KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought the writer was white?

Side question. Every single half-Asian half-white woman I know IRL is very large. What's up with that? I'm thinking of at least 5 people I personally know.

KeeperOfTheGate 1 point ago +6 / -5

I'm not in favor of removing Dom, but I DO think we could use at least a 2nd mod who can go through and remove the clearly and uncontroversially spam/junk/troll comments and ban the users.

I am in favor of keeping R16 solely for the reason that without it, the terminally online obsessive posters will be even worse about changing every single topic to be about (((noticing))) and this board will lose its entire reason for existing.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +5 / -2

Correction to “actual systemic racism throughout the southeast”. Government sponsored and supported racism was all over. The cities of the northeast and midwest REMAIN far more segregated than most southern cities.

KeeperOfTheGate 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, it is a technical argument. Technically, the kernel design, UNIX and NextStep userland, and in more recent years, hardware design, has made malware, trojans, and viruses much harder to implement. There have been a vanishingly small number of even tech demonstrations ever released.

Heck OS9 have more viruses than OSX/macOS has had.

If I were a blackhat hacker, I would want to target the wealthy users. Macs are about 1/3 of all desktop/laptop computers in the US. iPhones even higher.

You can’t just hand wave this away.

(And I have done the Hackintosh thing and the OCLP thing and the boot Linux thing over the years)

KeeperOfTheGate 4 points ago +5 / -1

Neither (Wozniak leaving or Jobs dying, though I do think they took a hit without Jobs).

The beginning of the loss of what made Apple special was the iPhone. It's by far their most successful product ever and it is by far the product that has given them the most marketshare and growth, ever. It's also diluted the original focus of the company.

Tim Cook is a typical MBA. He's been a great administrator and has grown the value of Apple tremendously. He's also led it away from some of the things that make it special.

KeeperOfTheGate -1 points ago +2 / -3

Gotta (largely) disagree with this. Since Macs started running a UNIX operating system -- OS X (yes, it is officially a UNIX) -- Macs have been superior to Windows for maintaining and running. Malware, viruses, trojans, almost nonexistent. Hardware-wise, at my company, our Macs tend to last roughly twice as long as our Windows computers. Today, our average Mac is from ~2017-18. We are JUST starting to upgrade to "M" chip Macs. Our road warriors basically never have Macbook Airs / ipads die unless they are dropped or something like that. We've used Dell laptops, Surfaces, etc., and while some of them are very nice, they're not as long lived. (I admit I enjoy the Surface.)

About 1/4 of our remote employees are on Windows PCs of some kind and the rest are on Macs. I spend far, far more time remoting in to the PCs to help with various issues than I do to the Macs.

Magic, no? Expensive, yes, quite. Long lasting? Also yes.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a really fascinating idea! Too bad it's probably too late to reach most of those people.

I knew a girl who was Turkish who studying in the US in college. She was PROUD of the fact that her grandfather had been a slave, because in Ottoman Turkey, many of the government officials were slaves. That's one way to keep the bureaucracy working efficiently--make them all the personal property of the Sultan!

KeeperOfTheGate 9 points ago +9 / -0

Slavery in the Ottoman Empire lasted until roughly 1910s and 1920s (it had been on the decline for many years, but was not totally eliminated until 1930).

Slavery basically existed in every single human culture around the world and throughout human history. It took modern European and Christian morality to eliminate slavery and eliminate it throughout the entire world.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wikipedia page about the author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brent_Weeks

Lightbringer. Unique magic system I think is maybe the biggest takeaway!

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Flashman. These are greate recommendations. That's solidly going back on my "reread" list. I learned a ton of history from those books!

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

What did I finish -- "Assassin's Apprentive" series by Robin Hobb. Very fun. Without giving anything away, it's the story of an orphaned boy who is brought to the king's court and who...well...goes through a lot!

I think I'm going to start on "Lightbringer" by Brent Weeks next.

KeeperOfTheGate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh man, I read those years ago and LOVED them. I should reread.

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am 100% in favor this. My town installed shotspotter and then removed it because the most-SJW progressive politicians fought against it.

Let the gangsta neighborhoods be riddled with bloodshed and crime. If they don't want to do anything about it, good for them. I'll live somewhere else.


KeeperOfTheGate 11 points ago +11 / -0

Totally. It's a racist insult. Oreo is another one. This woman 100% intended "coconut" as a racist insult, and it's hilarious watching her try to spin it as being a protest against white supremacist political policies.

Back in the day when there were goths at school, I was walking with one of my Chinese friends. He seems a couple of Asians hanging out with the trenchcoat kids with safety pins in their clothes, etc. He spits and says "Fucking bananas. Yellow trash."

I find moments of honest racism like this reassuring. Emphasis on honest.

KeeperOfTheGate 20 points ago +20 / -0

"There are some experts who might say they find the placard to be racially inappropriate, even racist."

"Even though some language may be pejorative, it doesn't make it racist. Coconuts--brown on the outside, white supremacist values on the inside."

Coconuts--brown on the outside, white supremacist values on the inside

This is the funniest shit I've ever listened to.

KeeperOfTheGate 0 points ago +2 / -2

The others are, unfortunately, all too scared to resist/fight back...

I 100% would be too scared to do anything.

Where I live (US South) there have been multiple road rage shootings in just the last year. As in, somebody gets pissed off in traffic and shoots another person or car.

It's not worth fucking around with crazy. Me? I have a lot to lose. I have a job, family, house, kids, health, never been arrested, etc. What does some insane dude going around grabbing people's food have to lose? He's already doing insane stuff, what are the chances he pulls a knife or a gun?

It may be pussy on my part, but there's no way in hell I would fuck around with someone like this.

KeeperOfTheGate 10 points ago +10 / -0

Haven't played it, haven't followed news, played the crap out of BG1 / BG2.

When you say Act 2 is not terribly well executed, do you mean plot? Side quests? Amount of content? That is, the mechanics of the game should be pretty consistent between acts right? So what tailed off so dramatically after Act 1?

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not at all! I'm not saying there aren't things in Linux that are more complicated, nor am I saying that you won't have to learn anything new. But, it's not rocket science. If you can program in Godot or what not, you can pick up Linux.

Seriously, try it out with a VM. Get an Ubuntu installer, spin up a free Virtualbox VM, and have at it. You can have a desktop up and running in minutes.

(Ironically, I'm not a huge Linux fan. I've been running FreeBSD on various devices for more than 20 years now. I feel like it's kind of falling behind now due to the dominance of Linux and the lack of Docker, but it's just amazingly solid and consistent for servers.)

KeeperOfTheGate 14 points ago +14 / -0

Honestly, Linux is not hard. If you're any sort of a power user, and especially if you're doing any programming, you're really doing yourself a disservice if you don't know at least some linux.

I can't imagine being a Windows-only dev. The *nix/*bsd commandline tools are just so insanely powerful.

It can't get much easier than installing Ubuntu.

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

I loved Delphi back in the day.

Never been a fan of Xcode.

Vim on the other hand...

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

All are declining, but the mainlines seem the hardest hit. Thankfully.

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