ClownTamer 11 points ago +11 / -0

That’s the larger problem. They convinced people not to follow laws and no one did anything about it. They got around the constitution by encouraging people to ignore it.

ClownTamer 12 points ago +12 / -0

The show was ruined as I recall so I’m assuming this one will be.

ClownTamer -3 points ago +1 / -4

I did over the weekend. Was decent. Called Furiosa.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +5 / -1

The only reason I even saw it in the theaters was because I have a movie membership and Memorial Day weekend is crowded and we wanted something easy to do that we wouldn’t be crowded out of.

If it wasn’t for that, I don’t think I’d have had the inclination to ever see it, even at home. It’s a good movie few people have any reason to see anymore and it does at least from the trailers seem like it’d be some kind of girl boss movie or something since it’s a Mad Max movie with a female lead. It’s mostly guilty of coming out at the wrong time culturally.

ClownTamer -1 points ago +11 / -12

It’s actually not a woke movie. Chris Hemsworth’s Dementus is almost a protagonist as much as the chick is. The movie’s basically her becoming him. It’s a decent summer fun movie.

Her being a frail girl actually does give her explained advantages in rising up some ranks since they need someone small and light to maneuver among dangerous machinery like at the bottom of a giant super semi or along things being pulled up by cranes. She also gets taken under the wing by the wealth of knowledge for the groups so she ends up knowing a lot.

Her being smarter actually makes sense because she came from a place of food and abundance and education and everyone else is basically an indoctrinated malnourished retard. It’s actually a decent movie. It’s not amazing or deep but it’s mighty decent. The Mad Max universe is absurd in a fun way but it’s a decent addition. I’ve only seen the original and not Fury Road. I liked Furiosa. I’d give it a 7-7.5.

ClownTamer -9 points ago +4 / -13

Haven’t read that KIA1 post but Furiosa was a fun movie when I saw it. Never saw Fury Road. It’s way more like Kill Bill than it is the female Ghostbusters. The way the world works it’s actually not that hard to understand too. She grows and is capable because she grew up with nourishment in a place of abundance. Most people in the show are made out to be retards because they’re malnourished and lied to and grow up starving. She’s a girl that didn’t and was taken care of and taught by a psychopath that she eventually becomes out of revenge.

It’s not literary cinema or anything, but as a fun box office summer movie it’s more than decent. She doesn’t really do almost all the cool stuff in the movie. Her being allowed to not get fucked and be made a baby factory itself doesn’t make sense once it’s clear she’s a girl to everyone but everything else was decent.

ClownTamer 16 points ago +16 / -0

It’s not the biggest change, but it is kind of hilarious that they tried countering the idea of a silent woman by also pointing out that she is also still strong.

ClownTamer 39 points ago +39 / -0

That was the larger flaw in most white acceptance. There was the idea that if white people gave up their in group preferences then everyone else would too. They did not. Game theory wise, it’s a losing battle to be white now because you really have no side or community and actively have an anti side and anti community.

ClownTamer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Haha yeah I’ve had that. The next video’s also usually something I’ve already seen too if it’s not the same video. Generally if you search for anyone Google doesn’t like, their own channel that is their name won’t be the top result. They’ll have things with 5 views above a multimillion subscriber channel.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nintendo was the last big hold out. If Nintendo falls, they’re the last ones holding the line.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s a they/them, just give it a minute. Love how one of the first comments on her tweet is ‘you will never be a woman’.

ClownTamer 6 points ago +6 / -0

With Kobe I think it was more likely to have been an accident. Kobe wasn’t pressing any buttons or doing any noticing. He was just playing the game.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

In general I think it’s mostly ideological possession and social media. If you do rely on the MSM and general legacy news sources even in digital form, black people are being gunned down in the streets daily by the millions and all other nonsensical things. They kind of do believe there’s a war going on and they’re doing their part to counter it. Meanwhile they mostly need to touch grass.

There’s also the fact that many girls are more progressive now and plenty of guys go with it to get laid. I’m not even very conservative in most senses, but if I see a girl at this point talking about social justice or mentioning political things in a dating profile or casually, I just zone out. Not worth it. Plenty of guys are still trying though and hoping if they appease the feminist types enough they’ll get a pitty BJ or something.

ClownTamer 17 points ago +17 / -0

It’s baffling how bad they fucked this up. This is Netflix levels of hilarity. Finally make a Samurai game set in Japan? Great. Main character’s black.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Main issue with this guy I take it is that AssCreed games tend to be historic settings in the past and all that. First time they went Japan, we can’t even have a Japanese male protagonist.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m all for shitting on modern beauty standards but the lead here’s your typical thin hot model chick: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZFNjRmJjAM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

She’s not frumpy or anything in the slightest.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m not as aware of the lore and like it, so that sounds accurate. Just someone that played the Fallout’s back in the day when they came out and like it. Played 1-3 and Brotherhood of Steel as I recall it was called, but not the ones after. Brotherhood never got the love it deserved I thought. That was actually the first one I played.

ClownTamer -2 points ago +5 / -7

I’m only a couple episodes in but I like it too. You can tell they were pushing for diversity here and there with two of the three main characters being a woman and a black man, but as a character the black guy’s actually kind of evil which is refreshing, and the woman’s hot. The ghoul’s mostly just fun and goes around killing everything and hates everyone but the dog. Played the games growing up and lived through the golden age too.

It’s not a literary masterpiece of serial cinema or anything, but I like it. I like Fallout but don’t know enough to know if they broke all the lore but I’ll just assume they broke some of it. I mean if it’s a 1950’s future the fact that everybody’s race mixed is already breaking that I suppose. And the Ghoul’s daughter being black and his wife being black in the opening obviously wouldn’t make sense.

I’ll agree with some others that said it may be my low expectations, but I like it.

ClownTamer 21 points ago +21 / -0

The right tends to know what leftists believe but the left has no idea what right wing folks tend to believe or why and they actively don’t care.

ClownTamer 10 points ago +10 / -0

It’s worse than American slavery because the slaves got free room and board for a small amount of work. Now they want you to pay them for the privilege of working without profit.

ClownTamer 20 points ago +20 / -0

It turns out in the war against Skynet, we just need more black and brown people because AI will be too afraid to speak or act negatively towards them.

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