MK-13 29 points ago +29 / -0

Christ suffered & died on the cross for us and now this Jew is trying to tell us we should be careful about how/when we declare His glory. fuck you, Seth Dillon. Christ is King and your ancestors had him killed for it.

Nothing in that tweet is a lie, maybe that Seth is a jew, but looking at his behavior, X to doubt...he's either a jew or he's a massive faggot...maybe both.

Either way, these faggots are insufferable. Thank God they are being exposed for what they are.

MK-13 5 points ago +5 / -0

Black people are all a bunch of disgusting thug looking retards with a clear inferiority complex that they can't overcome

That's what get from all these games. And i get called "white supremacist" for pointing that out. Pretty funny.

MK-13 12 points ago +12 / -0

Dillon himself addressed the backlash to the headline in a series of tweets, telling his followers of the post, “It wasn’t even about white people. It was a joke about white supremacists. And it was originally published back in 2017 without any backlash. Something changed, but it wasn’t us.” He later added, “When you’re personally offended by a joke about white supremacy you might want to rethink some things, including whether Christ really is your King.”

This Dillon guy has been a subversive asshole right from the beginning, he acts exactly like a jew or a leftist, the moment he gets caught by Christians being anti-white scum, he tries to use Jesus and Christianity as a shield while accusing others of not being Christians for not defending his cucked worldview.

A group of people concerned about their own genetic and cultural background, is not being supremacist...you're not calling for segregating anyone, you're not calling for violence against other groups of people...so to say that white people concerned about the survival of their people is "white supremacy", is being a disgusting piece of shit, and a self-hating asshole in Dillon's case.

I'm actually surprised that normies are already attacking that idea, it means that even the "colorblindness" bullshit it's out of the game.

People it's noticing, and they can't stop it, not even with these cucks licking their boots.

MK-13 18 points ago +19 / -1

They mask their hatred as humor, just as they do with the normalization of immorality and perversion.

If this video seems weird to you, it's because there is no mask anymore, and it's easier to spot the anti-Christian and anti-white propaganda in its content. I bet you can go back and watch all of their content, and basically spot the anti-white propaganda even in their early videos.

MK-13 15 points ago +15 / -0

It makes sense.

LGBT activists and organizations want to destroy Russia (and any other nation they operate in), their goal is to pervert children, to destroy their ability to relate to each other in the future as normal adults who can have families, and they do that by sterilizing them with chemical procedures (hormones in boys and testosterone in girls), then they go one step further and also sterilize them by mutilating them in hospitals, to turn them into sex toys, so they can rape and use them until they no longer excite them and the poor children commit suicide when the effect of all that abuse weighs on their poor souls.

It is anti-human, anti-natalist, it is evil, by design.

MK-13 19 points ago +21 / -2

This is what people need to understand.

All feminists are radical, because feminism is a radical ideology at its roots.

Feminism was designed to first destroy women, turning them into filthy whores who do not deserve to have a soul and be proud of it, then to become murderers of their own children whom they hate with all their might, to destroy the family, to destroy truth, to destroy justice, to destroy men.

Feminism it's pure evil.

Any woman who is a feminist, is a literal demon walking the earth, indoctrinated to destroy the civilizations in which they reside, a woman cannot be a feminist and have dignity, those two things are incompatible. J.K Rowling is an evil piece of shit, who only defends other evil feminists pieces of shit like her, against evil troons pieces of shit who are by design the direct results of a civilization destroyed by feminists like her, and this was all by design.

That is why you have to let them destroy each other, both feminists and troons are forces of cultural and civilizational destruction, the right way to go is to add fuel to the fire and let them expose their visceral hatred for the rest of the western normie population.

You notice a feminist complaining about men?, feed them troon propaganda being shitheads towards women.

You notice a troon complaining about men?, feed them feminist propaganda being shitheads towards troons.

Both ideologies, feminism and transgenderism, are designed to destroy everything they can reach, their sole purpose is the destruction of civilization, so that the puppet masters can execute their plan to rebuild it at their convenience, and once that happens, just as with communism that started all those ideologies, all the troons and feminists will be sent to the gulags, to be raped and executed, because they will no longer be useful for the cause that has already been accomplished, the social revolutionaries are longer be needed.

There's no injustice, it's all by design, it's all double-think, it's the good old communism adapting and using any dressing to destroy an established civilization.

MK-13 27 points ago +27 / -0

Yup, when the military dropped the new ad with only white men, it's easy to see that they are actually panicking and trying to back off all their bullshit out of desperation.

China is a true ethnic supremacist state and their goal is to subjugate everyone for their national benefit, and they can't fight that Asian killing machine without whites. And now with China actively supporting Russia and not saying a word about Palestine and Israel, these dumb fucks are realizing that China has been playing them all along.

Actually they are so blind smelling their own farts, they thought only they could play that long subversive game, the real golem is China, not these dumb useful tools in the west.

MK-13 12 points ago +14 / -2

Raised taxes on exports (to companies that sell their products to the international market), and lower them on imports (products entering the country's local market).

It is a hostile policy to local companies, since internationally they will have to sell at a higher price, locally as well, and the products of foreign companies will have a lower price.

It is an explicitly anti-liberal and anti-libertarian tax policy. (It's called deindustrialization policy).

There is a reason why Donald Trump's protectionism made sense, how do you compete in a market where foreign companies have slave labor in Africa and Asia, and can afford to take your market with low prices and slowly destroy your companies that can't compete?.

In the short term you experience real price drops that solve inflation, but in the medium and long term your companies go bankrupt and are acquired by foreign companies, and have practically no competition.

This leaves your entire country completely dependent on mega corporations, billionaires and foreign states (who control the flow of products and production), who will have a very strong position of influence over your politicians in matters of diplomacy and law.

Doesn't that sound familiar?.

MK-13 13 points ago +15 / -2

The socialists in Argentina were negotiating to join the BRICS together with Brazil, and were also negotiating the purchase of military weapons and fighter jets from China. And out of nowhere, here comes this guy who gives away the nation to the globalists, talking shit about China and Russia, but at the same time licking Israel and the US's ass, and funded by people with connections to Israel, the UK and the US?

It is too convenient to be just a coincidence, especially because diplomatically taking sides in an eventual world war is suicide for Argentina, there is no need for it.

And to praise "Western democracies", including Israel (which is not even a democracy and to say otherwise is to lie, as Milei has done.), seeing all that they are doing against the freedom of their people, is to be a total hypocrite.

MK-13 6 points ago +8 / -2

The law described is the one that is repealed, there will be no law of the land at all, that's how screwed up it is.

There is no protection for Argentina national sovereignty with this.

That is why the Biden administration had a delegation on the day of his inauguration as president, the same reason the New York Jewish mafia was having "religious meetings" with him, about "spiritual guidance with his rabbi", the same reason the damn Zelensky was there, and the same reason he worked all his life for Eduardo Eurkenian, a billionaire who has connections and has been financing "Mapuche International" (a fake indigenous guerrilla in Argentina), backed by the UK.

The guy it's a massive trojan horse.

MK-13 13 points ago +14 / -1

Archive - https://archive.ph/Cr0X6

Javier Milei announced the repeal of the Land Law: what the law says

The norm establishes a limit on the purchase of rural land by foreign citizens up to 1,000 hectares in the core area or a surface equivalent depending on territorial location.

At the same time, sets at 15% the limit on all ownership of domain or possession of fields in national territory for foreign persons, both natural and legal. The objective of the law is to put a limit on the foreignization of lands.

That alone, combined with the new tax laws where he raised taxes for local companies and lower them for foreigners, it's gonna end up destroying local companies and foreigners are gonna take over.

Argentina is over, forever, sold out to the global elites.

MK-13 2 points ago +3 / -1

I knew Ron was full of shit when all that drag bullshit happened in some hotel, ¿does anyone remember that?.

They were allowing minors in "drags shows" (corruption of minors), and he only took away their liquor licence or something like that.

That's how you know these politicians are full of shit.

All those fuckers needed to get charged for corrupting minors, and the hotel needed to get legally fucked in a lawsuit. Anything else was not enough.

MK-13 1 point ago +2 / -1

I understand, but imagine your country not having your own currency, then getting your local companies to get rekted with taxes while the foreigners pay less (locals cannot compete and they go bankrupt, so they end up selling their properties), and now pushing for your homeland to be sold to foreigners too.

That's actually insane.

The right wing Nationalists are pissed off at him right now, that's more half of his votes, and the socialists are already talking about a coup (and they are right, as crazy as that sound), because they understand that Milei it's working for their enemy. (they just would side with China and Russia, but if you think about it, in a world war situation, Argentina has to be on China side or be fucked by the UK)

Argentina it's at war with the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom is under the influence of the EU and the United States, both globohomo controlled under the influence of Israel. The globohomo UK was pissed at the last socialist argentinian goverment, because they were negotiating buying war planes from China, do you see where was all going? ('Las malvinas' - "The Falklands"). And the UK and that goverment funded Milei campaign through an argentinian multibillionare that's operating on their behalf, with help of Israel too.

In Argentina, true nationalists (from both sides) think that when the UK falls under a racial/civil war that it's coming there, they have to take the oportunity to take the the "falklands" back.

The reason Milei was put in power in Argentina, it's not only to prevent that and take over their country and organize guerrillas there, but also because Brasil is under Lula, that's is on the side of China and Russia, with Venezuela too. The great powers of the world are playing with South America right know, its a fight for resources and strategic war plans.

It was never about Argentina economy. Milei doesn't give a fuck about argentinians, in fact, seeing that he's completely licks the boots of Israel, he probably despises them.

Remember, 95% plus white country, they want to destroy all white countries, Argentina it's also an objective.

MK-13 7 points ago +8 / -1

Milei is a trojan horse, he's going to destroy Argentina, and sell it to the globalists elites.

1 - He wants Argentina to give up their own currency with the euphemism of "dollarization" (speaking clearly, that's giving up Argentina monetary sovereignty)

2 - He just rised up the taxes for exports but lower them for imports (an clear hostile economic move against Argentinian companies and a clear intention of local deindustrialization)

3 - He's already pushing to abolish "The land law", and doing that unconstitutional becuse those laws protect Argentinian sovereignty over their territories, if he does that, then any foreign multibillionare, corporation or state can freely buy land in Argentina. (Without land laws, any country cease to exist)

And let's not forget.

There was a Biden delegation the day he took the oath, Zelensky was also there, and he went several times to New York to speak with the jewish mafia there, and if that it's not enough, he was being funded by Eduardo Eurkenian.

That Eduardo guy, has english connections and he's been throwing money to "Mapuche international" (an armed guerrillas in Argentina that are being funded by the UK intelligence too).

What do you think it's gonna happen when these multi-billionare with connection with the UK buys land and send some agents to train those fake indians? (the CIA did something like that in Mexico with the same kind of tactics and trained the Zetas).

Milei it's going to take away their monetary sovereignty, it's already putting hostile economic tax rates that are going to destroy Argentina local companies, and he's pushing for an inconstitutional repeal of laws that's it's basically destroying Argentina as a country by selling the territory to the globalists.

Milei it's traitor. You know what he didn't closed from the goverment?, the "UNADI", that means "Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo", translated is 'National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism'

The main reason he didn't closed that idealogical persecution tool, it's because he tried to get several people jailed because opinions about him and the jews, kinda weird isn't?. And that was all before being a candidate for anything.

MK-13 19 points ago +19 / -0

I can't believe it's controversial to not support Hamas here. What the fuck has this place become?

From what I've read around here, people don't support Palestine, Hamas, Islam, Judaism or Israel.

Most users here just appreciate that this new conflict makes "the noticing" more mainstream, and enjoys how the golem is attacking its masters.

Nothing else.

Women are not the enemy, they are manipulated by psyops just like every other normie out there (anyone who knows about indoctrination understands that women and children are the most vulnerable to it.), and knowhing that there are a lot of white nationalists here, they know that without white women having white babies, the white race has to future, and no matter how much you try to push that psyop on them, you can't fool them into that irrational spyop that goes against their very survival as a group.

It's easy to understand.

They just realized that you have a clear pattern of behavior when it comes to expressing opinions about Israel. So it doesn't matter whether or not you are an IDF member, it matters that you act like one, and then you will be treated like one.

That's all.

MK-13 53 points ago +53 / -0

Demoralization propaganda.

Produced by whores, degenerates, but mainly by intelligence agents in propaganda farms financed by enemy states of the West.

MK-13 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yup, i saw this going around, this guy is a globalist piece of shit.

MK-13 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, i saw that.

Also, i'm investigating this guy... and the money behind him comes from Eduardo Eurkenian (a billionare)... that same guy has been giving money to "Mapuche International Link" (an ONG, based in the U.K), and that money goes to... the fake racial guerrilas that want to take over Argentina.

You're right, this guys is just another globalist plant.

MK-13 33 points ago +33 / -0

Yup, i'm seeing a live stream right now. People screaming "Libertad", "Libertad", "Libertad" (Fredoom) with all their strenght during the speech.

The commies are gonna try to fuck this guy, but the right wing guys are talking about "defending the vote in the streets, whatever it takes".

Things are getting crazy in south america. But it looks good.

MK-13 14 points ago +15 / -1

Marxist tools, it doesn't matter who is the enemy of the west, as long as they are the enemy of the west, they support them, always.

They support comunism, you can change the hamas guys to commies, same meme

They support black lives matter, you can change the hamas guys to black supremacists, same meme.

They support feminism, you can change the hamas guys to a feminist police state, same meme

You could push nazism as the destruction of the west under other name, and they would support that shit too, and it would end up in the same meme.

But it's funny to see jews freaking out because of them, after all the power they handed to them to promote the extermination of white people, now they are offended to see their own extermination being called on throughtout every street of the west.

MK-13 43 points ago +43 / -0

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny." - Sam Hyde

That's the first thing that came to my mind.

They have been segregating you for decades, they have been indoctrinating your youth to kill your young in their womb, to become homosexuals and degenerates, to humiliate yourself and bend your knee, and now they want your strongest men to go and die in the other side of the world, again, while they let rapists and killers to enter your homeland so they can roam free to rape and kill your women and children.

This is a matter of pure survival, all europeans and all the whites in the american continent need to wake the fuck up, complete insanity.

MK-13 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's offensive only for the disgusting snakes like him.

MK-13 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's from Netfix, first red flag.

But a good trick, is always searching interviews of actors, directors, and writers, they always talk about how woke they are and how woke is their bullshit.

Here is what i got with a quick search on the writers

Link; https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/blue-eye-samurai-michael-green-amber-noizumi-interview-1235636619/

Archive; https://web.archive.org/web/20231107032624/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/blue-eye-samurai-michael-green-amber-noizumi-interview-1235636619/

The entire plot is about killing 4 white men, and of course the Michael Green guy, it's part of the small hat tribe, lmao

MK-13 35 points ago +36 / -1

Mute user


Mute the entire chatroom


Whoever complain about shit like this, it's an attention seeking whore, or more likely, a seeking attention tranny.

Disgusting subhuman trash in both cases.

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