With all the problems occuring for Boeing planes and the airlines that use them, as well as the effects of having diversity enforced upon airlines, which airlines that run in the US are the least affected? Are airlines that use Airbus, for example, also having planes fall out of the sky?

I am thinking of visiting some family cross country. Road trips are expensive nowadays due to the price of gas and lodging. Just curious if there are any airlines/ airplanes that aren't as badly afflicted by progressivism. While we are at it, how bad are modern planes and airlines? As bad as the jokes of "planes falling out of the skies" make it out to be?

Job Application Hell (media.kotakuinaction2.win)
posted ago by KingLion7 ago by KingLion7

Pentagon denies Taylor Swift is an asset. All mainstream media immediately marches lock step to denounce "MAGA types" and "conspiracy theorists" for suggesting such a thing. Will post a bunch of archived links in the comment section, but if one wants to look for one of the many, many articles themselves just type "pentagon denies taylor swift is an asset" into a search bar.

Edit: Wayback Machine wasn't working for me. Glitching hard, eternal saving circle loading over and over. Some of the vast media apparatus that reported on the "conspiracy theory" are the Mirror, Forbes, the Guardian, Billboard, Politico, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Wonkette, Newsweek, the Hill, and Chicago Sun Times. All of them are ragingly passive aggressive.


Just beat the story campaign for Tekken 8, and played several character episodes and some arcade matches. Granted, I haven't done everything yet but I have seen enough to give a review. Don't worry, I won't spoil any of the story mode.

The graphics are amazing. Big step up from Tekken 7. The story has some phenomenal fight scenes and has some moments that tie up the whole Jin vs Kazuya storyline that has been going on since Tekken 3. The story does focus almost exclusively on Jin and Kazuya though, but every character gets a brief moment in the story for some high jinks. It is a Tekken game so it has its humor and over the top fighting.

Namco took a page from Capcom and inserted an easy combo system that one can turn off and on. It doesn't simplify the controls so one still has to have an idea of which buttons to mash and control stick to spin, but some juggle combos and the new "heat"l mode" to use the rage arts and amplify attacks are easier to use when the system is turned on.

On to the negatives. Like everything else nowadays, dlc and battle passes are a thing. The fan service the series is known for has been dialed down hard. The men all have shirtless costumes, while most of the women just have nice dresses or shorts. Only the new gal, Azucena, has a swimsuit. She is clearly the Ms Fanservice for this game, at least for now (go modders go). The item options for character customization are much smaller than previous games, but I am assuming that will be taken care of by the aforementioned dlc and battle passes (as well as the lack of fan service).

I would say, if you are a Tekken fan like I am, get it. If not, wait till more of the dlc gets released then make up your mind then.


Out of curiosity, I searched for "nude Taylor Swift AI pics" and similar variants on both bing and google. Didn't get anything nude at all on the first couple pages. Looks like X isn't the only thing that has been censored. The tech companies appear to be working together to censor everything. Whoever posted that this "incident" will be used to justify censoring the whole internet appears to be on to something. Anyone else seeing the same thing?

Edit: Just tried again and got one nude deep fake image on bing.


I have been thinking about finally upgrading to a PS5 or Xbox Series X. However, consoles usually only last 5 years before the next generation comes out. Granted, the 8th lasted 7 or 8 years, and the 9th was hurt by the COVID lockdown... But the 9th Gen consoles came out in 2020. If the consoles follow the past pattern then there is only 1 more year till PS6 and Xbox whatever comes out. Hell, the Switch came out in 17 or 18 and I have heard rumors that Nintendo is getting ready to unveil the Switch 2. Has there been any word of Microsoft and Sony developing their next consoles yet?


This is a thread for everyone to post their favorite conspiracy theories, whether they be true or unproven. Mine is that pasteurized milk is a means to harm others by Lord Rothschild. Pasteurization kills the nutrients in milk and causes cardiovascular disease. No idea if true or not.


Been looking at getting some new games or grabbing some older games to play. Got a Switch, Xbox One and gaming laptop. Figured might as well make a gaming post since it's been a while since this site has had one.

Is the First Descendant any good? How about the World War Z video game? I heard that one was a lot like Left 4 Dead. Also, any good beat em ups coming out soon?


There is a recent push for red light therapy as some sort of miracle cure for a lot of ailments. Bad skin, wrinkles, hair loss, muscle soreness, gum problems, allergies, etc. This appears to have been building for some time as I found reddit posts on is it bullshit or not from a couple years back. A couple of local gyms have replaced some of their tanning booths with red light booths, and the house I live in now one of the previous tenants replaced a regular light with a red light for therapeutic purposes.

I have found various articles, scientific (for whatever that means nowadays, I am looking at you COVID, climate change, and "green energy") and otherwise that state various benefits for red light therapy, a few that state some possible negative side effects, some that claim nobody has any real value what red light does, and various articles anf posts in between. Has anyone here dug into this and found anything tangible, truly scientific to back or dispel some of these claims? I sincerely doubt red light therapy is the miracle cure some people claim it to be, but how beneficial is it and what are the possible side effects?


It was brought up on my previous post that I had touched on a very critical subject. The destruction of western social life and isolation of modern westerners, especially men. How does this play out overall, what can be done, and to help this fit into this general site's theme, how has this affected gaming?


A while ago it was brought up the joyful circumstances of numerous commentors here being married or in some other form of relationship. Some even had kids.

Question for you all, how hard is it nowadays to be in one (relationship), or get in one? The red pill media has, over the years, become very black pilled and sensationalist on the subject. Granted, with ever increasing feminism and a decrease in tolerance for male behavior I have noticed it getting a lot harder out there... but ia it anywhere near as bad as they say?

While we are at it, what the hell does everyone do for fun in the real world? Prices have gone sky high in America, especially rent and housing, and over the years I have noticed less and less people go out, especially those in their 20s and 30s. I like to hike and explore so sitting at home doing nothing but play video games, read and watch tv drivers me nuts after a while. Granted, society seems less friendly and more shut in nowadays anyways. Still, there must be some clubs or whatever that people do for fun, even if not as frequently as ye olden times.


All that hubbub from the left about AI and apps that read faces for personality traits (and the subsequent cries of racism/ sexism/ blah blah) have made me want to take a look. See what they say about my personality traits, background, whatever. Anybody have good links to any that haven't been banned or neutered yet?


What happened to the adventure books for boys and men that used to be so prevalent once upon a time? Did they get replaced by other media? Pushed out by female domination? Dropped by big companies for all the typical political reasons?


Barbie will make money. I went to the theaters to see Mission Impossible and the parking lot is swamped. All the high school and college aged girls have been filling th theater for days to see Barbie. Dressed in pink, all dressed up. Dragging their boyfriends, with super betas showing up to watch it on their own. I have ladies on Facebook who are posting all about it, mothers with daughters, random gals. They are showing up like it is Twilight.


What is everyone's opinion on those far from weak, artistic motivation, you too can become an alpha male, man's life starts at 30 videos that have propagated all over the place on YouTube? Although some of the advice is all right, and men certainly can improve themselves, they seem to just be more of the old tradcon "man up and do your part" crap that the blue pill normies push, as well as the old "you too can become an alpha male if you buy my 6 dvd set" grift. They also seem to be a subtle way to try and push men back into the dating and work market place despite them being such shit holes.

Problem is, why would any man take any risk in such a society or try and protect it? And why not become a criminal if a man "lives in the dark" and his only role is to grind? These arguments don't make sense based on past healthy societies, as healthy societies always tried to marry men off at a young age to keep them invested in society.

What say everyone? Is this some sort of grift, or coordinated attempt to push men back into society?


Much has been said in the past how the job industry has gone bonkers over the last couple decades. Jobs that didn't used to need college degrees require them, the crazy vax requirements, placing diversity requirements, etc. But when did the job titles get so fake and gay, and the job descriptions as well? Example, I was looking up jobs for hotels and there was crap like "food and beverage expert." The titles are fluffed up shit, and the descriptions frequently make no sense as well. When did that become the norm in America? For those of you not from America, is it like that in other countries?


Where did all of the Anglo leaders and upper class go in the west? Unz had an article quite a while back saying they died out. Moldbug claimed they got absorbed into the modern culture. Did they get pushed out, did they bend the knee, did they die off, what happened to the families and people who used to run the Anglosphere?

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