tchouk 7 points ago +7 / -0

I bought a Steam Deck and have spent months playing through old games that rock. Like I missed New Vegas when it came out thinking, meh, played too much Fallout 3 already, not interested.

New Vegas isn't perfect, but I'd rather play that then just about any modern whatever. And the best part is that the fan doesn't even spin on the Steam Deck to play it.

tchouk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also bitchy women things and their horrid harpy social hierarchies

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can guarantee that 100% of the games companies they worked with got a bunch of ESG funding and the C-levels got millions in bonuses as their cut.

That's the win here. Fat stacks of cash for management.

And you might not like games being destroyed on the altar of undeserved wealth, grift and corruption, but you're not in management so no one cares what you think.

tchouk 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Put a chick in it, make it gay and lame"

How's that for a PhD thesis? I've got the best PhD thesis folks, you wouldn't believe it.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't shitting on you specifically.

I am stating a basic fact: everything wrong with the world is allowed to happen because "well, everything is turning to shit, but it's convenient so I will comply with whatever shit evil assholes are forcing me to go through"

If nexusmods happens to have the largest database, that's not a reason to use it, unless you implicitly agree with what they are doing.

And if you agree, you deserve it.

tchouk 6 points ago +9 / -3

You deserve what you get if you continue to support people who literally shit on you just because they control something you're used to using.

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the restaurants and infrastructure remained, but it all changed ownership to (I believe) the previous general manager of the country.

It's not just a rebranding if the profits are no longer going to corporate HQ

tchouk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lenthn sounds like a retard.

I really don't care what a bunch of internet retards have to say.

tchouk 4 points ago +5 / -1

Conservatives are just a shitty inertial mass that doesn't like to change.

Don't be a dumbass conservative. Don't oppose the left by being a stone they have to carry.

Be an activist for morality and tradition.

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original Union of states was entirely voluntary. Voluntary in, voluntary out.

It's what kept things fair and balanced and what allowed most major decisions to be made at the state level.

Lincoln completely destroyed that system, killing a million Americans to do it, because he was such a believer in centralized tyrannical power. After Lincoln, there was no longer a voluntary union of states but rather states united by the threat of force from the federal government

It's like the difference between a marriage, voluntary Union of man and woman, and a guy keeping a sex slave in the basement.

Lincoln turned the Union into a sex dungeon

tchouk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lincoln pretty much destroyed the Union and created the American globalist empire.

tchouk 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the best part.

They are literally dying for corrupt neocon world-police interests.

But this is somehow freedom because

tchouk 16 points ago +17 / -1

Ukraine is being run by a bunch oligarch elites that get their support from a core of slack-jawed yokels.

These last think that getting a tank from the West and being forced inside it to die on the frontlines while your home is destroyed by Russian bombs means that the West considers Ukraine their equal and not as cannon fodder.

So it's a colony that thinks that being used as bait is such a high honor that it cannot be a colony by definition. It is quite fascinating.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same colour of right that allowed them illegal lockdowns and mandates in the first place.

Might makes right.

tchouk 15 points ago +15 / -0

MtF trannies get way more attention then FtM because even fake ugly women are still higher up the attention hierarchy then men, especially dickless fake men.

Give Bruce Jenner some big ol' fake titties and even he will get a fair following of thirsty simps. Cut off your already mediocre breasts and literally everyone will lose interest except rabid ideologues.

tchouk 6 points ago +6 / -0

It makes perfect sense.

Both corporations and progressive ideologues benefit from this arrangement, and everyone else suffers.

But since both parties are completely psychotic or downright evil, they are at best indifferent to suffering, or at worst are lowkey enjoying at it.

tchouk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I grew up eating chicken that wasn't factory farmed and didn't understand the 'tastes like chicken' meme until later in life.

It's like, motherfucker, the only thing that tastes like chicken is chicken. Can't confuse it for anything else.

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, the system is explicitly created to have 0 overhead and be completely vulnerable to the slightest amount of stress.

tchouk 9 points ago +9 / -0

I get what you're saying, but the truth is that there might not be a rational reason to find.

Our elite political ruling class is degenerate, psychopathic and completely incompetent in all things save for two things: selling themselves to the highest bidder, something they do extremely well, and pandering to the public.

We could simply be witnessing a resonance fuckup cascade. You have a real emergency, and a degenerate system that is completely unequipped and unable to deal with it. Literally in some cases, like we don't have enough hospital beds because keeping extra for emergencies isn't profitable.

And the nominal leaders of this system all have 3 competing concerns: pass the buck to someone else, pleasure their sponsors and look good for the public while doing it.

The vaccines do a beautiful job at all 3:

  1. "I'm just following the guidelines from The Science. It's not my fault if something goes wrong, I cannot be expected to know about The Science myself. Anyway, it was all Trump's fault, he fast-tracked the thing. And also the, uh, antivaxxers"
  2. COVID-19 has seen the largest transfer of wealth towards the ultra-rich in history without any real notice or protest from the public. Vaccines are a large part of this pie.
  3. "See how much effort I, your favorite politician, am spending to make sure we go back to normal? I really care about your grandma not dying or something".

And this works on all levels of the system in positive feedback loops.

  • There is a big subset of the elite who are just straight up psychos and who want to see people being subjugated, to suffer and to die horribly who are completely covered by this behavior as long as they play dumb.

In short, the vax is the symptom of the existential crisis of our civilization

tchouk 17 points ago +17 / -0

The thing no one is talking about:

The entire reason for the collapses of various health-care systems in the first place is not because the virus is particularly worse compared to previous bad viruses.

The reason is that our health-care systems spent the last 30 years being "optimized" to make sure the extra bed capacity is as close to 0 as possible.

Italy didn't get fucked in early 2020 because of Covid. They got fucked because they had 3 times less hospital beds per capita then in 1970.

Those beds weren't there because people in the 60s were stupid. They were there because people were prepared for emergencies. Which you have to be if you don't want to get fucked when the emergency happens.

The thing that blows my mind is how all of this did not become a motivation to rethink the decision of maximizing hospital profits. Instead of returning to a rational emergency preparedness, we decided to go with voodoo bullshit lockdowns and masks, which don't do anything in except make hamsters NPCs feel safer.

tchouk 11 points ago +11 / -0

The problem is that this doesn't work on a worldwide scale.

India is not getting vaxxed anywhere close to 50%

Russia is not really getting vaxxed and they have like 3-4 of their own vaccines with 0 mRNA experimentation.

China has it's own vaccines and they're maybe 10% vaxxed.

Even Brazil is like 30% vaxxed along with most of South America and that's never going to change to 90%.

So not only do you have a huge control groups, you have the countries most outside the influence of the US hegemony who just aren't participating. Any long-term effects of the vaccinations will just be a competitive advantage to the people who you least want to give it to.

tchouk 15 points ago +15 / -0

He is the best dick-sucker and ass-tonguer in DC, a place filled to the brim with dick-suckers and ass-kissers.

Look, there is no KPI or metric for success in government because failure cannot really be punished. If the CDC fails, you still need a CDC.

This means that the hierarchy that settles in these places is not based on expertise and competence in the given domain. It is, instead, based on expertise and competence in going up the hierarchy.

Which means that every single -- 100% -- of all top level bureaucrats are best becoming top level bureaucrats and absolutely nothing else.

This is about 50% of what creates the Swamp.

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