Socalwackjob 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's simple, quit trusting media shlomos to be your moral guide. This is the beef I have with westerners in general, their naivete that other race will play fair and act morally righteous.

Socalwackjob 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure with the west but Japan has sufficient chance to reverse their migrant acceptance policy because some of them are already seem to be acting up and being general nuisance already like Johnny Somali. When that happens, I hope western busybodies take their business whining about Japan and take it elsewhere.

Socalwackjob 13 points ago +13 / -0

Left wing commies and socialists in general have no self-awareness and plenty of audacity to do something outrageous and be proud of that. Apple do not fall far from the tree that created these useful idiots, the tree meaning cultural marxists and frankfurt academics.

Socalwackjob 6 points ago +7 / -1

They got emboldened after 1994 or 1995 after Schindler's List got such a good reception. Before then, they were still powerful but they were not as bold enough to flaunt their degeneracy out in the open. It's funny I've been wanting to make a similar topic about this. You know how all these old school jews like Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Captain Kirk guy (I can't remember his name for some reason) don't seem as crazy and generally came from actual working class and had normal blue collar jobs before they got popular. While being from the working class certainly help people being humble in general and I have another theory, I don't think they never had any talmudic teaching in their youth. They are almost clueless about jewish religion and politics, and it reflects how they spend their life. They are almost very silent in current time and you never hear them trying to be relevant.

I think Schindler's List was a barometer for powerful elites to measure how trusting normal people were. When they saw how explosively good empathetic reaction the public masses had for the poor victims of holocaust, they took their gloves off and went full talmudic, And do you know what powerful jews love doing? Putting symbolisms in popular entertainment, once you see few of them, you know it's them doing it. Their policies speak for themselves how much goyims are just animals and serfs that only deserver slop and insects while they feast on god knows what. Don't be mistaken there were no pedophilia in hollywood before 94. It was rampant even in the 80's but they were careful then enough to be hush. I think this is why I'm not fond of jews. I have no tolerance for arrogance in general but most jews I have seen seem to think highly of themselves. I wasn't fond of them when I found out they were the ones behind popularising troon shit but then I found out whole bunch of things that I completely despise them for.

That insufferable busybody attitude, their penchant for wanting to be long-winded as possible when they could be concise to make a point, general affinity for degeneracy and then the tendency to be spergy autistic fuck when they are feeling cornered. I mean I'm also autistic and neurotic sperg myself but I don't feel any sense of unity towards them or any of the left wing golems they created. And I also credit them in parts how western culture in general seem to prop up and astroturf grifters with no fucking principles while shutting down people that are more good-natured and honest. Every time someone get popular, it has to be someone like Jake Paul or Ezra Miller or Neil DeGrassi Tyson to tout them as role models while quickly shutting down people like Pewdiepie, Notch or JonTron. The latter people are still pretty relevant but every now and then they say something truthful that offends certain group of people and they have to go. Cancel culture was all about shutting down people that are willing to say uncomfortable truth, if it should have really about justice, people should have been going after those perverts that went to Epstein Island but instead Weinstein was the sacrificial goat for the powers that be. And here we are.

I'm sorry I got a bit spergy for a moment even when I ironically complained about spergy people but I'm very passionate about this topic. I want to emphasise I think talmud is the true cause of everything wrong with the modern world. In first glance, it was supposed to be book about bunch of educated rabbis navelgazing about various topics for average jews to live as a guide but from what I have seen, it's just bunch of pseudo-intellectuals justifying to bend the rules and get around the system. In a way ancient jews were redditors playing semantics and logical fallacies before the reddit existed. Now we have a whole lot of fuckers playing semantics and being general nuisance breaking the laws. I mean how do you explain why such a phrase like this is popular? "Do as I say, not do as what I do"

Socalwackjob 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point we were right just about every single things. Religion, JQ, vaccines. And I don't have any optimism because these normies are far too slow on the uptake, I come to look down on them for being slow but the worst of all arrogant for no reason.

Socalwackjob 6 points ago +6 / -0

To me this is a best example of short 5 seconds of fuck around find out. A lot of cocky people can learn from this.

Socalwackjob 21 points ago +21 / -0

I don't mean the op poster but people responding to that account which you have to click in twitter for. Sorry, I should have added some more info.

Socalwackjob 11 points ago +11 / -0

Personally I don't see no harm you asking questions. But think about this, without the context, we don't know how she got comfortable enough to ramble about supposed white power in american politics, the moment the topic switched to jewish question, there's noticeable discomfort about her. You know how James O'keefe or his associates used to release expose where the idiots ramble about everything they aren't supposed to reveal?

I think Sneako used similar tactics to get her to drop her guard down and start rambling away. I don't know what Sneako did to make her intention loud and clear but this little interview sort of mirrored that big twitter discussion that was held months ago when Keith Wood was asking this dumb shrew if she was from Blackcube after she went there to whine about how she's a vicitim. At first they are very overconfident about expressing their statements but they suddenly shrink back and stammer if someone asks them about their background or involvement about jews.

Socalwackjob 10 points ago +10 / -0

You think Sneako interviewed her knowing nothing about her, her name or where she came from, etc etc? I mean fair enough, if that's what you think. But I want to give benefit of the doubt to Sneako because I have seen some men and women in the internet that act like her and they were pretty vocal and proud about their ethnicity.

Socalwackjob 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oy veeeeeeeeeey, methinks, lady doth protest too much. Way to incite the jewish stereotype. Cry out in pain while exploiting the goys.

Socalwackjob 11 points ago +11 / -0

This will leave you with a smile after you watch to the end.

Socalwackjob 3 points ago +3 / -0

This really explains the fucked up state of the west overall and it's going to get worse.

Socalwackjob 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not really surprised at all. And they all probably are based in Washington DC and engaged in child trafficking. I think most glowie are evil but Washington DC glowies are worse. Those boomers at insurrection had stood zero chance at getting fair trials.

Socalwackjob 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why I avoid buying chinese games as a rule even if they get very good reception. The system was rigged for a while. Chinese and Korean games most of the time don't need to worry about localisers fucking with your game nor putting anime characters in their games nor random censorships. This is why I hated seeing people sucking off and simping for steam.

Socalwackjob 6 points ago +7 / -1

I argued with similar kind before. This zionist jew was rambling we should not be racist and import the third-world refugees, when I gave a smart ass response, the guy got actually furious and made some veiled threat about how he's watching me. These fuckers drop their masks real fucking quick when they are on the losing end.

Socalwackjob 9 points ago +9 / -0

I like Japan a lot. You can understand why I'm furious because I say it a lot of times before.

Socalwackjob 4 points ago +5 / -1

Didn't I specify in my post? Your kind, I thought, or us people thought if we didn't bully jews, they would leave us alone. No apparently not. You've gotta shove your faggot shit down on people's throats not willing to swallow your bs because I find about 90% of your kind got talmudic brain rot taught from early age. And notice someone like this guy tries so hard to split the hair because he is dying on the hill to defend their own kind. I've been waiting to post these links.

Socalwackjob 19 points ago +19 / -0

Here I was already furious with Raum Emanuel's shenanigan, here we have a subhuman this evan loves worf doing his best to subvert the foreign nation. If you scroll down a little bit, one user gives more info about him. It's people like him that I wonder if I should have gone to Japan like I originally planned. I'm kinda bummed out by the time I can actually travel there again, these talmudic roaches ruined the integrity of the country.

Socalwackjob 6 points ago +6 / -0

The whole far-left antifa, sweet baby circle all have pedos in their ranks. Nowadays they cannot confidently post their degeneracy in the instagram since the recent fiasco shone the light on these roaches but I'm kinda confident a lot of them condone grooming kids to their lifestyle.

Socalwackjob 2 points ago +2 / -0

But we know normies do seem to lurk here as we found before. And people who regularly posts here could drop this kind of info on some normie friends if they still have some outside connection. I always thought the whole problem with this kind of community is it's little too isolated as a result, it hardly spread any kind of red pills or info that aren't shared widely to any unsuspecting people.

Socalwackjob 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm more of the opinion, normies got to face the truth at some point no matter how disgusting it gets. I feel this whole drag queen library hour and troon shooter menace started because the western society just ignored the early warning signs like fucking idiots now we can't put that genie back in the bottle.

What I hated the most about the western society is how they can attack low hanging fruits because there's no consequence but they actually can never attack the true threat that is way more irreparable the longer you leave it alone. This is why I have zero tolerance for enlightened centrists and head-in-the-sand dimwits that pull whataboutism.

Socalwackjob 14 points ago +14 / -0

Oh you have no idea. This shit ran deep and went on for decades. Media would be quick to dismiss it because of ingroup bias. For awhile I just assumed the media was just protecting billionaires. Well by now, we know it's more than that.

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