mikhalych 1 point ago +2 / -1

no he calls a flash election so that the opposition can "win" and is left holding the bag when shit goes south as a result of his retarded policies. then, with the RN discredited, the globohomo will roll out the next young gay upstart to sweep the presidential election in 2027.

he could even "resign in protest" some time before the end of his term. and then use that to claim he can run again, since he didnt do his two constitutionally allowed terms. that woulnd be a very flimsy constitutional justification, but since when do globohomo care about constitutions?

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

there could be four of them against him and it doesn't look like the result would be any different tbh.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

took a couple punches to the face to get the "don't hit women" programming on pause.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

well, what would be the point in "finding" more ballots once you reach 50.1 ?

mikhalych 5 points ago +5 / -0

its also not going to happen :

  • anyone smart enough to pull it off and get away with it, is also smart enough to keep himself and his family away from all this globohomo crap. so why would he bother.

  • anyone smart enough to pull it off but not get away with it, is also smart enough to understand that he'll be dead and they'll then come after his family. so he won't dare.

  • anyone dumb enough to try anyway is also dumb enough to believe globohomo lies, so he won't do anything either.

which explains why the only attempts at shooting politicians come from the people supporting the globohomo side.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes I agree there has to be a balancig act. no one deserves to be fucked in life just due to unfortunate birth circumstances.

i have no issues with things like a strong public education system that would raise the "minimum opportunity level for everyone". though that is emphatically not "equal opportunity", but "baseline opportunity". and we must be accepting of people refusing to take it. "here is a helping hand. ah you actually want to drown? well, suit yourself. kthxbai.". no point wasting resources on someone actively sabotaging the opportunity he is being given.

ultimately i'm a firm believer, that as long as someone is not being actively hampered by (lets be charitable) ill advised social engineering, people eventually reach the level in society their genetics permit.

mikhalych 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Equal opportunity" is a foot-in-the-door argument to get you to accept equality of outcome.

society isnt a boardgame with a start point and an end point. a kid's "opportunity" is his parents' "outcome".

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

seems to work out just fine in Germany. I think you run into other engineering limits like absolutely unreasonable fuel consumption or tire wear, way before human reaction time becomes an issue.

mikhalych 15 points ago +15 / -0

dies from complications of an autoimmune disease

went viral


mikhalych 6 points ago +6 / -0

Millions of Elliot Rodgers losing their shit won't be pretty.

why would the regime care? those types never target anyone who matters.

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

sometimes all you need is dollar store junk, but specifically modeled to your needs... which effectively makes it not dollar store junk. also, you don't actually need to go to a dollar store, waste half an hour looking for the right thing in their pile of crap, and possibly interact with their less than mentally stable customers.

in my experience even basic pla or petg prints are way stronger than cheap chinesium crap. because you actually use your brain when you model them, unlike chinese crap designers.

got myself a printer several moths ago and that thing is never idle more than a couple days. either I need some custom crap around the house, or my wife needs some decorative thingy, or my daughter wants a toy(and would you look at that, there's a new pink pla spool to try out).

mikhalych 16 points ago +16 / -0

Elvis Parsley was a racist who stole from black people.

Yup, he stole everything from Tyrone Coriander.

mikhalych 36 points ago +36 / -0

will they stop talking about it the rest of the year?

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

lol who exactly do you expect to feel bad for them?

Presumably that would be a demographic they're not actively sabotaging. I would like to see some specifics.

mikhalych 4 points ago +6 / -2

is there such a thing as 'consensual stealing?

sure. see Californian shoplifting laws for example.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyway, this dweeb neeeds to be deported....from Earth.

maybe somone should ping Elon about setting up Pluto labor camps

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