck 'enlightenment' shit. We need to go back to the 16th, at least, but I'm willing to hear argument for drawing the line earlier.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

She was couped for something minorly conservative like a 2% cut to some shit, done dirty.

Far better than sunak, bring her back.

Vicious_snek6 15 points ago +15 / -0

good to see some proper physiognomy again.

I'll check the ear thing myself later,seems interesting.

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +8 / -2

It might be better and have a lower kill count, but you're wrong on many points.

Communism revolves around ending private property ownership. National Socialism does not. This is such a major difference between ideologies that it alone disproves your claim.

It is still fundamentally a form of socialism and it comes right up the the line on private ownership. It's still your factory, in theory, but here's a party member to dictate how 90% of it gets run, and who you can employ. It's partially yours, on paper. Better? Sure, but not by that much.

Communism is based on egalitarianism DEI bullshit. Equity is it's only goal. National Socialism was based on natural hierarchies selecting the best of themselves. Quality was their aim.

No, it sought to eliminate class hierarchies (it is, after all, a socialism) and it wasn't exactly trad in regards to sex and the workplace (sex is more complex, because they also highly promoted and paid for motherhood due to their other concerns). It's not all hierarchies, sure, but it is not as free of proto DEI stuff as you might think.

National Socialism only required ONE nation to act in it's own interests, together.

A significant part of the nazi belief was a socialist and sort of Malthusian understanding of the world's economics. They needed lebensraum. Not for any particular resource, or just space for hypothetical larger future generations, but because their economic theories said the world and economy was doomed and they needed more if the German people were to not starve.

It was all for the benefit of one nation yes, but it needed the space of all others.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

boomers dont want to think it could happen again because in their minds they all fought against it and defeated it. By proposing it could happen again you are insulting their fake legacy.

People believe the boomers about this for some reason.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +7 / -2

In regards to the tommy stuff

You need to look at it from the perspective of the British. They are at least from their empire, there has been a fair bit of exchange through history, and for all the nepotism and cheating stuff, there are worse immigrants. No I don’t want them here but if I have to take em, if we need to take 20 bajillion immegrants this year, well at least these ones seem to have a stereotype of hard work/hard study ethic of sorts. More than can be said of other groups at least. It is easy to see how they might be perceived as better. And better doesn’t mean good

Praise of Indians and Asian immigrants is old liberal ‘model minority’ stuff. They are being praised because, in those perceived important areas (hard work, contributing) they are doing the right thing(with tonnes of caveats, yes I know, it’s relative) and integrating. As compared to say, the Muslim immigrants (Tommy’s focus) who by and large and stereotypically are not doing that and who are committing other crimes at higher numbers.

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