Biostrike14 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is exactly what TPTB do not want. That switch flips to : "I'm a free human I can defend myself from some fool attacking me for no good reason and with deadlyforce if need be." All the foot soldiers they got in blm or antifa or whatever they name the next one are not going to want to risk a lead diet for something that they probably don't believe in to start with.

Biostrike14 5 points ago +6 / -1

Conspiracy time. What if they say Joe died from shock after his colon thing and the media blames it on him being told Kyle went free?

Biostrike14 1 point ago +1 / -0


I stopped watching after the day of the doctor. Smith had such potential and they wasted it. I still remember his first episode when he stepped through Ten's holographic head, and my wife said ya know he kinda looks like someone playing human dress up.

Biostrike14 8 points ago +9 / -1

The day after Trump got elected cracked had a total freaking out and meltdown. It was last time I want there until I saw this, went and looked, was not suppressed in the least.

I may have to go look again if Brandon gets arrested or something to see if it even gets acknowledged.

Biostrike14 18 points ago +19 / -1

We need to stop calling them public schools, let's call them what they really are government schools. And let's be honest if you send your kids to a Catholic school would anyone be suprised they come out loving Catholic culture? So why act surprised when children indoctrinated by government schools for 12+ years think government is god like?

Biostrike14 29 points ago +29 / -0

But what happens when your opponents don't want anyone finding faults with their ideas, to the point of genocide?

History has shown one side wants criticism to improve themselves, the other uses gulags to stop it.

Choose the side you want with power.

Japanese proverb : A man who dose not fear the sword(power) should not be allowed to hold the sword.

Biostrike14 9 points ago +9 / -0

Comics on the 80s and 90s, cool art good story lines and interesting characters.

Comics today, look who we made gay.

Biostrike14 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have every X-Men comic from August 79 to July 08 when woke killed it for me. And when I say every I mean uncanny xfactor new mutie xforce Excalibur and wolverine, all the one shots annuals and limited, no mater how bad they were. If they killed a fan like me do you really think they are getting new fans? They don't know the history the lore or the fan base.

Biostrike14 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't watch the live DeathNote or Bleach. It's like whoever's doing this shit has never seen more than,"Google first 10 images of said show"

Biostrike14 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've got the complete vol 1 what if? And the 90s vol 2. Those were some of the best stand alone stories that gave us things like May Parker and A2. Wolverine as the unrepentant horseman of war laying waste to every super villain including Apocalypse until true world price is one of the best.

Biostrike14 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because if it's a birth thing and not a choice all those lingering doubts are pointless and can be ignored.

Biostrike14 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually he's not, the 80's reboot at least. (I haven't read anything since before the 'new 52' bull.) The 80's/90's version was technically "born" in Smallvill Kanas. His birth dad programed his rocket birth pod to not complete the birth cycle until it had landed. So he's a testube baby born in the USA.

Biostrike14 5 points ago +5 / -0

I got a roku, tones of free channels. 20 bucks at wally world. I'm sure they make money off me somehow but I got 24-hour channels of 90 Japanimation, wipeout, unsolved mysteries, MST3K, and OAN.

Biostrike14 3 points ago +3 / -0

The 2000s reboot was pretty good too. I've got the Filmation stuff and the reboot DVDs on my shelf. I doubt I ever watch any of this craptaster.

Biostrike14 11 points ago +11 / -0

I work in utilities and about 15 years ago the billing office had a petion to ban dihydrogen monoxide and every one of the girls in the office had signed it. Got mad at me when I wouldn't sign. I asked if they were really stupid enough to try and ban WATER while working a water utility and it suddenly became a big joke. The entire office also voted for BHO so they weren't to bright.

Biostrike14 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is assuming it devolves quick enough that there isn't time to send "peacekeepers" before they are needed at home.

Doubtful this would be a problem, let's be honest if it does go tits up in the US it will go from "Cop shoots wrong guy and city is outraged" to a total shit storm overnight, and sending in blue hats won't be an option.

I only wonder who or what is going to be that trigger. My current bet is the audit.

Biostrike14 11 points ago +11 / -0

My great grandfather would watch the news and the tell this "joke":

3 little boys are sitting on a fence looking at a pasture, one is black, one is whie, and one is indian.

The indian child looks out in the distance and says,"Once this land was ours we were plenty and multiply easily. Now we are few and weak."

Little black boy says, " Once we were few and weak, now we are meny and multiply easily, we plan to make this land ours."

Little white boy says, "Yeah, maybe. But we ain't played Cowboys and Niggers yet."

He said the PTB wanted a race war back in the 70s

Biostrike14 1 point ago +1 / -0

So glad I got my family out of there when I had the chance. I noticed an influx of northern libs coming in about 2010 and the slow burn NC had been holding into Raleigh and Charlotte for years started to spread.

Biostrike14 2 points ago +2 / -0

FFS, I stopped going to cracked the day after Trump was elected, the whole site was just hate personified

Biostrike14 18 points ago +18 / -0

Let me tell you a story from the deep past of the mid 1990s. I was an apprentice lineman for a power Corporation on the east coast. The big wigs announced that they were going to invest in some sort of carbon scrubber for the coal plants that would clean the emissions by 78% at a cost of 8 million. (I think the numbers are right this was 25 years ago)

The Sierra Club sued. Saying for 18 mill that number could be upped to 80%. The judge ruled that it was 80% or nothing.

So nothing got upgraded. And I saw on the news they were shuttering both plants in 2019 as to polluting.

That was when my 20 something ass came do the realization the environmental groups are nothing but scams looking for money.

Biostrike14 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember when the stories of China doing this to up the number of boys born under the one child rule in the 70s came out, fems were outraged.

I think it was the 70s anyway.

Biostrike14 8 points ago +8 / -0

I wouldn't care if it got drawn just a text outline of how it was to end. The last part I read had them trying to fix Kaska's (did I spell it close?) mind, so at least Guts got that small victory before it stopped.

Biostrike14 4 points ago +4 / -0

I find it ironic that when you find graphic novels or collections in the wild it's always stuff from the 70s 80s and 90s none of this millennial SJW bull.

Picked up a 3 pack just a few weeks ago : Infinty gauntlet, war, and crusade. I know they were out due to the movie but all 3 were from 90 to 93.

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