I don't do much PC gaming, and I generally buy on GOG so I don't have to deal with these screwy launcher spy apps running on my computer for DRM. Well, I wanted to check out Hades so I installed Steam again and bought/downloaded it. This morning for the second time it's screwed up my save files.

I played Thursday night for a bit, 3 escape attempts I think. When I was done and exited I went through the main menu and saw it had the new save data there as the number of attempts was correct. Totally exited game, haven't touched Steam or anything since, I had totally rebooted into Linux partition even.

Today, I decide to play some more, and my data is back to as if I never played Thursday. I dug around some in the folders and found the save files and they are from Jan 2. WTF?! I am at a loss. They aren't corrupted, missing, or anything of the sort--they are just straight up different.

Any of you had something like that happen?


I'm continuing my push away from big tech and want to upgrade my storage and backup solution so I'm not using their "free" cloud stuff or at least not reliant on it.


  • Remote/mobile access: meaning I still want features like if I pic/screenshot on my phone it uploads it to the NAS like I do with a cloud now.
  • Caveat to remote access: not reliant on third-party servers (excl. a dynamic DNS service)
  • Automatic offsite backup -- I'm fine with it backing up to a hostile service, as long as it's encrypted and I control the keys


  • Plex Media Server support
  • Dual hard drives: I'm not convinced this actually buys me much particularly with an offsite backup, but it lets me get more space on the cheap too.
  • The more configuration the better, but I don't want to have to build a "server" from the ground up either for this.

Synology seems to be the closest I can come up with, but I'd love to save some money and/or learn more, so I figured I'd ask. There seem to be people here who would have experience with these things.

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