Breechimon704 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, stop going after hot women that throw themselves at you. Take the time to seek out women who have been trained to have morals and standards outside of 6x6x6.

Breechimon704 10 points ago +10 / -0

But here's the thing: Whites are rounded up in camps to be exterminated. Who's fighting a world war and dying by the millions to save them? Millions of black brothers come to our aid? Millions of Chinese fighting against other Chinese to save their favorite race the Whites? Millions of Jew sacrificing themselves to ensure that the Whites make it out alive?

The real miracle of WW2 is that the wester world went against human nature spanning millennia to fight for outgroup preference. This wasn't something like "flip the switch to change to tracks and if you don't 6,000,000 Jews die. This was real sacrifice and I never put it together.

Breechimon704 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why the sudden push to attack Christianity?

It's not a huge thing right now but the Christian Nationalist movement is making waves in various parts of the United States. There is an awaking to the fact that we no longer live in our founders White, Christian nation. We can't take for granted that Americans are going to make ethical choices regardless of their stated religious preferences because liberalism and multi-culturalism preclude moral standards.

So, if we are going to have a decent society Christians have to be the ones in charge of setting the standards again. And the establishment doesn't like that. There is immense pushback in the wider evangelical community. The "christian leaders" want everyone to keep going to church on Sunday, voting red every 4 years, and call it good.

If you recognize how far the current American "church" has fallen from Biblical standards, you get called all sorts of names (including sexist, racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic. All the greatest hits). If you start advocating for policies that follow Biblical standards of justice you get told you're trying to use the Bible to amass political power and earthly riches. If you question the undying loyalty to the state of Israel, you're told that you aren't a real Christian.

They are trying to stomp out the embers and I pray that they continue to catch.

Breechimon704 16 points ago +17 / -1

Whoa. I never put this together but were more white people killed in WW2 (on both sides) than number of Jews that were "genocided"?

Call me dumb for not putting together before but even if you grant the Jews their magic number, the losses aren't anywhere close!

Breechimon704 12 points ago +12 / -0


If it works as advertised, I need to find what became of my XBox.

Breechimon704 17 points ago +17 / -0

Really applies to almost any group other than Whites.

Breechimon704 6 points ago +7 / -1

Didn't read the first comment. Don't need to know what some Brit thinks.

The busty young lady in the second comment makes a good point, however.

Breechimon704 11 points ago +11 / -0

It is 100 percent projection. Straight out of rules for radicals. They know that LGTBBQ only propagates through grooming and predatory actions. The only reason they have any power with tactics like this is because we allow it to work.

Breechimon704 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, they recognized that young men were enjoying something that catered to their tastes and they wanted to ruin that.

Think about it. When a new baby boy is born, what's the first thing you do? Mutilate him to lower his sexual satisfaction later in life?

Why? Because men who enjoy things will fight for those things. If you keep them perpetually disenfranchised, they eventually become passive and let you do what ever you want to them/their country/their culture.

Breechimon704 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look, we are just happy to have decent gameplay at this point. A starving man isn't critiquing the way his food is plated.

Breechimon704 4 points ago +4 / -0

This adaptation directly sets up the God Emperor movie. Where in, the reveal is that the God emperor of Arrakis is actually ZENDEYA! No, not Channi but Zendeya herself!!!!

Breechimon704 17 points ago +17 / -0

How have our metabolisms been assaulted?

I am guessing that your testosterone being less than half of what your grandfather's was has something to do with it. Whether it's the cause or merely another symptom I don't know.

deleted 4 points ago +4 / -0
Breechimon704 10 points ago +10 / -0

If less father's "let" people take their kids away there would be less people willing to try.

Breechimon704 14 points ago +14 / -0

Half of Americans view each of these events the same way as you. This is a city problem. I know very few rural folk who feel like they identify with urban America.

Breechimon704 6 points ago +6 / -0

The worst part is they could have done some much more with those twelve years of medical school...

Breechimon704 32 points ago +32 / -0

While I'm not asking questions, can I at least consume product?

Breechimon704 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ruined nations are rebuilt by men. Men give rights to women. Women vote in cocksuckers....

Breechimon704 15 points ago +15 / -0

Your western bias tends to think worse on the left, better on the right.

On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate (insert product or service)? 1/low/bad will be on the left, 10/high/best will be on the right.

Say what you will about leftys, they are genius when it come to subtle manipulation like that.

Breechimon704 8 points ago +8 / -0

Our tolerance is a genetic defect that will be bred out of existence.

Breechimon704 10 points ago +10 / -0

All commercial chemicals used in consumer products are tested very stringently. They are tested on a wide base of consumers to see what happens...

Breechimon704 23 points ago +23 / -0

Progressive culture pushing change for change sake definitely sets the stage for constant updates but I think the answer is far more mundane.

Corporations are filled to the brim with useless people. People with inflated job titles and salaries to match it. They have to do SOMETHING to feel important and UI changes are an outlet for that. Someone who finally gets bored of surfing tiktok all day looks for something to do. Or the overseer of project managers of user experience wants to pad their resume for a career upgrade but can't really do anything calls a meeting and demands that we HAVE to modernize the interface to be more inclusive.

I haven't been tracking it closely but I assume that as time goes on, UIs are moving away from words to keep to with illiteracy and globalization.

Breechimon704 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a great game. Granted, I've avoided MOST games released after 2017. So if it's just a jumble of popular mechanics, it's new to me

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