by folx
ariloulaleelay 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, suddenly, I'm all pro-choice. But the woman has to eat the fetus. Raw.

ariloulaleelay 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because they're not backed up by big pharma.

Look, the endgame of T is simple - if trans rights are human rights then everybody who's trans deserves a free transition and lifetime support in terms of drugs etc. That's turns a perfectly healthy person into a farming animal and that's great.

And government angle is important because this way they'll be able to set up unreasonable prices (all paid by taxpayers money or all printed - who cares) and nobody will be able to criticize it.

Furries just don't have the same money appeal - I dunno how much does a good fursuit cost but it's definitely not 200k of transition funds.

ariloulaleelay 1 point ago +1 / -0

40 000 people die in car crashes in USA, yearly. They really need to step up and ban fucking cars.

ariloulaleelay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hipsterism is all about "I'm better than you". And rules are convenient for this as they allow to demonstrate their betterness easily - look, I'm so attentive and I gender people correctly, whereas you're evil as you can't be bothered to learn their pronounce.

ariloulaleelay 11 points ago +11 / -0

No, he left long before all that happened due to creative conflicts with Sawyer and Urquhart.

by folx
ariloulaleelay 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not about race, it's about Hollywood's current cult of ugliness. Well, ok, more like plainness, but the point stands. In their change example, we're talking about some of the most charismatic actors ever playing the parts and they're all pleasant to look at.

New ariel is somewhere between plain and freaky. I dunno why am I supposed to spend my cash and my time to look at that. If I want to look at plain, ordinary women I can, I dunno, go outside and gawk, lol.

ariloulaleelay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, don't forget that Witnesses are real, real scummy - they're all about "surrender all your possessions to church and, oh, also work for free" stuff. They're nothing but totalitarian sect and should be banned.

And one doesn't have to have conspirological reason to have a grudge against them, really - could've been the rage of an honest victim.

ariloulaleelay 13 points ago +13 / -0

At least with Netflix you can rest assured they'll do the child fucking part right.

ariloulaleelay 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's also not available in russia - sanctioned, lolz. I guess it's predictable that this NPC supports the current thing.

ariloulaleelay 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not even this. It's that, even if it takes 10-20 years, manga will end and will reach some conclusion.

The only conclusion comic readers get is a brand new day, lol.

ariloulaleelay -3 points ago +1 / -4

Motives can be real easy - either failed to save someone and some relative blames it on him or his help resulted in too high of a medical bill and "victim" thinks he should've done it cheaper.

ariloulaleelay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Useless and not based on rational arguments at all. Incredibly vulnerable, really.

For example, he mentions that they (presuming - Britain) produce only 2% of CO2 emissions. But that plays straight into the hands of SJW because Britain is only ~0.8% of world's population.

And the rest of his speech is all based on appeal to emotions, basically, and only serves to reinforce the basic SJW notion of not having kids anymore (because see, can't stop evil because parents will do any kind of evil for children).

And the conclusion of "that's why we have to invent stuff" is also inept - well, duh, that's why we've invented the bugburger but you don't want to eat it, bigot.

Zero non-echo chamber value.

ariloulaleelay 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a tough question. Warhammer as a hobby really isn't about the story - it's about painting minis (and, last time I checked, there's so much knock-offs and/or 3d Print schemes going around, that you don't really have to pay a single penny to GW; or you can buy the old, uncorrupted stuff from ebay, I guess) and it's about interacting with your local community.

So it's less about the overall game being woke and more about players in your particular stores/hobby centers being woke or not - check that out first.

ariloulaleelay 5 points ago +5 / -0

You sweet summer child.

How about the fact that emperor couldn't even create space marines without bowing to a powerful female?

How about the fact that primarchs were scattered because a powerful female considered that emps is not worth of being their father?

And this notion is repeated in primarchs themselves having potent sisterly/motherly figures that nag them about how useless they are, Perturabo being the prime example.

And there's no need for the female space marines - you're forgetting that space marines are brainwashed child soldiers who are inherently evil, and obviously no one likes them as the heroes, they're enjoyed as a totalitarian regime satire. You're forgetting that Brazil's setting is peak liberalism when compared to Empire.

And non-marines are being slowly rotated for more inclusive characters - how about Ursakar E. Creed's daughter who's even more genius commander than him? Oh, looks like a butch lesbian too.

How about sisters of battle being hit by an ugly stick? Same goes for Slaanesh and his daemonettes suddenly becoming sex negative - you know, they're about excess and sex is, like, the boring version of it. Real daemonettes don't show boobies and are fugly because, erm, well, derp.

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