AgnosticTemplar 25 points ago +26 / -1

Bribery through AIPAC donations (with the implicit threat than they'll finance your opponent if you don't capitulate), blackmail through honepots (no way was Epstein the only one), and the explicit threat of Mossad goons planting bombs on your plane if you take overt action against the interests of israel.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember the "Stop Asian Hate" social media campaign that was abruptly halted once it was made evident that the vast majority of assaults and harassment directed toward asians wasn't done by 'white supremacists', but blacks?

AgnosticTemplar 11 points ago +11 / -0

This. Dom is such a faggot who only cares about defending his tribe.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Blocking works for me, what domain are you browsing from? I use the communities.win one.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have another booster, faggot.

deleted 5 points ago +6 / -1
AgnosticTemplar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't the initial goal of every playthrough to abort a mindflayer embryo that was implanted into your brain?

AgnosticTemplar 22 points ago +23 / -1

Every person who owns a TV in the UK, even if all they use it for is to play video games, is forced to pay a loicense which subsidies everything the BBC produces.

AgnosticTemplar 12 points ago +12 / -0


The House passed his yesterday, On Monday the 6th is Yom HaShoah, a jewish holocaust memorial holiday, which would be a fitting day for the Senate to vote on and likely pass the bill. Criticizing israel and saying that jews have a grossly disproportionate amount of power and influence would carry severe penalties, but blatant anti-white sentiment can of course continue being standard college curriculum.

AgnosticTemplar 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's been funny watching them use those words against blacks to no effect. Jews spent the past 20 years indoctrinating blacks with critical race theory, grievance studies, "it's ok to hate your oppressors", etc. Basically teaching blacks to be as indignant as jews, but with the characteristic lack of impulse control. And it's turned against them, lol.

AgnosticTemplar 16 points ago +18 / -2

All the evil lefitst shit jews pull are spelled out in the Talmud.

AgnosticTemplar 14 points ago +15 / -1

Not as bad as the Q board, where a lot of retards insist that Mike Johnson folding to the dems by giving them everything they want is actually a master ploy to Wake Up the normies. The secret cabal of patriots that are somehow controlling everything behind the scenes are making everything worse on purpose and will save America because... reasons. Trust The Plan!

AgnosticTemplar 12 points ago +12 / -0

He was a host on the G4 network, a cable station that catered to gaming and gamer culture in the 2000's. Closed down in 2014, had a disastrous relaunch on youtube in 2022 that only lasted a year. I don't know much about Sessler himself, just that his name popped up during gamergate as one of the dejected gaming clique whom openly despised the hand that fed him his entire career. Probably was resentful, like so many other gaming journos, that he never broke out into 'real' reporting.

AgnosticTemplar 26 points ago +26 / -0

While I'm happy to see the majority of the users on the_donald have wised up to the Khazarian mafia being the man behind the curtain, most normie Trump supporters still buy into that 'greatest ally' bullshit. Conservative media being almost exclusively jewish owned controlled opposition greatly influences that... as well as Trump himself being a simp for israel.

AgnosticTemplar 7 points ago +7 / -0

I started playing Kingdom Come Deliverance again, never got around to beating it the first time around, and I like how there's multiple avenues to progress depending on your playstyle. When you have to leave that keep in the beginning so you can make it back to your home village to bury your parents, there's so many ways to go about it. You can steal a set of armor from storage to sneak out as a guard, you can give a sob story or straight up bribe your way past the gatekeeper, or you can jump off the drawbridge into the moat and run for it. Might even be able to slaughter all the guards and walk out at your leisure if you spent enough time grinding stats in the prologue and are good at the combat, I'd assume.

AgnosticTemplar 14 points ago +14 / -0

15 years ago I went to the amusement park Cedar Point and at a merchandise kiosk there were shirts styled similarly to those 'I ❤ NY' ones. I wonder how long they were on sale for before someone got a memo.

AgnosticTemplar 31 points ago +33 / -2

It's because leftists view jews as being either white or 'white adjacent', so they're filtering the israel/palestine conflict through all the anti-colonialism bullshit they've been force fed their entire academic lives.

AgnosticTemplar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ha, yup, I'm pretty sure that 'stop asian hate' campaign died quicker than the monkeypox scare after the revelations as to what were behind each.

AgnosticTemplar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I've played traditional sword and sorcery games, a zombie apocalypse game, a space pirate game, a historic reenactment of the first crusade, an alternate history of World War 2, and even one-shot where everyone is a boring office worker in a failing financial firm. Just the basic set is enough to do that, albeit a bit janky. The dedicated supplemental books helps a whole lot, thank god for pirated PDFs. Though you really need to know what the hell you're doing when making a character, it's a running joke in my playgroup "did you remember to put points into the 'breathing' skill?"

AgnosticTemplar 19 points ago +19 / -0

Meanwhile, asians are next on the chopping block once whites are throughly disenfranchised.

AgnosticTemplar 12 points ago +12 / -0

I can't wait until 10 years from now when those kids reach adulthood, come to terms with what their parents did to them for clout, and either sue them to oblivion or snap and make skin suits out of them.

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