FFS, faggotry wasn't enough, now they're setting up to sell polygamy.

Fucking disgusting. I hope Walt haunts all of them.


OK, so noobie me used WealthSimple to gamble a few dollars to learn about how the stock market works.

So I bought 36 shares @ .28 cents apiece of some shitty little gold mining company called Argonaut.

Their value shot up to 39 cents yesterday because of news it's being eaten by a slightly bigger fish called Alamos.

Can someone ELI5 what this means?

News release, with stock stuff in it:


I get the sense that I'm about to be winning, but I'm not sure what to do.


OK, who wants in on a War Pool?

I bet that they'll do it the morning of Feb 1, just before dawn.


Aus and NZ, too. And see what happens.

Because it's too exhausting to explain that it's not a discovery if you don't share that knowledge with the rest of the world and just keep it secret to you and yours. But they DO think globalization is great, so ...


This here is a Smithosian article that kind of makes fun of the music union mafia of 1930, at the advent of sound film. They made ads (as you can see in the illustrations) using some rather lame "scare tactics" about how "robots" (a new term/concept at the time as well) would be making "soulless music". Hilarious, right? Because we're talking recorded music, not robot-made music as we understand it:


Oo, that's some scary robot there, makin' musical mince-meat with his grinder ...

Now fast forward a bit.


Not to mention them holographic whatchamacllits .. vocaloids ...

This could actually be a recurring series. "We Were Warned".



I have read theories where they thought Man was possibly the result of "neoteny", when a sexually-mature adult animal retains aspects of its childish form.

I've also been saying for a while that Man looks to me more and more like an idiot savant amongst animals, rather than a paragon.

He brags about his big brain making him the technological Godzilla that he is, but it looks like human brains getting bigger just make them worse ...

I wonder what that says about the Neanderthal.


They've always been out of touch, if you think about it. We've been fed and led since film and television were invented.

I mean, do you really think the average American would have been scandalized over the sight of a pregnant woman on television .. at the height of the Baby Boom (1950s, as in "I Love Lucy") when pregnant women were everywhere and pretty much de rigeur? Come on, think about it, who on earth would be offended at the sight of pregnant, blonde or red-headed white ladies?

Just the beginning of a thought I thought I'd throw out for to see if anyone else could think of anything similar.

Oh, and the creepiness that are Shirley Temple movies. And what buddy is talking about in "Anything Goes".