posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +21 / -0


The big rival to Disney had a lot to talk about last month.

Uni: Super Nintendo World Orlando

The announcement video. This has been one of the worst kept secrets ever.

The website

A promotional email that outlines it really well.

And an article. Donkey Kong Country will also be part of the world.

Universal England

The people of Bedfordshire lined up to hear about the plans for a new Universal park near the town.

It will be about £10 Billion to make the park and promote it

Universal Orlando

The new parade, land, and night shows will open up this summer in July.

Universal is losing two shops in city walk Florida. The cinnabon will be moved, but quiet flight is being replaced.

High tech assets hidden in concept art for new Epic Universal Park