I rewatched that last night. I haven't watched it in about 20 years, because when I was a kid, it was just... Too sad. I couldn't handle the grief in it, I guess, and it genuinely sat with me for years afterwards (though I couldn't remember which movie it was, lol). It's easy to mix up with AI: Artificial Intelligence, which came out at the same time, though I don't think I've seen that one. But if you have, apparently there's a lot of crossover...

Anyway, without throwing too many spoilers out, I mostly quite liked it, this time around. Critics at the time didn't, and it didn't do very well at the box office, partly due to bad marketing (marketed as a family comedy, when it really... Wasn't), and partly tonal inconsistencies...

It's definitely flawed, and I wish it had spent less time trying to force Asimov's ideas and screwball physical comedy into the same film. There's some serious plot holes, and some things which are just... Uncomfortable, but it's not a bad film by any means.

Still incredibly sad, though. However the things about it that make me sad are different to those that greatly affected me when I was around 8, lol.

Robin Williams does a pretty good job, though I personally think Embeth Davidtz (what a name, lol) and Oliver Platt did a better job with the material they were given.

But yeah, I certainly still like this movie a lot more than Reddit does, for example, lol.

It asks some questions that I doubt Hollywood would even have the balls to think about, these days. Which is something.


I watched the movie again last night. Sure, it’s not perfect (Wedding is my favourite, and then 2), and some here may think it’s too Jewish, but I still genuinely like it. Like, it’s no worse than the original Mean Girls or Superbad, and it hasn’t aged that badly. Some of the humour is still reasonably current - it’s literally where we got “MILF” from, after all!

Yet Zoomers won’t watch it (but Rocky Horror is ok, because it’s “queer”?) and the “new media” constantly calls it problematic, to the point of at least one “viral” article a year to that effect, which is just… Pathetic really. Especially since even my extremely normie, straight-laced parents had to admit that they have chuckled at it a few times…

Honestly, I just wish I had first seen the movie when I was a teen, rather than in my twenties. I probably could have done with a dose of that, growing up.

Also, prime Tara Reid, Natasha Lyonne and Shannon Elizabeth (though not Alyson Hannigan or Mena Suvari, IMHO), so there’s that, too…


Australia/NZ-specific subreddits, in particular, were always absolutely fucking awful (everything from city subs, to politics, to finance), but this is worse than even during ‘Rona…

For context, this week the Australian Tax Office (ATO) essentially declared war on small (but not big) business, and said that they will use every tool at their disposal to squeeze every unpaid tax dollar out of said businesses, no matter what consequences that has for insolvencies, the economy, and hell, everything that follows that.

I am not kidding when I say that they literally said “Well, if this destroys more businesses than the GFC, that’s too bad.”

In a normal world, such an announcement would have been treated with… At least some degree of disgust, but not on Reddit. On Reddit, people were literally saying they wished that the ATO could employ lynch mobs. In the AusFinance sub (the irony), they were saying they hope small business owners kill themselves over this, because they clearly deserve to…

It’s pretty crazy to me, to see how toxic this discourse has become.

That place is… Well, it’s probably worse than I ever expected it would become, honestly. And that’s just with me lurking, not even wading back in to discussions again…

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