PresidentBossk3562 4 points ago +6 / -2

For myself, I am looking forward to Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer and Cobra Kai season 6.

Nolan usually has really neat visual effects, and the plots are complex in a neat way. I think he's one of the last great directors in Hollywood. The all-star cast is great to see as well.

Corny as it is, Kobra Kai is usually really fun, and is one of the few legacy shows that actually feels like to caters to fans of the original. Excited to see how it wraps up.

PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you actually read his comments, he specifically brings that up, and talks about how he regrets it and he shouldn't have done it.

PresidentBossk3562 12 points ago +12 / -0

I agree. Spider-man for example has sucked since One More Day, and that happened all the way back in '06.

Marvel as a whole has sucked since about that time too. The continuity is awful, every new run just resets everything, so nothing ultimately matters. Writers always try to outdo each other with big events that radically change things, only for things to go very quickly back to status quo.

Woke is the biggest problem, but the continuity is another major one, and it's been that way for a while. It probably started in the mid-nineties when shock-value stories became big (clone saga, death of superman, etc.) But it seemed better by late-90s early 2000s, only to go downhill again in the mid-to-late 2000s.

PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brave New World is a extremely interesting dystopian science fiction/social commentary of that is your sort of thing. If you like philosophy, I think you would find it interesting. Aldous Huxley's commentary on the book's themes, A Brave New World revisited, is also great, and contains lots of interesting philosophy.

If you like horror, the original dracula and frankenstein books hold up great. Very creepy, and the themes are interesting even today.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, even ignoring "wokeness", the current adaptions of the films are pretty well done and accurate to the books (especially the first two films). This show is going to be beat by beat the same, except for probably more added stuff from the books, just with different actors and worse special FX since its a TV show. I feel like when it comes out its going to immediately get compared to the films, and not in a good way.

PresidentBossk3562 11 points ago +11 / -0

This way, when they race-swap X-men for the movies they can say "BUt It'S fRoM tHe CoMiCs ThOuGh". Just like they did with Ironheart, Ms. Marvel, Thor, etc.

I salute you for reading this trash for our entertainment though.

PresidentBossk3562 14 points ago +14 / -0

How do you know how close you are to a gay though? You could literally walk down the street and pass a gay and not even know it.

PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know how I personally see things ending, but there are interesting theories in this thread to be sure.

Also for any Catholics, do any of you believe in the illumination of conscience and the three days of darkness? I am not sure if I believe in it or not, but I listened to Taylor Marshall's podcast about it and it was interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji4xD5xJ_ws

by folx
PresidentBossk3562 8 points ago +8 / -0

As a lifelong Marvel fan, it hurts to see Marvel comics in the state it's in. It's mostly written by SJWs who know nothing about telling good stories, and horrible editors who never know when to say no. The continuity even sucks now. I mean, characters die and come back within 6 months to a year. The editors can't even keep any sort of consistency, each new run is basically just the current writer's fan-fiction, soon to be overturned by the next writer.

I just stick to reading reprints of classic Marvel. If I want something new, indie comics and manga are what I read. How anyone can read modern Marvel trash when there are way better alternatives available is beyond me. Hopefully with numbers declining Marvel and DC will just die. I hope it happens at this point, it's like seeing a dying and in pain animal get put to sleep.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think thats what's so great about. The fear of death Puss goes through is relatable to almost anyone, but especially an older audience.

Modern entertainment constantly talks about anxiety, fear, and mental health but at the same doesn't usually show people what they need to do, which is confront it head-on. It's refreshing to see a movie actually tackle an issue like this the way it should be.

PresidentBossk3562 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know Puss in Boots is good when even the Drinker is talking about it. Normally he doesn't bother to talk about kid's movies.

PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have already resorted to an everdrive for n64, GB, and GBA (Even ignoring just regular roms, there are a lot of good rom hacks to play too).

It's nice for games above what I'm willing to spend, but something about owning the actual carts makes it a more fun experience. Usually if I can find the original game for 30 dollars or less (Something increasingly hard to do these days), I usually still buy an original cart.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes a lot of sense, as I've noticed that NES, Atari, and Genesis stuff is still decently priced, it's mostly mid-nineties to early 2000s where the prices have gone crazy high. Gamecube is probably the worst one (Some like Pokemon are even going for over a hundred dollars).

PresidentBossk3562 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's also worth noting that the price increase started rapidly in 2020, it wasn't a gradual thing at all.

PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was what I was thinking, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a more specific use

PresidentBossk3562 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a kid, who has two moms who are briefly shown.

Wednesday makes a few comments throughout about the terrible pilgrims who came to America and whitewashed everything.

It's not really that scary, but it shows some gore.

It mostly just depends if you can tolerate some of the minor wokeness sprinkled in it. As far as Netflix goes, the wokeness isn't actually that bad.

PresidentBossk3562 3 points ago +3 / -0

The game has been a bestseller for weeks and it hasn't even actually been out most of that time. I think it will probably do fairly well.

PresidentBossk3562 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair, the Cursed Child was mostly written by two playwrights, she basically just approved it and slapped her name on it.

Fantastic Beasts though, is mostly her, as the main faults of it lie with the script.

by folx
PresidentBossk3562 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's debatable. It's all one source so they have a more consistent look than the despecialized. The resolution is higher, but due to most of the despecialized being taken from a higher quality source they still sometimes look better.

For Star Wars, it's debatable.

Empire strikes back isn't out yet, so despecialized is your only option.

For Return of the Jedi, the reel used for 4k83 is extremely clean, I think it looks better than the despecialized.

This comparison may help you decide. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EKYiISAYCm0

by folx
PresidentBossk3562 6 points ago +6 / -0

Second puss in boots. I saw it in the theater, great movie.

by folx
PresidentBossk3562 6 points ago +6 / -0

I recently got the Star Wars 4k theatrical editions fan remasters. They are called 4k77 and 4k83. Great quality, and no stupid special edition changes. Definitive way to watch Star Wars.

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