TomSeeSaw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hope they build a lot of abortion clinics with their no-how. Will collapse from all the talent.

TomSeeSaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

Like the inbred pharoahs of old.

TomSeeSaw 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mobile gacha mechanics with time sinks being the favorite method of 'gaming'. I mean the only way a 'speed run' even makes sense, is if you find playing the game is too much of a chore so you want to end it sooner.

Who wants to be constructive in your approach when gambling and loopholes reward you better. I suppose in hindsight games imitating life isn't anything to be shocked about, till you realize that's exactly why you want an escape from reality.

TomSeeSaw 19 points ago +21 / -2

Thanks to the Mary Sue's taking over everywhere, I can't play any games with female protagonists and especially not in any physically active role where they are "amazingly better". Last time was the TR remake with the controversy that Lara was 'raped'. No kidding she's weaker. Doing the stealth/distance/careful gameplay actually made sense.

Nowadays rather get frustrated dying 30x to a nightmare boss in a DarkSouls/like, because git gud beats the git woke, no matter how many times "it's only the tip, not the whole thing up your ass" is said.

Not to mention the Hades loop is mind numbingly RNG. Must be what waking up every day troon is like.

TomSeeSaw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best news of the week!

Now if some good samaritan would wreck the 'LLY' on Mt Lee, the universe will be at peace.

TomSeeSaw 17 points ago +17 / -0

With half the labor market taking care of the children, that would improve take home salaries, reduce child care costs, improve child care & save the environment!

Wow u/gopower2024 you have some great ideas!

TomSeeSaw 6 points ago +6 / -0

Imagine how low your IQ must be to

Work for a vague non-entity while risking your life for pieces of paper over oaths made to be broken by your superiors?

Gee, let me think.

TomSeeSaw 19 points ago +19 / -0

You underestimate the blindness in the exec and exec ass-licking class at all the tech companies.

I guarantee that some internal pitch said, we can get everyone signed in, and then use 'AI' with their info to.... $$$$

The execs across the board are chasing always online data slurping to get in on AI, and damned be choice or privacy or legality because we have fuck you money.

TomSeeSaw 27 points ago +28 / -1

Police are attack dogs of the local government. To think they are ever on your side, rather than that of their political masters means you've got a mind for modern academia.

TomSeeSaw 7 points ago +7 / -0

They are busy investigating the ultimate predators. Honest parents that dare to parent.

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