Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a friend who builds PCs for a living, and he had one guy pay him $5k and said go nuts. He built the best thing he could imagine, got it all together, and the damn thing wouldn't boot. Took him weeks of messing around to get it figured out (obscure voltage requirements for the GPU and MB drivers). This wasn't some noob either we're talking an experienced pro who does this all the time.

In my experience building PCs there's always some damn thing that gets fucked up. The last build I did took at least two days of tinkering to get it all running properly. Then one of the fans crapped out immediately and I had to spend another weekend taking it all apart and replacing it. That wasn't too bad when I was a single guy but now with a family and three kids there's just no way that's happening. I'm dreading the day this thing finally quits for good but I'll probably pay for a pre-built machine rather than dick around with it myself.

Meanwhile the wife appreciates having a slick PS5 she can jump on and play Diablo or Sandrock and not have to mess with anything.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I built a complete mid range gaming PC in 2014 for about $1500 (I had to scrounge for deals to get the price that low). Since then I've replaced the videocard twice (once for performance, once because it died) for $600 each ($1200) both SSD and HDD ($300) the RAM ($100) couple of fans ($50) and two gaming mice ($100). So that's $3200 in ten years for a machine that does play everything but is now low tier. My friends spend easily double that and I think they're nuts, and as you say if I was strictly a console gamer I would only be out $1600 or so. So my quoted statement stands, it costs twice as much to be a PC gamer.

I've tried to keep a modular build where I can swap out parts and honestly this is the closes I've come. They always end up changing the port types, HDD interfaces, and so on every 5 years (Remember an AGP port?). So usually its a whole new build each time. Kinda amazed this one has lasted this long.

Also the idea that anyone can take their random internet box and make it a gaming machine is pretty unrealistic, since most people aren't buying full size cases w/ space for the needed components, performance cooling, etc. Try taking a micro PC and adding even a bottom tier GPU or replacing the gimped i3 and see how easy it is. Or more likely, people will have some cheapo laptop they bought from Costco w/ 4gb of RAM soldered to the board.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I shouldn't have to explain this but buying a console, plugging it in, and playing a game is obviously a lower bar of entry than buying a bunch of parts and doing your own build. Apples to apples, we have to compare prebuilt PCs to consoles for that reason.

This is an example of Special Pleading. You want to arrange the scenario in such a way that your argument makes sense, but that's not how the world works. Mom and dad go to the store and buy and Xbox for their kids, not a CPU, RAM, Motherboard, GPU, Case, fans, etc. etc.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

PC gaming is obviously more expensive. That isn't to say it doesn't have benefits, but for a regular user who just wants to plug in the latest game and play on the couch, you're not replacing a console with a PC.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +4 / -3

I did a quick search for $500 gaming PC and they all were running 2060s, a card so bad I wouldn't use it for my mom to play solitaire on. You could probably use it to play Fortnite or CoD on potato level but you're not getting the same performance with games like Cyberpunk or Dragon's Dogma 2 as you would with a console.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +7 / -5

Even the cheapest gaming PC costs double a console, and if you want something good you're looking at 3x-10x the price. Then you have to upgrade every 5 years minimum.

My current gaming PC was built in 2014, it's on its second set of HDD/SSDs, second set of RAM, and 3rd video card. For the same money I spent on it over that time I could have bought 4-5 PS5s. You can't deny consoles provide value for the money. Steamdeck is a viable alt though, and if someone makes 'Steam consoles' it's over for Xbox/Sony.

Guy_Incognito76 10 points ago +10 / -0

I've noticed they've gone from "Stop objectifying videogame characters" to "Objectify the ones we say to objectify only, for the reasons we say only."

Yet again showing they don't care about principles, they just want to be in charge.

Guy_Incognito76 3 points ago +3 / -0

My prediction: AI is a ridiculous scam and everyone will laugh at it.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reminder that Microsoft is a pajeet company now and they don't give a shit about brands or frachises, just wringing every last drop of value out of the stock and then throwing away the dessicated husk.

Guy_Incognito76 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's a Sony published game but Steam is just too big a market anymore so they thought they'd use it to try to drive traffic back to psn and whoops it backfired.

Guy_Incognito76 11 points ago +11 / -0

Last time I used Rufus to make Win11 image USBs it created an admin account automatically and skipped the entire OOBE.

That's gone now?

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +7 / -2

I feel like these guys are being spun up now to distract from Israel. No one really wants a caliphate in Germany, they want a caliphate in the holy land.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

Christianity has been in a death-spiral ever since it began lowering its standards.

When you accept everyone who breaks your sacraments, what does your religion even mean?

Guy_Incognito76 7 points ago +7 / -0

You don't need a blue check 1000 word post debunking it. No one cares. They blamed White people for the BLM looting and arson FFS.

Target the money and this will all stop.

Guy_Incognito76 6 points ago +6 / -0

The real joke is how many romance novels feature a plot of a woman being carried off by a wild man and ravished.

Guy_Incognito76 8 points ago +9 / -1

If you meet assholes all day, you're the asshole.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

-Didn't happen in America

-Didn't happen to Americans

-Didn't happen by Americans.

Who cares.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

We are living in a post-profit world.

Companies show value from stock prices and assets (like IPs), NOT revenue. The stock market is a suicide cult at this point. Companies use all their assets to back loans and then use that cash to buyback stock and buy more IPs, which gives them more assets they can use to back even more loans. It just wrings every last drop of value out of the system before it all collapses.

Obviously this should be illegal and probably is but everyone is too dependant on the system to do anything about it. Nothing will fail until everyone fails.

Guy_Incognito76 8 points ago +8 / -0

Seems pretty odd behavior. You gotta figure Sony slapped this shit on them at the last second and threatened to pull certification, while also forcing them to keep quiet about it.

All the more reason to release on PC.

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