akira2501 6 points ago +6 / -0

Season 5 is the feminist season. Season 3 definitely had those elements, but the movie had a female cop, who also has the smallest character arc, and V.M. Varga is probably the best "villain" they've had yet. The "social message" of Season 3 was mostly 'greed is bad, yo.'

akira2501 8 points ago +8 / -0

They suck at writing so they have to do that. Otherwise, you have to have the Act 2 "beatdown" scene where the main character takes their licks, and learns to become the badass that everyone needs in Act 3.

No one wants to watch a woman literally get beat half to death. It's really rough and it's hard to pull off. Even Quentin Tarantino couldn't really pull it off in Kill Bill, he had to make it exceptionally cartoonish to make it palettable.

Fargo Season 3 probably did the best at this. They literally just beat the shit out of a female character and leave her for dead in a parking lot. It's a brutal fucking scene just for the sound of it. It really sets her up to be a convincing half a badass with a giant male partner in the rest of the season.

Otherwise you have to go like Kingsman and just make an insane female villain with a secret weapon and you have to let her use it a lot during the movie so no one feels bad when she gets half beaten up and killed with the hero's secret weapon in the end.


akira2501 4 points ago +4 / -0

a.k.a Every Rust "programmer" who ever lived.

akira2501 6 points ago +6 / -0

Welcome to Equality. As a man I'm not allowed to let other people step in on my behalf without having to openly recognize that I'm some kind of pussy.

You wanted the slot. You got it, stupid.

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't it a platform rule? Even if it isn't, is that what you're going with, "intentionally returning to places I'm not wanted and engaging in the same behavior repetitively isn't technically against the rules!"

I mean.. 'aight.. if you want...

akira2501 38 points ago +38 / -0

"No. The first amendment means our institution gets to say whatever it wants, and you the citizen should go to jail if we don't like what you say."

Anyways.. this lady is crazy. On the board at Signal. Former CEO of wikipedia. Member of the CFR, the World Bank, and the Atlantic Council. Literally the type of person NPR would spend all day taking a shit on, and now she runs the place.

These corrupt fucks will stop at nothing. They're going to insert themselves into every last corner of our democracy until they destroy it under the weight of their collective stupidity.

Anyways.. I hope this bitch is vaccinated.

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a forum.

It's for banter.

You clearly have no problem breaking the rules yourself and creating additional accounts to circumvent the ban. You're a hypocrite hoping to cast blame on everyone else for the same thing so you don't have to change your ways.


akira2501 0 points ago +1 / -1


akira2501 11 points ago +11 / -0

The bible and the story of Job makes this clear. Satan wanders the earth and it is his domain. He does what he pleases here.

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

"He has been on the board of the Alamo Square Neighborhood Association. In the early 2000s, he worked to stop fast-food franchises such as Burger King and Domino's from moving into Alamo Square. Preston owns stock shares valued between $400,000 and $4 million in Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Cisco."

ah.. that kind of guy.. if he's so concerned, why not invest in grocery stores then, Dean?

akira2501 8 points ago +8 / -0

Mother and CEO?

So.. you're going to raise a completely emotionally detached psychopath? As if "CEO" is a great job held by good people.

akira2501 7 points ago +7 / -0

And wtf is other peoples emotional labor?

Something an absolutely unstable nutcase cunt says about the world around her.

akira2501 9 points ago +11 / -2

jews think stirring up "anti semitism" is funny. it's also political capital. parading around 'we're special because god' in 2024 should get you permanently ignored. they know what they're doing and they should be ashamed.

as if we need more people to die in the desert on a complete fucking lie.

fucking hebes.. of course.. looking for someone else to fund it..

akira2501 12 points ago +12 / -0

They just hate women. They enjoy mocking them. They enjoy holding power over them. They really enjoy making them afraid.

They're weak bullies who are being given cover by bigger bullies.

akira2501 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jesus Christ..

cut off your balls and wear a dress if that's what you like.

just stay well the fuck away from our tax money, then.

These retards secretly hate the separation of church and state.

akira2501 14 points ago +15 / -1

We are not getting out of this without bloodshed the likes of which western countries haven't seen for 300 years.

That's already happening, they're just good at distracting everyone, so it's not really shown anywhere. This is why the "optics fags" exist, because it's obviously tangential to the "permission" model of achieving an audience.

We're slowly moving away from that but we're between two worlds at the moment. Things like a legitimate cryptocurrency would definitely help there, but a half assed one can work too, anything to break up the old "natural" monopolies of the past.

akira2501 16 points ago +19 / -3

If every person who ever publicly asked the question "why are there so many blacks in prison?"

So.. if I want to invoke this as an indication there's something wrong inside the "black community" then I should go to jail? If I use it as a defense in an argument as to why I don't "default trust" black people? Jail?

was arrested, spent the night in jail, and was charged a hefty fine the world would be a better place.

Is that like your biggest fear.. spending a night in jail? What do you think happens in jail?

You can't defeat marxism under a liberal framework

"You have to remove liberty to fight those who would remove liberty from you."


akira2501 5 points ago +5 / -0

"The people getting mad at this don't understand that this is the current mainstream narrative. This narrative is being broadcast because it's currently useful to whoever holds power. Which is obvious, because the person pictured has no power in our society, so there's no reason for the Bee to 'make fun' of this particular strawman."

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

i can't play fantasy games unless i see myself accurately "represented" in them

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Germans, even when losing, never conscripted blacks into their army. They didn't hate blacks and had no real official policy towards them other than they couldn't marry and mix with Whites. They would have just preferred if they all stayed in Africa.

The French had no problem doing so, raiding africa, and turning anyone they could find in a "colony" into a "drafted soldier." They took hundreds of thousands of blacks and made them fight.

akira2501 5 points ago +5 / -0

"interesting buddy relationship with another man."

"So.. he's gay? Like, gay for wolverine. Which, if that's what you want, whatever, but isn't it against your own 'homophobia' rules to say it that way? Just say he's gay for wolverine."

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