acp_k2win 33 points ago +34 / -1

People who hate you are your enemies. Enemies will lie and pretend to be neutral or friendly until they feel they no longer have to. Enemies who haven't been discovered will manipulate you to get you to go against your own interests under many pretexts like "being reasonable" or "compassion".

If you really are a good person one of the hardest things, when you first become aware, is dealing with the uncertainty that comes from judging someone to be your enemy when she hasn't overtly given indications of it. Then acting on that judgement despite knowing there is a chance your judgement could be incorrect.

Life gets much easier when you develop more solid heuristics for sorting people into friend-enemy categories and treating them accordingly. As an example anyone who says "diversity" with a positive connotation is your enemy if you are a White Male. Same with "inclusion" if you are a Christian.

acp_k2win 5 points ago +7 / -2

Jews are a diaspora people meaning they live as minorities in host nations

The less culturally and racially cohesive a nation is, the more "welcoming" it is for outsiders and minorities - they have more "freedom", they face less "discrimination", they can amass wealth and power without any pushback, they can intermarry into the ruling class, etc.

Therefore it is in the interests of the minority jews so decrease the cultural and racial cohesion of the majority group, which is against the interests of the majority group.

The more observant the jews are, the more likely they are to hate Christianity, specifically Catholicism. Even if they don't personally hate Christians the less observant jews won't countersignal the hateful jews out of ethnic solidarity.

You can find direct quotes from porn kingpins about how one of the reasons they do it is because it is anti-Christian and how it lets them corrupt Christan/Catholic girls.

Jewish political power and influence is largely responsible for removing the safeguards that the US previously had against degeneracy in mainstream culture.

Jews aren't totally to blame for degeneracy. They are to blame for the majority of the pushback which prevents communities from removing degeneracy from the public sphere.

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

The thing to realize is that is actually what they want. But we currently have a problem where our subverted culture has leaked down to law enforcement and only White men get arrested for properly controlling women, while brown ones don't.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +11 / -0

Women would rather destroy Western Civilization than admit they become less desirable as they age.

acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was talking about ramp vs stairs. Agreed should just be english only.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +16 / -1

I want businesses owners to choose for themselves how to best serve their customers.

If a business thinks a wheelchair ramp and giant bathroom stalls helps them then great, if they don't then also great. No need to bring lawyers and bureaucrats into it.

acp_k2win 17 points ago +18 / -1

Those regulations also need to go.

acp_k2win 10 points ago +10 / -0

Vandalism isn't precise enough. It is dissolution.

acp_k2win 28 points ago +29 / -1

It isn't a technical issue, it is a symbolic one.

When you force American English speakers to go through an extra step to get their language you are saying "you aren't the norm anymore, you are one of a range of options." And by having spanish everywhere you are telling the invaders/immigrants "don't bother assimilating, you are equally important to the natives".

It is one of many incremental steps toward the cultural transformation of the country away from distinctly White Anglo toward a global economic zone.

acp_k2win 27 points ago +28 / -1

Press 1 for English isn't about helping Mexicans, it a victory lap declaring the American pre-civil rights America is dead.

acp_k2win 17 points ago +17 / -0

got back from prague, same thing

no niggers, no faggot flags

the women are not fat and they are feminine - even the older ones haven't cut off their hair, the average there is 6.5+ compared to the average in US cities is maybe 3.5

one of my Bolt (like Uber) drivers was a 9 and would easily be a 10 if she did her hair

The Anglosphere is lost, feminism has destroyed it.

acp_k2win 32 points ago +32 / -0

it is subversion of Christianity like everything else

"I think jesus said be nice or something therefore buttsex"

acp_k2win 3 points ago +4 / -1

non-Christians don't distinguish between Christian denominations. The ones that hate Christians hate all of them and only stand down for the fake Christians who promote faggotry like unitarians.

Find me evidence of reasonably popular atheists speaking out against judaism. I would be happy to be pleasantly surprised if you did but I was in that sphere for a while and can't think of a single one. There are a lot of ethnically jewish or with jewish last names atheists who are rabidly against Chistiantiy and Islam.

Religious wars and heretic burnings? In last 500 years? Maybe in Africa because they are retarded but not in the West. Only jews let grudges that old affect their worldview.

Let's see if you can show me any reasonably popular atheists who are also against faggotry. Because from what I've seen the argument comes down to "If God exists why do I like it in the butt?"

acp_k2win 10 points ago +10 / -0

The hard part is Order does not have a win condition, Chaos does.

If they get faggot flags on every crosswalk then they will move on to gay porn on every crosswalk, then child porn on every crosswalk, then child sacrifice to Satan on every crosswalk, then something worse.

Not having faggotry everywhere isnt something that rallies the troops.

acp_k2win 12 points ago +13 / -1
  1. Stop saying "religious" when you mean Christian. Atheism in a western country is just anti-Christianity.

  2. Christianity produces a good society. Gay race communism produces a bad society.

  3. Are there any atheists that aren't giant faggots?

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