Most elites and journalists who trot out this line are fully aware it is false. Their motives vary: will to power, protecting their status or their demographic group, etc. I don't believe the average lib is lying when they express their fear of Trump, though. To truly lie they would have to understand the system enough to know the part or the whole of their claim is false, and most of them do not.

I believe the mind of a lib is relatively comfortable with their place in the status quo - on a level akin to subsistence. They like to bitch about the problems in their life, especially if they can tie them to the right wing, but overall they can effectively satiate their day-to-day needs with drugs, social media, hookups, porn, consumerism, food, or whatever. This is true all the way from living in a safe middle-class neighborhood to living tranny life on the street. Maybe they're Antifa living out of a van, but at least they got their drugs and their furry porn. Maybe their kid's necromorph phase isn't working out and he's suicidal, but the family gets a lot of love on social media. Maybe inflation is blowing up the food bill - but there's always Netflix and credit card debt. They're vaguely conscious things aren't heading in a good direction, but they're always able to get to their crutches.

The lib, on some level, is OK living with hardship, self-injury, and filth, as long as he has his vices. Harvey Milk was fine with STDs as long as he could help himself to twinks. MLK Jr. could live with threats to his life as long as he had his orgy and rape parties. The average Dem voter recapitulates this pathology on a less dramatic level.

This is bread and circuses, but not textbook. Most Americans and Westerners are hurting, but some people are more or less fine with their current level of pain.

These people never needed or wanted to learn about our system. They never investigated whether Trump is Hitler, not because they lack the intelligence but because it's simply not important to them. They have gone along to get along and found their own personal lines of dopamine supply within the cultural forces imposed on us. If the tides rise in that direction, then so much the better. What is that going to change? The real problem is the reversal of the tides, which would leave them stranded. If the media says that someone is threatening to upset the status quo, then that person is rejected. It's the instinctive choice - it's mentally easy.

Right wing people are affected in the same way by the same forces, but they have something that libs don't: the sense or the impression or the memory of something in the past greater than what we have now, whether that goes back to the 1990s or ultimately to the Garden of Eden. This urge compels a person to stand against the tide, or at least ask where it is going. If libs look ahead, they look sightlessly to a utopia that never existed, while right wingers look to monuments far taller than themselves.


If Hellary had won I was looking into sending my son to Israel even though we aren't Jewish. If I'm going to lose him to war, and she was building up to war with Russia that would almost certainly have required a draft, I'd rather it be in defense of Israel than being used as a mercenary by some muslim dictator (as O liked to make US troops do).


Pat yourselves on the back for yet another wrong doomsday prediction ya chicken littles


On Sunday, Hamas turned down requests by The Times to view any available evidence of the munition it said had struck the hospital, claiming that it had disintegrated beyond recognition.

“The missile has dissolved like salt in the water,” said Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official, in a phone interview. “It’s vaporized. Nothing is left.” (link)

An IDF spokesperson told Business Insider on Tuesday that soldiers had found decapitated babies, but said Wednesday it would not investigate or provide further evidence regarding the claim. (link)


First of all, great interviews, very interesting, but PLEASE bring up the following:

  • terrorism and ethnic cleansing committed against Palestinians in service of establishing the state of Israel
  • The King David hotel bombing
  • the specific details of Israel's race-segregated system (invoking the word "apartheid" is NOT ENOUGH!)
  • the creation of Hamas by Israel

The vast majority of people are totally unaware of the region's history and believe the state of Israel magically appeared in the Middle East after all the nice men decided make a little homestead for the Holocaust survivors after WWII. They have no idea that partisan Jews had a huge role in the invention of the golem of modern terrorism that plagues them to this day. This is a complete contradiction of Israel's current image as a miniature American military that only kills civilians because terrorists hide behind them.

And none of you are going to see this unfortunately, but please just admit that killing and raping settlers is a bad thing. It's not hard!! Then you can stand on higher moral ground and we won't have to watch 5 straight minutes of "u condemn war crimes first."


As we all know, the proportional loss of life on 10/7 has been called worse than 9/11 due to Israel losing 1000 civilians out of a population of 10 million. Compared to the US losing 3000 people out of roughly 300 million, this is a tenfold difference in magnitude. Hence, "as bad as 10 9/11s."

The Palestinians, however, have lost 3000 civilians from a population of 2.4 million, which is over a hundred times worse than the real 9/11. So the Palestinian 9/11 is over ten times worse than the Israeli 9/11. Also, they actually have collapsed buildings and smoking rubble.

In summary, the Israelis are currently waging a war on terror in Gaza. The Palestinians are getting ready to invade America, where the Israelis trained for their attack.


We spent around 12 years from 2001 to 2013 (Iraq pullout) steeped in the modern-day Crusader narrative. We prosecuted a war with the intent of overhauling Muslim culture. Then from 2011 onward we had mass migration into Europe, starting with Syrians, and the first European massacres with Charlie Hebdo and Eagles of Death Metal. The narrative naturally continued as the clash of civilizations.

Muslims continue to randomly stab and run over Europeans to this day, yet I no longer believe the Crusader outlook. The first reason is simple: Muslims cannot be our existential enemy because they have no power. Every advantage they have has been granted to them, except for oil money (and even then). Our governments let them into our countries and give them billions of dollars. We let them run away with our military gear. We appoint their leaders. We tolerate their bullshit.

Saying we're in an existential war with Islam is like saying you're in an existential war with a pitbull. You don't need a pitbull for anything and you can shoot it at any time, but a lot of people let them play with their kids. Rotherham sound familiar?

The other reasons are more complex, and I'm going to try to be as direct as possible. Basically, some Muslims have good reason to hate the West. The origin story of almost every enemy in the Middle East involves America. We created the Taliban. We shook hands with Saddam. We destroyed Iraq based on lies and wishful thinking. We overthrew an elected Iranian government - democracy in the Middle East? - and installed a gasbag as king of Iran. We protected Afghan child rapists. We tried to indoctrinate children. We installed Israel and whitewashed their history to the point where 99% of Americans don't even know that Israelis invented modern terrorist bombing. So much stuff with Israel.

Some of the culpability falls on Muslims and their leaders, but the problem is that WE never admit responsibility. They're supposed to be savages lacking our modern standards, but where is the accountability for getting 250,000 Iraqis killed based on Jewish neocon fantasies and the recklessly arrogant reconstruction plan? Where is the justice for the aid worker whose whole extended family was exploded by a Predator or the Afghans who actually believed our propaganda and ended up clinging to C-5 landing gear?

It would be one thing if we were forced to go into their countries and clean up their messes, but we're letting them into our countries at the same time. If you're letting Muslims onto your turf then killing them on their turf does almost nothing to stop terrorism - they can just come legally over here and drive a truck over your Christmas parade! So we are implicitly admitting that if you died in collateral damage from a drone strike, you died for no good reason. How are they supposed to deal with that?

Muslims are rational people, despite their militancy. If you set the rules openly and realistically, you can come to an understanding. Europeans have been involved with the Middle East for the entire post-industrial period, even restructuring their countries, and yet Islamic terrorism has only been a problem since the 1970s because of Western doctrines of interventionism, multiculturalism, and globalism. Western sabotage at the hands of elites is the only existential threat to us. Muslims are only victims and tools.

3-point plan to achieve peace with Islam

  1. Deny Muslim immigration
  2. Relocate Muslims immigrants to Muslim countries
  3. Adopt an open and realist foreign policy a la Trump

There, it's that simple.




If you were just going to get in front of a camera and repeat what some dude told you to say then why did you even go over there?? To drum up support for Israel, obviously, but did you have to shove it in our faces that hard?

If it weren't for Palestinians telling on themselves, we wouldn't even have evidence that anyone was killed.

Shani Louk (the German woman whose body was videoed in the bed of a Hamas pickup) was an satanist-dabbling hippie, but obviously that detail is in the back seat considering the situation. Her legs were rotated 180 degrees on her body, it's pretty grotesque.

Setting aside the shocker title, settlers and anyone else in the settlements are being massacred. This will most likely make it hard for Palestinian allies to do PR. Rashida Tlaib hasn't tweeted and Ilhan Omar seems to be running with the "condemn atrocities then pivot to 'this raises our awareness of the plight of Gaza'" playbook.

However, Hamas 100% intended to do this from the beginning. This isn't a case of anyone going rogue, it's marauding Muslims given full permission to practice the traditions of their forefathers. Male IDF, for the most part, are being tortured and killed on the spot. Meanwhile, there is a widely broadcasted clip of what appears to be fighters shoving female civilians and IDF in the back of a truck, and we have only heard the beginning of the stories of rape, torture, and murder. This was their plan. But what is their goal? Push back the settlements? Maybe that will work - it's a confusing situation.


We had the encouraging thread and the blackpill thread, so the women need to weigh in on relationships now. I know u/BulbasaurusThe7th is a girl. We can do better than one guys, there has to be at least one other girl here. u/Kaarous's hot Slavic wife is/was posting.

Do you find dating difficult? What's your tolerance for liberal views? How important are children to you? Why have your relationships worked or not worked? How do you view masculinity in your social circle?

Don't *pretend to be a girl. We will know. Alternatively, post what the women that you personally know think.


Take a look at the more notable diverse roles of the last decade:

  • Rey
  • Captain Marvel
  • Ariel
  • Falcon "Captain America"
  • Black Panther
  • Female androgynous terminator
  • Girlboss Galadriel
  • Tranny in the new pre-canceled Star Wars show
  • Korra
  • Zendaya Mary Jane
  • Jyn Erso
  • Indian Velma
  • Natalie Portman w/hammer
  • Corlys Velaryon etc
  • pregnant zombie apocalypse survivors
  • practical outfits Lara Croft
  • female Black Panther
  • golf club tranny
  • Mandalorian Mary Sue
  • black April O'Neill
  • da Woman King
  • Finn
  • Phoebe Waller-Bridges
  • several black female 00 agents
  • pregnant blue aliens
  • feminist Barbie

Only ONE of these is fat (pregnant women aren't actually fat) and she's in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cash grab that won't even get the hate publicity of Velma. Despite making up 70% of the American population, not a single fat person, man or woman, has headlined a summer blockbuster or even been on the movie poster. There has never been a fat Avenger. Fat Oppenheimer has been airbrushed from history. Fat people have never been cut in half with lightsabers. The combined mass of Tom Holland and Zendaya does not equal even one fat person. The erasure of fat people is very real, unlike the erasure of their fat.

Meanwhile Hollywood is content to laugh at fat people like Kevin James, Melissa McCarthy, and Jack Black. They are truly jokes. It's time for the delegitimization, victimization, and discrimination against fat people to end. A fat posh British brunette must star in the next pre-canceled Star Wars trilogy. The next Jurassic Park must feature a fat T-Rex. Actors like Colin Farrell should stop practicing fatface. A fat woman should be allowed to compete for Miss Netherlands. Swimming records (not displacement) must be broken by fat people. All a good start, but there is much more to be done.


Our alien whistleblower David Grusch had his day in Congress this past Monday, reiterating his claims that top secret people told him we have alien spacecraft and bodies. Some observations:

  • An increasing number of "high-ranking intelligence officials" have anonymously corroborated Grusch. These people obviously think we're a bunch of idiots.
  • Do these aliens have brakes on their cars?
  • The US inspector general overseeing the intelligence community believes the classified evidence (photos, documents etc) presented to them by Grusch is "urgent and credible." Since they've done such a great job of reining in the intelligence community from everything else (take your pick), I also find the inspector general's office urgent and credible.
  • A government that has character assassinated or just assassinated anyone who revealed anything about them is letting some guy blab unchecked on national news about the most explosive secret of all time.
  • The aliens don't seem to care about dudes crashing on earth and getting imprisoned for life.
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