RachelkillsBam 6 points ago +6 / -0

My issue with this is that to appease the Japanese crazy masking, US gaming tournament organizers keep forcing people to wear mask that are not Japanese.

Almost every fighting game tournament for the past year and a half STILL enforces mask wearing, where you can visibly see contestants having issues breathing while playing. Due to this cuckoldry, I have basically given up watching anything fighting game related.

RachelkillsBam 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's a sales yes ladder.

For those that don't know, a yes ladder is a technique that gets the prospect to say yes to something small. You then build up on that more and more until you finally get them to say yes to the purchase/issue.

Lesbian. Yes

Gay. Unfortunately yes. The Mathew Sheppard lie helped with this one.

Bi. Easy since we said yes to G. Now the one still in the closet can come out slowly.

Transgender. This is where they are suck at. They absolutely need us to say yes to this. They need us to allow kids to consent to life altering surgery and the ability to strip the child away from the parent due to the parent stopping the child becoming a T. They need this because of...

Questioning/Queer. This moniker is fucking stupid because this is covered in the L, G, or the B.


Q is one letter off of P.

They need you to accept the T so they can get to the P(edophilia).

It also doesn't help their case that NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) helped start the LGBT movement.

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +7 / -0

Example: Social masking for COVID-19 even though that shit is in the past now.

RachelkillsBam 25 points ago +25 / -0

BingAI is ChatGPT

OpenAI (ChatGPT) just admitted that they trained ChatGPT using Reddit Data.

'Nuff said about that.

The first company that releases a non-gimped AI will make a shitload of money...initially.

Just like the EU trying to regulate (or outright ban) LLMs, a non-gimped one would be regulated to death or completely banned.

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +5 / -1

Glenn Greenwald had Telegram hacked to bring down Bolsonaro

Citation Needed

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

HIV rates are higher in the black community due to faggotry not being tolerated as much in the black community therefore forcing more men to be on the "down low"

That said, race really does not matter for HIV/AIDS because to avoid getting/having HIV/AIDS you just have to not be a faggot.

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice how they released/did a bunch of crazy shit during holy week? 🤔

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I reckon we're going to see 'streamers' mysteriously popping up that no one has ever heard of and it will be all carefully stage managed and boring shit and it will turn out these people are all hired actors and the commenters will likely be stage managed as well

This is already happening. Remember the Youtube Black Van girl that came out of no where, got a million subscribers all in one day?

RachelkillsBam 6 points ago +6 / -0

After all the voter fraud crap that has popped up these past few years, I don't think the people are actually voting for this crap.

RachelkillsBam 28 points ago +28 / -0

They need people to accept trannies because they need people to accept that kids can consent to life altering surgeries.

Once they can do that, they have a legal way to day that kids can consent to anything, including sex.

This is why they are so hardcore in the paint for trannies. It's one huge degenerate "yes" ladder.

by folx
RachelkillsBam 15 points ago +15 / -0

You expect low IQ nimrods who don't know anything about the human body to be thinking about the future of their own and their partner's sexual health? Nope, sorry: got to get that nutt off 💦


Suriname too:


by folx
RachelkillsBam 37 points ago +38 / -1

Even where STD are endemic

The STD thing about being uncircumcised is completely overblown.

Best way not to get HIV? Don't be a faggot, and don't do dry sex (dry sex is when idiot African purposely dry out a woman's vagina using dirt, wool, etc. to make the vagina dry).

RachelkillsBam 26 points ago +26 / -0

Because being a dude is hard, and once FtMs get a taste of it, they want their privilege back.

RachelkillsBam 14 points ago +14 / -0

No, this is the roll out of GPT-4

They limited the number of prompts because jailbreaking was still possible if you ask enough questions in the right way.

Limiting prompts/questions makes that very, very hard

RachelkillsBam 8 points ago +8 / -0

Have them go out and get IVs of high dose Vitamin C and Glutathione.

Have them do this once a month for 3 months. That should kill the spike proteins production and the Glutathione will help the body detox.

RachelkillsBam 30 points ago +31 / -1

This is not the state of modern woman.

This woman just gave you a peek at the mindset of all women.

Women would rather share an Alpha male than settle with a Beta. This is a story as old as time.

by KingAJ7
RachelkillsBam 11 points ago +13 / -2

which ends up with denser cities and more immigration

So basically more Jews

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