burningheart1978 6 points ago +7 / -1

That policeman has now died.

Had it coming.

burningheart1978 16 points ago +17 / -1

So they haven’t actually gone back on censorship. They haven’t restored the original costumes.

I think people in this thread are missing the point.

burningheart1978 -6 points ago +1 / -7

Israel has engaged in totally unrestricted warfare against Gaza

I know this site hates “the joos,” but to believe this, you’re utterly (and hilariously) retarded.

Israel are selective in their targets and allowing aid in.

Try harder, mini Adolf.

burningheart1978 4 points ago +5 / -1

So what?

Doctor Who went Woke in 2005, with “That’ll never work- he’s gay and she’s an alien.” The genderswapping and raceswapping that followed was the natural progression.

All the “I watched until Tennant/ Smith/ Capaldi left” guys simply don’t get it. You gave them an inch, they took a mile then kept taking, it’s what they do.

DW has been dead since 1996. This garbage made since 2005 can do whatever it wants, I simply don’t care. If any of you do, you’ve missed the point.

burningheart1978 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, they’re dogshit. I was permanently banned from there for pointing out that MK fanbois happy with black Rain and Asian Kitana should also be fine with white Jax.

burningheart1978 20 points ago +20 / -0

100%. The UK police are cowards and bullies.

It is far past time that people grouped together and beat the shit out of them.

burningheart1978 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Love Israel.

This site is full of anti-Semitic wankers like you.

Hardly my problem, dickhead.

burningheart1978 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Normally I’d go into a rebuttal against salient points, but you just sound like a twat, so…


burningheart1978 -4 points ago +1 / -5

So you agree with the Christian / Muslim comparison but you think I lost my point logically continuing the theme?

You know that doesn’t make sense, right?

burningheart1978 5 points ago +5 / -0

Think you’ve got “Christians” and “Muslims” mixed up, there.

burningheart1978 -14 points ago +2 / -16

Not antisemitic, but easily as cringeworthy as hearing “allahu akbar.”

I wish the human race could grow up and leave superstition behind.

burningheart1978 -4 points ago +2 / -6

She’s one hell of a bible basher, makes her hard to listen to.

Ben Shapiro is also smart and doesn’t mention God every 3 minutes, good for him.

Fuck Gaza and all of that.

burningheart1978 -34 points ago +2 / -36

I’ll take Ben over Candace any day of the week.

burningheart1978 -1 points ago +4 / -5

The writing isn't great, but that was never a thing with Star Trek

also really appreciate that the crew is basically white

Is this a bad troll?

If you were really around 20 years ago and into Trek, you’d know full well that people knew (and were proved correct) that a prequel series just wouldn’t mesh with looking pre-TOS as that show was so dated production wise.

And lo, we had impossible journeys to Kronos, Ferengi, Borg, wallpaper music and “hull plating at 60%”… all had marks of a burned out franchise that needed a rest and change of creatives.

it's also (thus far) not excessively moralizing like TNG.

Definitely a bad troll.

burningheart1978 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I’m English. I live in a south east city you could easily call “woke central.”

However, I do disagree with you about the “average Brit;” have you heard of Matthew Goodwin? A thoroughly sound academic who used to be a leftie then basically snapped out of it. He’s a HUGE promoter of British culture and less immigration, and his polling indicates around 80% of the country are what you and I would call “normal.”

Most Brits KNOW what Muslims and certain immigrant cultures are like. But they’ve let themselves feel isolated, like they’re out of touch- they don’t realise it really is the vast majority are still, for want of a better term, sane.

Stuff like Lee Anderson getting suspended is all to the good; more and more people realise “Hey, this guy thinks like me and he’s been punished. Something is WRONG HERE.”

burningheart1978 2 points ago +2 / -0

I fear that’s rather like “I hope I set myself on fire on the kitchen, because then my wife will stop nagging ME to cook.”

I think Labour in power is incredibly dangerous. It’s not a game; we’ve had Bliar open those floodgates in ‘97, yet that was nothing compared to the hordes currently arriving both legally and illegally.

Starmer has shown he is fully on board with “Yeah women can have a penis,” he’s shown he’s fully able to be pressured by the Islamists to call for “ceasefire” (ie, Israeli surrender), he’s shown repeatedly that the country is fucked under him.

And you know something? On Twitter they’re already calling it; after Labour get in, there will be a coup, and Starmer will be replaced by Sad IQ Khan or an equally vile Muslim. And then we all know what comes next.

burningheart1978 11 points ago +11 / -0

We are fucked in the UK. Even Reform, who decent academics like Matthew Goodwin now praise, are looking realistically at a “two-election plan.”

Unfortunately, that means Labour; insane levels of immigration, rascism towards native Brits, even more woke institutions, Muslim dominance rising, terrorism, rape, and the very real possibility of the immigrant vote being so high (like the USA Biden plan) that legal recovery is simply impossible.

burningheart1978 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was Reform’s stance before they (under advisement) stopped being “We want to destroy the Tories” and started being “We ARE the alternative to Labour.”

The Tories need to die. The only difference between them and Sharia Labour is a matter of degrees; the staggering entitlement and arrogance they display (even the favoured ones, like Jacob Rees-Mogg fall prey to this) ensures you can count on them to never get it.

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