posted ago by Unknownsailor ago by Unknownsailor +59 / -0

Lotus Eaters has a video ( LINK ) discussing "What is Wrong with the Left?", and they led with a study I hadn't seen before

Original link: https://www.psypost.org/liberals-three-times-more-biased-than-conservatives-when-evaluating-ideologically-opposite-individuals-study-finds/

Archive link: https://archive.is/yygF3

From the article:

“I was very surprised that the level of liberal bias against conservatives was nearly three times greater than was conservative bias toward liberals,” Ridge said. “This is directly the opposite of what ideological asymmetry would predict. I was also surprised that given this result, liberal participants claimed that conservatives were much more prejudiced than liberals, whereas conservatives did not attribute any more prejudice to liberals than to conservatives. This is contrary to much popular opinion about liberals and conservatives in popular media and in the empirical literature.”

I am not personally surprised by this, as I am aware of previous studies that show the left really doesn't know all that much about conservatives in general, and do a really bad job at generalizing conservative ideas. I think this stems from the way the left is able to totally insulate themselves in an information bubble due to the overall heavy leftward bias in all cultural institutions.