RaisingPhoenix 18 points ago +18 / -0

The announcement of Diablo infinite rather than a proper Diablo game, which had by far the best question asked of them of all time

RaisingPhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because baby formula makes bank, and they want more dosh.

RaisingPhoenix 12 points ago +12 / -0

Optics matter.

Example: Someone call you a racist and you go on an apology spree over it? You're an idiot and your career will be destroyed. Why? Because apologizing (especially for something politically related) is a sign of weakness in today's world, you won't gain anything by apologizing and will instead give the SJWs the ammo needed to confirm your destruction in the eyes of normies. The correct response is to tell them to fuck off.

Another example:

You discover that a very wealthy Jewish individual is running a corporation that is actively trying to control several aspects of society and more or less create a new slave caste. How do you bring this to the public?

If your answer is to immediately state that they are Jewish your answer is likely bad optics. Normies are extremely protective of Jewish people, if you point out that he is Jewish you will be dismissed as a schizoid moron and thus your efforts will be in vain.

So whats the correct way to bring this information to the public, and perhaps hint at his ethnicity without overtly stating it? Focus on the wealth and the highly likely chance that the individual comes from a very wealthy family, and give the individuals full name. If they had a prior name, give that too. Then just provide the evidence of wrongdoing

Mentioning the name will often provide some clues as to background, and providing context for their wealth (especially cliffnotes history of that wealth) hints this as well.

RaisingPhoenix 4 points ago +6 / -2

Honestly, I think escalation is Ukraine's goal. They want Russia to escalate in order to force NATO to get involved. Or at least they believe NATO would get involved in Russia escalates.

RaisingPhoenix 6 points ago +8 / -2

I believe isis did kill those Russians, but I also believe they were paid to do so by Ukraine/CIA

RaisingPhoenix 11 points ago +11 / -0

It really sickens me that they are allowed to do this.

Payment processors should not be allowed to refuse to process a transaction for any reason barring illegality.

RaisingPhoenix 8 points ago +10 / -2

It does say that it promotes satanism, which doesn't typically resonate well with normies and is often immediately thrown into the "oh thats just a schizoid loon" bin. Regardless of whether or not it actually is promoting satanism. You can thank the evangelicals sperging out about DnD for that one.

Also...pointing out that he is Jewish is honestly bad optics to normies. Because normies are largely pro-jewish.

Optics absolutely matter, thats why the communists have infested nearly every single group that presents messaging to the public. Communists understand optics matter, or they wouldn't have bothered taking control over the optics. Don't make their work easy.

RaisingPhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, I think they are on the same side as the communists of the soviet union so...

RaisingPhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

That and the more open they are about why and how they are running it, the more toxic their politics become to everyone else

RaisingPhoenix 15 points ago +15 / -0

I bet that they have to do this because of bad actors trying to overwhelm the archive sites to try and fill it with useless crap.

RaisingPhoenix 11 points ago +11 / -0

Electric cars suffer from an extreme weakness: exceptionally volatile batteries. Until that is fixed, EVs shouldn't ever become a mainstay, because they are simply more dangerous to drive than normal combustion engines.

You get in a car wreck with an EV, you genuinely risk the damn thing exploding, especially if its raining.

RaisingPhoenix 80 points ago +80 / -0

I am going to laugh so fucking hard if they blame Trump getting re-elected this year on gamergate 2.

Just like how they blamed GG for him being elected back in 2016.

RaisingPhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

It surprises me that he is still employed, especially with how pervasive the meme is against him. The whole "Uh oh Jim Cramer just endorsed something, that means its going to fail catastrophically momentarily!" which is quite funny....especially when it fucking does

RaisingPhoenix 9 points ago +9 / -0

Good lord, this was almost painful to read. Its just sad to hear how far this guy has fallen. Just goes to show that you should never let your vices get the better of you I suppose.

Thank you for posting this summary here. I hope Nick has a bit of an awakening and gets his life together before its too late.

RaisingPhoenix 36 points ago +38 / -2

I think its more likely that he actually did die of natural causes...probably tied to a certain vaccine that seems to have a penchant for causing clots....

That said, the white house having those statements ready to go and so immediately willing to use his corpse to demand for more blood money for their pet war is definitely suspect.

RaisingPhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

The more obvious the "fortification" gets, the more likely people are to start getting uppity about it.

RaisingPhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another notch in its favor is its extreme attention to detail. There are a lot of little things this game has in it that you might not notice unless you scrutinize it closely. Such as various reload animations (such as guns having a 1 handed reload for when you have a shield and a proper partial reload for the revolver), a full first person ADS for all weapons including reload animations for that view point, the rocket launcher have back-blast (though that ones more obvious), and full on terrain deformation to name just a few things.

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