Grant_us_eyes 4 points ago +4 / -0

And Gunbuster.

Hell, Gundam itself was a subversion criticism of the entire super-robot genre.

Japanese anime has no problem with evolving and devolving as necessary to expouse creativity and good story.

Grant_us_eyes 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've bitched about this before(and will likely do so again many, MANY times in the future), but part of the issue is that Americans vastly, VASTLY over-estimate the true population of minorities.

They really don't think that black people only make up around 13% or so of the population. We know why, or atleast part of the reason - hollywood propaganda constantly shoving minorities in our face to the point that they're no longer a minority. The monkey brain sees the pictures; pictures make up reality.

Grant_us_eyes 18 points ago +18 / -0

Their recruitment numbers must be alot worse than they'll admit to if they're jumping through hoops this badly.

Grant_us_eyes 7 points ago +7 / -0

Both the peasentry and nobility had a pretty hard, brutal understanding of thier role in the world; while the entire 'nobilise oblige' bullshit is in part just good PR, the life of nobility wasn't exactly sunshine and lollipops given the pressures most would suffer under. Whereas the peasentry would have a good grasp on just how tenuous life could be, and what risk were prevalent even in thier day to day life.

The middleclass, by comparison, requires a horde of artificial requirements to even exist; a mixture of city-focus combined with the need for hyper-specialized roles that were often small by comparison.

...shit, you may be on to something.

Grant_us_eyes 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm not sure what's worse; that these people honestly believe what they're saying and they live in such an insulated bubble that anything contrary is impossible to consider, or they're just lying to everyone's face as easily as they breath.

Grant_us_eyes 3 points ago +3 / -0


You don't expect a 3-d RTS to suddenly go lovecraftian horror, but here we are...

Grant_us_eyes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Anyone who played Homeworld 2 and the Homeworld Remake really shouldn't be surprised that 3 ended up being shit.

Ah, well. I still have Cataclysm.

Grant_us_eyes 20 points ago +20 / -0

Or the people leaving think they're in the minority, because everything that goes against THE MESSAGE is removed, censored, deleted, or banned.

Reddit is a massively curated clusterfuck designed around chilling the room and creating a false consensus, even in places you wouldn't expect it.

Grant_us_eyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been to Salt Lake City, and, well. You're not wrong.

Mind, living in Salt Lake City is the last thing I'd want to do. Now, twenty minutes outside of in in those gorgeous, gorgeous mountains it's penned in by - oh, yeah, now we're talking.

Plus, you have to by alcohol at the state-run store.

Grant_us_eyes 7 points ago +8 / -1

I like to think of it as a masks-off moment - that the majority of women regard men as worse than most animals.

Cue Hoe_math's 'not people' schtick.

Grant_us_eyes 33 points ago +33 / -0

I fucking hate Windows 10 as-is. I'd still be on 7 if I hadn't been required to upgrade due to hardware requirements.

The more I hear about 11, the more I realize it'll be time to switch over to linux.

Grant_us_eyes 12 points ago +12 / -0

She's a retarded shill that doesn't know anything about history - and a woman, on top of that.

Lynchings were were fairly even across the racial board pre civil war. Post, eh, I forget the specific ratio, but the last mass lynchings in the US wasn't of blacks, but italians. And given they were involved in mafia stuff, I leave it up to you whether you think it was deserved or not.

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +10 / -0

Always force your enemies to play by their own rules.

If calling someone 'nigger' is a good enough excuse in their mind to get murdered, I don't mind treating them the way they want to treat me.

Grant_us_eyes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a weak-willed shell of a man. I logged onto steam, saw it was on sale, and grabbed it.

If anything, the potential of combat alleviates the problem Banish had with endgame - beyond making a really pretty medieval city with mods, there wasn't much to do beyond diversifying your production. Which, admittedly, was rather fun, but could only carry you so far.

I figure if I atleast get thirty hours or so out of the game, I'll get back my money's worth.

Grant_us_eyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes perfect sense when the EPA standards are fucking insane.

There is nothing natural about the market demand for cars in America.

Grant_us_eyes 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not so much sexual promiscuity(women have no problem fucking Chad, whereas men get left out in the cold), as because economic downturn means less opportunity for access to sexual relief.

A man needs to be successful in life in order to have a relationship, and when you take that away...

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +10 / -0


Okay, NOW you have my attention

Age of Empires and Cities Skylines

Well, fuck. Fine, on the wishlist it goes. I'll probably pick it up when my current obsession gets run through.

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +12 / -2

The increased size of trucks has nothing to do with consumer demand and has everything to do with increased EPA standards completely fucking over everyone and anyone trying to purchase a vehicle nowadays.

Grant_us_eyes 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've finally managed to get ahold of a copy of Eternal Dark: Sanity's Requiem.

It's so fucking good. It hits so many high notes I'm still gobsmacked no one's tried to copy it.

Grant_us_eyes 13 points ago +13 / -0

I wonder how much of an extreme, delusional, curated bubble you have to exist in to seriously think all of that.

These people do not operate in reality.

Grant_us_eyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course, if you go by reddit...

That said, this wouldn't be the first time I've seen RPG forums and fandom have delusional takes on what was really supporting the hobby, but atleast in those situations I'd see the developers come in and throw down a smack or two.

We'll see how all this sorts out.

Grant_us_eyes 5 points ago +5 / -0


Still not gonna watch it in theaters, though.

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh, yes.

These people want to be Commissars so badly it would be hilarious if it didn't have the potential to drive us all to a very, very bad place.

Grant_us_eyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tell me you've never been on 4chan...

...but yeah, that totally started on 4chan.

Grant_us_eyes 13 points ago +13 / -0


Hee. This is nothing new - I can't think of a warhammer model that shows a characters face that actually looks good.

They can do armor really nicely, but faces? Good luck there.

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