ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, it's a real mystery why he would be gaining support when his opponent is using lawfare in an attempt to avoid having to face him in an "honest" election. Our political views are a threat to democracy, while their threat to democracy is just their political views.

I hate the left with a fiery passon. I will crawl over broken glass just to get a chance to piss in their cheerios. Fuck them all.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same here. I don't give a fuck that it's not as woke as it could be. A drop of soup in a barrel of sewage makes a barrel of sewage. A drop of sewage in a barrel of soup makes a barrel of sewage.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

If shit like this doesn't just cause every country to leave the EU, they will all deserve what staying gets them. Europeans are spineless cucks. I don't ever want to hear another complaint about the US from any of them.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +12 / -0

But then what would there be left for you to do here if there wasn't anyone for you to tattle on to our faggot mod? I suppose you would just move on to subvert a different sub as is your nature.

ModsAreAIDS 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember, it's down the road, not across the street.

ModsAreAIDS 9 points ago +9 / -0

Commie faggots are putting on a play of Romeo and Juliet. The two people pictured are the lead actors cast for the title roles. The faggots casted that ass-ugly gorilla as Juliet to both virtue signal, and so they can shout "RAYCISSS!" at anyone who makes fun of their virtue signal.

ModsAreAIDS 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good luck with that. It isn't getting married that's an issue. It's what happens when the relationship goes bad and then you are stuck working with a spurned ex who has motivation to go scorched earth on your career. If you date your coworkers, you are an idiot. It isn't worth the risk, ever.

And I can't believe I have to explain this, but "don't shit where you eat" isn't actually about literally taking a shit. It's an idiom that refers to how it is a bad idea to invite trouble to a place you regularly find yourself, like your place of work.

ModsAreAIDS 32 points ago +32 / -0

I don't know why they didn't just put Lizzo in the role. This whole thing is just a troll so they can be sanctimonious about "owning the chuds", so they might as well go all out.

Still, god damn is she ugly. No man would off himself over that, unless it was the only way to get away.

ModsAreAIDS 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oddly enough, though, the "tiny" element is more often Male Dom/Female Sub, while the "giant" element is more often Female Dom/Male Sub

As much as short men turn women off, pixie sized men would make them run for the hills. Women can't even be attracted to them in their fucked up power fantasies. It makes sense to me.

ModsAreAIDS 10 points ago +10 / -0

I ban myself from dating within the workplace, whether it's officially against the rules or not. It's a bad idea, and anyone with a real career should avoid it like the plague. Don't shit where you eat. That piece of ass isn't worth losing your job over.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +12 / -0

And if you do participate in the games and inevitably dominate them, they get extremely angry that you are "discouraging them from participating" and start gunning for your job. My BIL is going through this at his job right now. He doesn't give a shit, so he isn't holding back at all. It's hilarious how fired up they are all getting at him.

ModsAreAIDS 22 points ago +22 / -0

And they wonder why so many people are getting sick of their shit.

ModsAreAIDS 18 points ago +25 / -7

Welcome back! Your ban was horseshit. I'm expecting a permaban myself any day now. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already since our idiot mod thinks I want to kill him and everyone he knows. If I ever stop posting here, you will all know what happened.

Go fuck yourself Dom.

ModsAreAIDS 17 points ago +17 / -0

Vote with your dollars where it actually makes a difference. You will get more of whatever you pay for. Fuck em.

ModsAreAIDS 23 points ago +23 / -0

I would be having a lawyer give them lots of complications and unwanted attention if I was in his position.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

TaySway is going to sue you for that. She owns that word now.

ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +11 / -0

Don't be giving him any ideas. One jewpower is enough.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +12 / -0

It would still be a worthless IP. The very customers who could be interested wouldn't be, since they had already been driven off by the poor quality of the product from before the turnaround. Only a small fraction would be willing to give it a second chance.

ModsAreAIDS 22 points ago +22 / -0

A thought exercise about slowly replacing parts on a ship with identical parts. The question is, once every part has been replaced, is it still the same ship?

ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +11 / -0

The people who still post here are the ones who saw from the beginning that games journalism was just a symptom of the disease. It's impossible to become apathetic when the thing you are angry about threatens your very existence.

We aren't here to just bash shitty games. We're here to talk about the societal rot that is causing games to be shitty.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's the criminal justice spin off from Reagan's quote of "If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it".

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