Euphemism 8 points ago +8 / -0

The openness in which they speak about spying on the users, is directly proportional to the ignorance of the users on how much they're being spied on.

Euphemism 35 points ago +35 / -0

While Hamas protestors blocking roads, highways and railways get coffee delivered, police escorts and protection.

We all need to know how late in the day it is...

Euphemism 36 points ago +36 / -0

Seems to me they sidestepped your questions.

You asked about the mRNA spikes... they answered you about HIV. While similar, not the same.

Euphemism 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not a bug, a newly deployed feature for all the newly crossed illegals.

Euphemism 8 points ago +8 / -0

BS - if we had lost already, none of this would be needed now.

It isnt good, and we have been losing - but isn't that the way all good stories go?

Losing for a bit, watching hope slip away, until a few little trickles of hopium, then a drip, then a stream, then watching TPTB start to freak out(where we are), and then the final battle ....

If they had won, and we were powerless - they would be in the open.

Euphemism 6 points ago +6 / -0

There really should be some MAGA(for lack of a better descriptor) job board or connection portal.

I was let go for refusing the jab, things were already stressed thanks to politics but I took the package, left of good terms.

In every position I have gone out for, there seems to be the same undercurrent of GSE speak, that I keep thinking is going to fuck me up if I proceed with any of these corps.

Euphemism 24 points ago +25 / -1

I don't think anyone has ever said that any one group has a monopoly on jerks.

Merely, that one specific group of jerks seem very over represented in the halls of power when a country goes through this shit..

Not sure why any place would have an issue with noticing that - especially if they have no issues noticing any of the other situations when one group of people seem to be over represented in societal issues.

Seems to me, and I really could be wrong - but those that scream about stormfags tend to be the same type of person that screams about any inconvenient facts/figures/stats out there. Mentally weak IMO.

Euphemism 8 points ago +8 / -0

Same as it ever was.

The sadness is that I thought we had grown beyond making the same silly mistakes. Ohh well.

Euphemism 10 points ago +10 / -0

Echoing all the other comments to you..

Great job man !! Way to go! You deserve a lot of credit. Most people go their entire live's ignoring those signs. You saw it, and did something about it.

You are the master and commander of your future. Tally Ho !

Euphemism 39 points ago +39 / -0

Should be S.O.P now. Be friendly, open and nice and then ask them who they work for.

Any MSM people - turn on a dime and be mean, vile and rude! Let them know that they are the enemy, and need to leave now, that they are not welcome to interact with any of them. Have the contrast be so severe that there is no doubt that it is 100% personal - let the narcissists know they are non-important.

Any non-MSM media - be friendly, open and nice. Make the MSM beg the alternative media for access.

Euphemism 23 points ago +23 / -0

"Their revealed beliefs are that there is no pandemic and masks are a sign of loyalty, or they wouldn't be leaving their homes and they'd be running away from anyone without a mask."

  • So right, it needs to be said twice.
Euphemism 63 points ago +63 / -0

They really have turned cowardice into a virtue...Insanity.

Euphemism 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ya seriously, I've read every word and all I can think is that this dude has been done real dirty.

Sorry to OP for having to have gone through that, but know that in the end I am sure we all learn the truth. The grandfather(RIP) knows who did, and felt, what. Peace be on all involved.

When I was just a young'n, I had a similar(although no where as severe) issue with my "family" and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't consolidate that my family whom I am supposed to trust with my life and who had always told me that they "love me" - act and behave in a 180 degree difference. That was until one day, in an arcade of all places.

It was the 90's and arcades were still a thing. I was playing something(wonderboy?) and this big rasta started playing alongside. We started chatting and for some reason I told him about shitty life. He told me, in such a calm and relaxed manner something I have always held close. Where-ever that Rasta is today - God love him !

He told me - "There are shitty people all the world over. You will find them in school, in work. In this area and that place over there. Sometimes you even find them in your family. Don't worry about them. Life is between you and Ja, the others are just testing your resolve. They are your allies, they just aren't aware of it yet so keep yourself calm and centred. Don't let those others interfere with expressing your love of life".

Prayers to you OP. I trust you will find your calm centre. Be at peace.

Euphemism 10 points ago +10 / -0

to be fair - that entire region has been at each others throats since time began. We can change the labels for the different groups, but the actions and methods are always the same. Kill the other.

Euphemism 9 points ago +9 / -0

if they just would walk into the ovens, we wouldn't have had to ship them by train...

Amazing how uniform the evil always is... You'd think we'd be better are recognising it now.

Euphemism 2 points ago +2 / -0


Now it is time for the regular people to see, what we have all known. In all its rank and ugly reality. Maybe then, the notion of voting in because of cute socks, nice hair, etc...can be driven home.

Euphemism -2 points ago +1 / -3

You do realise they don't have the guns right?

Maybe get your head out of your ass long enough to realise that where I sit right now, in the middle of the most liberal, gun hating, restrictive, anti-gun city in Canada outside of maybe Ottawa - there is at least 3 small armoury's held by people that have had those weapons back, not that long ago, when they were legal. They didn't give them up, because the government lies and can't be trusted. Not sure why you haven't learned that yet, but that is your cross to carry.

Outside of Toronto, within an hour or so it gets even worse for those that think Canadians don't have guns. Clearly you don't know shit about Canada other than what your media tells ya.

No, but the Bill of Rights GARANTEES that the Government can't trample your GOD GIVEN right.

  • And the laws GARANTEEES(keeping the typo for you) that people can't murder people..... which is why no one gets murder......errr....... WOW you've solved the murder issue. BTW, how did that work out for those people in Ruby Ridge? What about WACO? Good thing that government can't trample those rights.... Right? Sit down.

Yet you don't even understand what the Notwithstanding clause is and you think the US has one.

  • You must be a bot at this stage. The US has multiple "notwithstanding" clauses in their various state and federal constitution, I think the federal one is called the Supremacy clause.

no one has rights in Canada because no one has the means to defend any rights at all.

  • ANd you have no rights in the US because you have no means to defend any of them. We all just watched your election get stolen, your patriots put in jail without charges and you sat with your thumb up our ass. So all the guns in the world haven't helped you, haven't allowed you to defend one iota of your country. In fact, Americans(by and large) are in an infinitely worse position than anyone else, in any other country - because they still believe the lie despite all observable reality. Smarten up.
Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The point you seem to miss is that every Right is a God given right....Or do you disagree?

The US "right" is no more a right, than any other right that any other human has. All rights are from God, the countries either recognise or ignore them, but what they are, and where they come from is never derived from a parliment. Not in the US, not in Canada, not anywhere. Are you starting to get it kiddo?

The notwithstanding clause in every country(as true in the US and UK as it is in Canada) is an inherent and logical violation of each countries laws. You can't have a set of rules, and one rule states that all other rules are null and void at any time, for some reason - and still have that logically follow as a set of rules. So again - if there is no real rules - WHO CARES..... Clearly you, but why?

I am aware of just about every infringement on citizens in North America since the 80's, and I can tell you that as much of an ass as the Canadian government has been to its citizens - it is a perfect person, compared to what the US government has done to US citizens... right? Waco? Ruby? and, and, and.... AND I clearly don't have to go back a century to find it. Not that the Canadian government is good, or that it cares about its citizens - just that there are A LOT of places worse, including America. So maybe shut your pie hole, and realise you know not of what you speak?

Have a wonderful day, and I will continue to wait for you to awake.

Euphemism -1 points ago +2 / -3

Of course it is unlike it - it is from a different country. You are aware of this right?

Seriously, since we are slinging insults here - You are like a liberal that thinks conservatives are just doing liberalism badly, instead of knowing it is something different. If you can't figure this out, I'll wait a few years/decades for you to catch up.

Finally, that clause 33 - merely means that any rights given, or implied in the charter are merely based on nothing - Thus... and I want you to sit down for this little one...


They have no real standing other than the willingness to use force - AND it is about time everyone see's them for that they are and be dealt with.

So no, not uninformed - just tied of waiting for you all to awake.

Euphemism -1 points ago +2 / -3

Uh no they can't. Canada does not have a 1st amendment, but it does have


1 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and >freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as >can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental Freedoms Marginal note:Fundamental freedoms

2 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.


DO you want to read the class Section 1.2(b)???

Euphemism 2 points ago +3 / -1

The court can't tell you not to speak - and any order that absurd deserves to be ignored as the tripe it is. So again I reiterate - who cares? Only those that have allowed the actual tyrants to ruin lives and break laws? And to them I think we can all agree they can GTFO.

If the courts cared about justice - none of this would be happening, and instead we would be talking about how weird it is that Trudeau and his cabinet is in jail.... Instead, they are still out pretending to be dictators. Why listen to anything these bozo's have to say at this point?

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