PresidentBossk3562 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hear people on the internet say this a lot, but I have yet to encounter a disc with this, and I have CDs that go back to the 80s. Even talking to other people, the only time I have heard of it happening was with Sega CD stuff. I think most pressed discs will be good for a long time, there are just handfuls of bad batches that die prematurely. I don't think it's as common as internet people act like.

As far as CD Rs though, they are very unreliable. Was going through some CDRs and DVDRs that had old home movies and photos, and a good amount of them didn't work anymore.

PresidentBossk3562 6 points ago +6 / -0

Replaying all three of them on my PS2 right now, great games. I would say 2 is probably the best though.

PresidentBossk3562 3 points ago +3 / -0

To me, Marvel's decline really started in the mid-nineties, when editors basicly threw continuity out the window. Horrible stories and constant retcons really diminished the authenticity of the stories. Things got a bit better in the late nineties, but by the mid-to-late 2000s things got really messy again (OMD probably being the best example). Writer were allowed to just run wild, but then reset everything to a status quo at some point, which really made the stories feel like nothing mattered. The wokeness element was just more fuel on the fire when it came about in the early 2010's. That's not to say that there hasn't been some good runs since, but the brand as a whole has never been as strong and cohesive. Past 2014 or so though, there is hardly anything good left.

PresidentBossk3562 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is probably my biggest problem with it. You have to have 60 year old Batman stories fresh in your mind to even understand some of the concepts.

PresidentBossk3562 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you all for the tips, I never expected this many replies lol.

PresidentBossk3562 5 points ago +5 / -0

Between this, the Shift, the Boy and the Heron, and the Christmas story re-release, I am actually unsure if I will get around to seeing all the movies I want to this month.

I don't even remember the last time that's happened lol.

PresidentBossk3562 12 points ago +12 / -0

The book this new Hunger Games is based on was actually pretty solid, it is worth a read for anyone interested.

I feel like the YA novel-to-movie thing died forever ago, this movie feels like it would have came out 10 years ago.

Personally, I skipped this movie because of main actress and the trannie.

PresidentBossk3562 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are some good ones out there. Father Stu is a recent one that is really well done.

PresidentBossk3562 24 points ago +24 / -0

Creative types have been left-leaning for a long time now, even before the current "wokeness" trend, so it's hard to find media that goes too far right.

The closest thing I can think of would probably be a lot of Christian movies. They often become so preachy and heavy-handed it impacts my enjoyment of them.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Most people in creative work have been left-leaning for decades, even before politics infected everything. The problem is how they have let it infect their work, to the point it compromises any sort of good story.

As long as his story is clear of it, I can separate the creator and the work enough to still find enjoyment in it.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I googled it, and I couldn't find anyone calling hellboy woke besides the image someone linked. I also looked up the comics on those free comics sites and skimmed them, and there was nothing really obvious at least.

I will probably go ahead and at least finish BPRD. It sucks about Mignola though. I don't know why these comics creator continue to divide an already increasingly small fanbase. No wonder American comics are on their last legs.

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't on Twitter at that time, I only used it once Musk bought it.

Yeah, I will probably steer clear of really recent stuff.

Is BPRD OK up until it's conclusion in 2019 though?

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

I looked and scrolled back like 2 months, and outside of the fact he is from LA, I didn't see anything liberal or even political. Am I missing something?

PresidentBossk3562 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the greatest issues of Spider-man ever in my opinion.

PresidentBossk3562 6 points ago +6 / -0

Might sound silly, but I think Shrek is a really good example.

Ogre's are typically associated as being evil, but it quickly shows that's not who Shrek is.
The movie continues this theme when you meet the princess. While at first you would think her and Shrek have nothing in common, but again it shows not to judge by appearances, showing the princess isn't who you would expect.

PresidentBossk3562 8 points ago +8 / -0

That is the blue fairy from the Pinnochio remake.

Looks like a man in drag.

PresidentBossk3562 19 points ago +19 / -0

Article for those interested in reading it.

Woke Disney Lost Almost $900 Million On Last 8 Films: Report https://www.dailywire.com/news/woke-disney-lost-almost-900-million-on-last-8-films-report

And this isn't even considering Indiana Jones is predicted to be a major bomb.

PresidentBossk3562 11 points ago +11 / -0

The kid's step dad sounds like that guy from the gigachad meme.

PresidentBossk3562 19 points ago +19 / -0

"If not for my cat and weed I'd be in a real dark place right now."

Lol. Losing your son and your father doesn't put you in a dark place, but losing your cat or weed would be too much? You guys ever notice how most of these trannies also tend to be really selfish? They care more about attention and material things than actual relationships with people.

PresidentBossk3562 5 points ago +5 / -0

I almost saw this at the theater, but I (luckily) decided to read Plugged In Online's review just to make sure it had no gay shit. After I saw that I decided not to go. A shame too, as despite being a giant liberal, Hanks is a great actor, and I always have enjoyed watching him.

PresidentBossk3562 4 points ago +6 / -2

For myself, I am looking forward to Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer and Cobra Kai season 6.

Nolan usually has really neat visual effects, and the plots are complex in a neat way. I think he's one of the last great directors in Hollywood. The all-star cast is great to see as well.

Corny as it is, Kobra Kai is usually really fun, and is one of the few legacy shows that actually feels like to caters to fans of the original. Excited to see how it wraps up.

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