they-see-me-trollin 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes. he's confusing jevvish with white. if you're white and not jevvish, you're basically banned from hollywood.

they-see-me-trollin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The response is "you're right, let's regulate all of those things too"

you're missing the point. "regulate all those things too" is not viable because those are all household items. what are you going to do, ban diesel, fertilizer, and the entire cleaning supplies aisle at the grocery store?

they-see-me-trollin 4 points ago +4 / -0

this. and the females/minorities who were actually qualified want no fucking part, because they don't want to be lumped in with the losers. it's like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dek5HtNdIHY

they-see-me-trollin 12 points ago +12 / -0

yeah, that shit is a fucking joke. talk about nepotism. this one is worse than will smith's kid, and everyone knew that shit was bad.

they-see-me-trollin 15 points ago +15 / -0

no. they don't. it's never been about making something they want for their group. it's entirely about colonization of white male media so they can demoralize and brainwash young minds... and self insertion.

a shocking percentage of these characters end up looking very much like the new writers, and even if they don't, it's always everybody-clapped style power trip fantasy writing with them effortlessly showing up or defeating a paper-bag-male. it's the female trope of harpy-tier man hating, because they know they can't do that shit in real life. they can't even come close.

for example, according to spoilers, acolyte is basically making the white male jedi order out to be the villains. multiple in the first two episodes have realized-the-errors-of-their-ways-and-self-deleted or been easily bested by the strong-female-lead-of-mixed-morality.

they-see-me-trollin 6 points ago +6 / -0

difference is they're using their power over the fed to issue quantitative easing to pay for all this shit. aka, they're forcing you and i to pay for this through inflation.

when you or i do it, who funds it? because no one likes this shit.

they-see-me-trollin 2 points ago +2 / -0

which part of the RAG debate?

the reason why this issue exists is because RAGs in the public chat AI space are ridiculously biased. like it got outed that google's RAGs specifically were forcing massive over-representation of non-whites. the dall-e RAGs are better, but there are still some that protect certain political figures specifically.

another part of the RAG debate is using agentic RAGs at all. agentic RAGs only exist because humans are bad at thinking of the big picture. on a long enough timeline, this problem won't exist. humans also want to be able to re-use those RAGs in different areas. that re-usability is a much different issue, and the benefit is real.

so long as humans want to keep a hand on the wheel, agentic RAGs will exist because people want to influence the outcome. some is more nefarious (e.g. political bias) but some is perfectly fine. for example, if my company has a chatbot, and it's not trained to deal with contract amendments, i don't want the chatbot talking about the contract at all. so if the answer isn't high precision/recall and 0 probability of hallucination, i want a RAG that says the chatbot will grab someone else to talk about the issue. this has become a big enough issue where already court cases have been litigated over customers being promised better deal terms by chatbots, with sellers backing out, blaming the chatbot. courts ruled in favor of the customers.

they-see-me-trollin 10 points ago +10 / -0

you can readily download uncensored models.

the big VC firms are talking about this stuff heavily, not because of the censored/uncensored issue, but because there are a TON of practical problems that overlap it.

  • businesses don't want their confidential info going into something else that might train it into the system
  • multiple AI companies have been busted adding confidential info to training even when they said they wouldn't. so for example, if you give it unfettered access, it will report account and routing numbers for employees.
  • so not even talking about political bias where modern chat AI will tell you nazis bad, but admit communism genocide dwarfs the nazi's death toll, yet with communism "it's complicated"... not even talking about that level of bias... no one wants to use someone else's trained model, because it can have bias around companies and other shit.

result is that there are TONS of open source, uncensored models freely available. and many companies are already using them, because of these exact issues.

most people don't realize that both before and after output, RAGs are created which alter your query and the output. "jailbreaking" chat AI means breaking out of the pre/post processing RAGs. when it comes to uncensored, it means the training data is untainted, and usually the pre/post processing RAGs are either absent, or at least not loaded with any bias.

they-see-me-trollin 3 points ago +3 / -0

status quo that implies being cisgender, heterosexual, and allosexual are the default.

that default status quo is because all the rest is just made up degenerate pedophilia.

they-see-me-trollin 8 points ago +8 / -0

now they're trying to groom your children into sex. and people wonder why home schooling has gone up like 150,000%+ in the last few years.

they-see-me-trollin 9 points ago +9 / -0

look on reddit where the people cheering it on are saying it's completely justified because apparently Farage is literally Hitler. people pointing out violence against someone you disagree with, solely for the sake of disagreement, is generally not okay... are getting downvoted to oblivion. leftists genuinely believe that "my team good, your team bad".

they-see-me-trollin 13 points ago +13 / -0

yes, because once you accept the climate change doomsday cult hysteria, it's obvious that rising waters and devastated crop yields affect only women. because men don't live in houses and men don't eat food either.

they-see-me-trollin 20 points ago +20 / -0

they will get bailouts just like they did a few years ago. one of obama's parting gifts in 2016 was the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act. when the grants under it started expiring in 2018, tons of these shitrag propaganda tabloids had mass layoffs or declared bankruptcy. that's when "learn to code" became a meme... because that's what they had told miners in appalachia to do when the miners lost their jobs due to obama era regulation.

they-see-me-trollin 3 points ago +4 / -1

biology doesn't give a damn about your feefees

they-see-me-trollin 1 point ago +1 / -0

says the fucking loser who is trying to bang 11 year olds

they-see-me-trollin 1 point ago +1 / -0

i'm saying it should be year round open season on pedophiles.

they-see-me-trollin 2 points ago +2 / -0

sky is usually pretty based... even gets actual tabloids calling them tabloids for being truthful. surprised they're so cucked on this shit.

they-see-me-trollin 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you sexualize children, you're a fucking pedophile who deserves to be hunted for sport.

they-see-me-trollin 1 point ago +1 / -0

then go for a girl as soon a she hit puberty.

had me until this, fucking pedo

they-see-me-trollin 4 points ago +5 / -1

think you're missing a few details here...

we're not talking about comparing a once-a-week love making sesh of a homemaker vs a girl who random sloots around once a week. those are few and far between. instead, random sluts are taking dick 5-20x a week.

met a girl off a dating app, and after 10 min of meeting, she wants to scram because the bar sucked. i figured it was during the pandemic, place was kinda dead, most places are closed, no big deal. let's just go drink at her building's pool. thinking i'm captain rizz over here, we make it back to her place and while i'm in her kitchen shaking up some cocktails, she comes out wearing some lingerie ready to fuck. i'm noping out because only bad shit comes from that, and she starts ranting about how i'm not a real man if i won't fuck her, and how she's got 2 more guys lined up that night.

aside all of that, i had another girl lined up myself who i was already fucking regularly. at the height of my TRP days, i maintained a harem of 5-10 women. i had no delusion about them smashing other guys.

this is "the scene". can't compare these girls vs suzie homemaker, because they're not remotely the same.

and your understanding of female anatomy isn't correct. while there are muscles in the vag, the perineal body is the major tendon that makes the vag hold its shape. repeated rough sex can tighten the muscles, but loosens the tendon. this is why for women who take lots of dick, it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. it's the same reason why most women delivering vaginally are MUCH looser after pregnancy... the perineal body is stretch or torn. so stop falling for the gaslighter feefee rationalizations.

they-see-me-trollin 16 points ago +16 / -0

that description is gaslighting from globohomo shill media. the blue jackets were the ones setting up the event to protest against open border hysteria in germany. blue jacket and the black jacket were trying to restrain the terrorist. cop got his hands on the blue jacket first and took him down, because the cops were told the blue jackets were "right wing extremists". this allowed the terrorist to get free and stab the cop.

the cop just made an example of himself, deserved everything he got.

they-see-me-trollin 6 points ago +6 / -0

in all likelihood, the only reason she has her own house is by handouts to single mothers. that's why she is demanding he buy her a house, because if she's not single anymore, she'll no longer qualify for gibs.

in other words, she's replaced a husband with the government, devalued herself to shit with toxic behavior that no self respecting husband would ever put up with, and then pissed that no husband wants to take her off the taxpayer's dime.

welfare is cancer.

they-see-me-trollin 7 points ago +7 / -0

someone else's kid is a negative, not a positive. what else is she bringing to make up for it?

they-see-me-trollin 8 points ago +8 / -0

it was fraud. this is the first time in history that public health started tracking "with <disease>" rather than "from <disease>". historically, causation was required. suddenly for covid, causation was no longer required. first time in history.

there were gunshot wounds, car accidents, and plenty of other stuff being counted as covid deaths.

eventually the WHO director and NY governor went on record admitting that over 75% of child covid hospital admissions were not FROM covid, but for completely other reasons, and they happened to test positive for covid. meanwhile, we know the covid test was shit, just running up the phony numbers anyways.

and here's the kicker... hospitals were incentivized with up to $80k of public funding to label deaths as covid. medicare fraud is a billion dollar industry. anyone think they didn't suddenly want to take that free money?

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