IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why don't you just fuck off to reddit, ya retarded faggot? Your deliberately disingenuous faggotry isn't going to fly here.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nice to see Sweet Baby's faggotry has turned into a death sentence for games they work on. Too bad for this faggot, but not answering with "no" is the same as saying yes.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 9 points ago +9 / -0

Phishing is also a distinct possibility. Lot of normies are too retarded to check what URLs they're actually following and most are too retarded to understand basic internet security.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not hard to use the full name once and switch to an acronym after that to save time. Using the acronym first is reddit tier faggotry, especially when it looks like you made it up yourself.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk -2 points ago +3 / -5

Did you really post a reddit link? Imagine being gay on this site, except a faggot like you doesn't have to actually imagine anything.


IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 25 points ago +26 / -1

Immigration is one solution.

No, it isn't. Not unless your goal is turning these countries into the same kind of third world shit-holes the replacements are being shipped in from. Getting rid of bullshit like feminism and returning to the roles that allowed civilized society to thrive is the real solution. It's also something the ones pushing replacement migration will never consider.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

The continent has been noticeably improved by the people who've gone there. Too bad the natives will let it fall apart as soon as they're left unsupervised, but that will be a problem for them.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 10 points ago +11 / -1

Or that you shouldn't be too "white."

I'll make a more succinct definition for "acting White." I'll call it "being civilized", because Africa was still in the stone age prior to Europeans arriving.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

A fair question. Unfortunately, I have no idea. That's why I didn't name anyone specific. It honestly feels hopeless so long as microsoft owns these series. Expect DEI, anti-White racism, pro-faggotry, other degeneracy and other ESG compliant bullshit to continue, regardless of who's name is listed as developer.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the history of "safe bets" I'd say that has to be one of the safest. All of the real talent got chased off by DEI faggotry or retired and was replaced with DEI faggots and other equally worthless token employees.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

The most they'd do is make the propaganda and other degenerate faggotry more subtle. I want them to crash and burn, although I expect whoever picks up the pieces will continue the same bullshit.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 9 points ago +9 / -0

Shutting Bethesda down and letting competent developers handle their IP is about the only way to handle them. Nobody still at Bethesda has what it takes to actually make good games any more.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 23 points ago +23 / -0

1998? You mean the time when Bill "Over 26 Flights On Epstein's Plane" Clinton was in office? A lot of things are adding up and the results are ugly.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Too bad for them now, but the military fucked itself by prioritizing diversity quotas instead of competent soldiers. They drove out the most competent soldiers and now they're left with the degenerates, DEI and those who were willing to tolerate being in the presence of the first two.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have an archive link, just in case somebody points it out to them. This is too stupid to not be preserved.


IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 6 points ago +6 / -0

What kind of facilities? If they're things like hotels, that's fucked. If it's camps or prisons, then at least they still have their priorities straight.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alright, faggot, if it's so unimportant, then why did it need to be censored at all? What is a pro-censorship faggot like you even doing on this site in the first place? You sound like every other retarded leftoid that defends this faggotry.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 16 points ago +17 / -1

Islam literally teaches that nothing is off limits when it comes to the infidel. Taqiyya even outright tells them to lie, until they have the numbers to implement sharia law. Anyone who wasn't totally ignorant of islam saw this coming all along. This is just an inevitability.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of modern slang terms sound like they were invented by semi-literate retards. Hearing shit like "yeet" or "bussin'" immediatelys make me think less of whoever is saying it.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is like buying a classic car, putting its hood ornament on a Trabant and then trying to pass it off as the same car.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the difference between them being an agent of the state or an agent of the party? They sound like they have the same end result.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

But them taking worthless pieces of paper for actual products and commodities was a good trade for us.

Please define who you mean by "us" here. It sure as fuck hasn't benefited me in any way.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. You're too retarded to even to realize that a Kafka trap won't work here. Fuck off, you retarded faggot.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 16 points ago +16 / -0

Escape From New York feels like a damned how to guide now. Out of all the movies I would've wished were real, I didn't expect I'd be praying for both "Escape From" movies to be non-fiction.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

This excuse is boring copium, it's not just one or two moonbats crowing about this stuff it's a fuck load of people and it's all over the right.

This is a prime example of how it's done. They point to a few weirdos, probably just plants too and pretend they represent all of their opposition.

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