Sneak_King 4 points ago +9 / -5

Oh, I see. An obscure, possibly fictional, Christian cult has given jəws disproportionate influence and access in the anglo-sphere, which they use to give marching orders to neocons to simp for israel. Got it, makes sense.

Some people will do anything to avoid blaming jews.

Sneak_King 5 points ago +5 / -0

First off, Christ is King.

Second, the James Lindsey tweet at the root of that thread is the most mid-wittest mid-wittery I've ever read. "People saying 'Christ is King' is a trap for Christians!"

Sneak_King 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you explain the meaning of "oriole" here? I assume it's an auto correct thing, but if not, I'm very curious.

Sneak_King 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like Garth Brooks, but will freely acknowledge his pop-rock style paved the way for modern garbage.

Charlie Daniels is one of my favorites. I'm a sucker for fiddles. Really, anyone who has an actual band.

Chris LeDoux, though I've barely scratched his discography.

Sneak_King 43 points ago +43 / -0

I was volunteering in a high school and there was a crisis help line poster on the wall.

Except it was phrased as a way for kids to get help keeping things from their parents. Kids walk past, and subliminally read, that a dozen or so times a day and parents wonder what's wrong.

Sneak_King 24 points ago +24 / -0

I didn't think I could despise Roosevelt more. Nice write up.

Sneak_King 1 point ago +1 / -0

Each paragraph was a different topic. A2 milk is still pasteurized, but it's supposed to be easier on your gut. Most chain grocery stores carry it.

Unpasteurized milk is illegal in a lot of places. If it's not, a dairy might sell it, especially a family dairy.

Sneak_King 2 points ago +2 / -0

That process happened in the 90s, if not earlier. Elaborate reimbursement schemes mean only complicit individuals are in the system. Most of them likely don't view it that way, meaning the medical class is also full of midwits.

Sneak_King 16 points ago +16 / -0

Your comment implies doctors could have given productive advice re: covid. They could not.

The medical professional class are as bad as journalists. Medical personnel are arguably worse: they have degrees, certifications, high salaries, and the ability to surreptitiously kill people. Their delusions of grandeur are validated at every turn.

Sneak_King 9 points ago +9 / -0

Having a good physique in Hollywood just means you splurged for some roids, not that you have any kind of self-discipline. It's just a different class of druggie.

Sneak_King 0 points ago +1 / -1

The way they established the existence of poliovirus was to put feces in a blender and inject it into the spinal column of apes. No modern method of "virus isolation" has ever been used to re-verify this highly scientific process.

Sneak_King 3 points ago +4 / -1

Everything is fake and gay.

"Bad cholesterol" was a media blitz by the Eisenhower administration to convince people eggs were bad so they would stop buying them so they wouldn't notice the insane inflation happening.

"Milk" is milk in the same way gatorade is fruit juice. Inner city brewers had the incredible idea to lock cows in stalls and force feed them old mash as a means of disposing of it. As a side gig, they sold milk as coming from a more "convenient" source than the ranchers outside of the city. Lo and behold, this milk was basically poison. Instead of paying more for healthy milk from ranchers with generations of expertise, people insisted the government fix the cheap, poisonous milk. Electric refrigeration hadn't been invented yet, so pasteurization was the solution. Pasteurization breaks down useful proteins and renders the milk basically nutrient-free. Producers then mix in artificial nutrient supplements to make a sort of Frankenstein approximation of the real thing.

Due to shitty mega-ranch practices in the mid 20th C, the US milk supply overwhelmingly comes from A1 cows. A1 milk is less digestible than A2 milk and A1 milk correlates with chronic diseases.

Polio probably doesn't exist as defined in the medical literature. There is a nerve disease cluster that collectively is known as polio, but the causative agent is basically unknown. The evidence for the existence of poliovirus is scant and the big polio epidemics of the 20th C were due to vaccines.

Sneak_King 4 points ago +4 / -0

Drinker put out his "review" before season 3 even released. He had a little exchange with the showrunner on twitter.

I don't know what's sadder: getting 'paid' in twitter chats to shill garbage, or shilling garbage for free because senpai noticed you.

I also don't get why people were falling over themselves to praise the S3 showrunner. He was, like, a grip or something on Voyager and everyone was acting like he was the second coming of Ron Moore.

Sneak_King 3 points ago +3 / -0

The unspoken civis Romanus sum of the ascendant European. I pray I live to see it happen again.

Sneak_King 14 points ago +14 / -0

> A massive win for them is actually a massive win for us!

This is your brain on accelerationism.

Sneak_King 13 points ago +13 / -0

It would not surprise me if the "true" rate of female psychopathy is low, but is currently more frequent because women follow social trends and our society has become psychopathic.

Which is not to let women off the hook. Tightening the reins on women would be one way to course correct society broadly.

Sneak_King 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't know jack about metal, but I still watch Raz0rfist's Metal Mythos from time to time. Fascinating deep dives on the history of specific bands. He doesn't really do recommendations on new bands, though I occasionally look up a song from his credits only to discover it's new-ish.

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