Unknownsailor 6 points ago +6 / -0

they would do it better because they're smarter than or superior to all the ethnics who've already tried and failed.

They are the Anointed, this is a given. It is a defining characteristic of the breed.

Unknownsailor 33 points ago +33 / -0

Read the comments to that twitter post. Literally this guy is one of those "real communism hasn't been tried" types:

The failures of past socialist projects were caused by the conditions of the revolution (including who came to power) and outside conditions and not every communist wants the same thing (politics is not a straight line). The market economy is shit and we need a new one.


This guy needs his helicopter ride.

Unknownsailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

kotakuinaction2 dot win is what I have bookmarked.

Unknownsailor 8 points ago +8 / -0

We live in a time where telling the truth gets you banned off of social media, fired from your job, and even debanked.

Unknownsailor 9 points ago +11 / -2

I have them blocked, I just wish blocks would work in comments, and not just for topics.

Unknownsailor 23 points ago +23 / -0

I hope he is willing to no longer be a kicker in sportsball, as he will most likely get released over this. No sports league team is able to withstand the social pressure shitstorm this speech is going to provoke, in any league.

He'll be gone by next week.

Unknownsailor 18 points ago +18 / -0

The bigger the Narrative, the more convincing it is. I can list half a dozen narratives off of the top of my head from over 40 years of watching the news push them that I know are false, but people still believe them today. McCarthy, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Vince Foster, just to name a few.

Unknownsailor 21 points ago +23 / -2

Don’t forget immediate oth discharges for female pregnancies

I'd go farther than that: single women get implanted birth control, no exceptions. If the women can't for medical reasons, she is discharged. Married women get implanted birth control while on deployable status only.

I'd get rid of all high year tenure, too, as well as allow servicemembers to opt out of advancement. Let people stay as long as they want, at the rank they want.

Unknownsailor 19 points ago +20 / -1

I could rant for days about my former service. Needless to say, it has about half the number of ships it really needs, and about half the personnel. If I had my way, I'd double the Navy's budget, re-open every CONUS navy base and/or naval air station closed since the end of the cold war, set a hard limit on flag officer numbers to no more than that of actual commissioned ships, and set it's budget at 1% of GDP forever.

Unknownsailor 12 points ago +12 / -0

GOP shows the entire world who they really represent in Congress, and it isn't native born Americans.

Unknownsailor 18 points ago +18 / -0

They think because they have a degree, and have good intentions, that makes them the Anointed, the Good People™ who have the absolute moral right to tell everyone what to do. Anyone who opposes them are by default evil, and the inevitable failure of their policies can only be due to two things: lack of effort, or failure to execute. Do it again only harder is how they always want to fix the former, and the latter is solved by more "education."

You see this in the phraseology the Anointed use all the time. An example that comes to mind: rural american vote against their own self interest by voting with Republicans.

These people are arrogant, spiteful midwits who never learn from their mistakes, and reject everything that contradicts their ideology.

Unknownsailor 10 points ago +10 / -0

Disparate impact has been a thing since 1970 USSC decision Griggs vs Duke Power. It is official US government policy that any policy or program that disparately impacts minorities is assumed as racist.

Unknownsailor 15 points ago +15 / -0

Big businesses have wielded the government as a weapon for more than 100 years. Did you think the robber baron era came about naturally? Look up the Lincoln County War in New Mexico. The movie Young Guns was based on that.

Athens, Tennessee was another case of local corruption involving government. It eventually devolved into a full on battle in 1946, with explosives and automatic weapons.

Unknownsailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go down to your local credit union, and use that. Small credit unions are as about as safe as banking can get these days. Stay away from any national bank, far, far away.

Unknownsailor 40 points ago +40 / -0

Remember what I said about the sanctions against Russia, that they were not designed to keep them out, but us in.

This prosecution against Tornado Cash is designed to do exactly this, keep us using only approved banking systems, and away from unapproved ones.

Unknownsailor 25 points ago +25 / -0

Don't you have a goat you're supposed to be fucking, or something?

I know you muzzies can't help but sperg out about women, because your culture is so fucking primitive about sex, but damn, just strap on a vest and send yourself to paradise already...

Unknownsailor 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have no sympathy for him. This has happened many times before, and until normies like this wake the fuck up, it will keep happening.

The left is fine with you until you offend their moral purity. Once you do, you are Evil™, and from that point on anything goes to absolutely destroy your career, your social life, and if at all possible, you personally. After all, evil people deserve everything that happens to them, don't they? /sarc

Unknownsailor 15 points ago +16 / -1

Paul Newman was a bad assed race car driver, too, before Tom Cruise got the idea of doing his own driving for Days of Thunder. I betcha Tom heard about it from Paul when they were filming Color of Money together 4 years before.

Unknownsailor 19 points ago +19 / -0

The “threat” of communist takeover was then as the “threat” of anti semitism is today - a rhetorical bludgeon used to erode American liberty.

Except that we now have been able to look at the KGB archives, and the Venona intercepts were declassified, and now we know that the "threat of communist takeover" was real. Commies had infiltrated the government, and McCarthy was absolutely correct.

Furthermore, social justice is communism applied to social dynamics, instead of class, and we all know social justice is the dominant religion of academia and the professional class.

Unknownsailor 11 points ago +11 / -0

This isn't just everyday rage, like you might have because some guy cut you off on the drive home. No, this is righteous rage, like every far left AWFL feels. Rage that is driven by moral outrage that someone, somewhere, dared to disagree with them.

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