posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +15 / -4

I had not put two and two together on this but I was struggling to get any online games even loading through matchmaking. GTA V fell over completely for me after awhile because it seems the servers are completely backed up with players in the holidays for various regions and even the otherwise venerable counter strike was getting screwed by the amount of players all trying to connect at once.

I remember what was it Jedi Survivor ( correct me on that one ) or some such had similar problems with people even trying to get the damn game to run because the authentication crap was all online. Everybody trying to join at once? It completely falls over. I'm finding this pretty funny because this is the type of thing where their insistence on keeping things online has completely backfired and is another great example of why community servers should always be a thing. You guys remember couch gaming and LAN? No problem with connection issues.