AntonioOfVenice 8 points ago +9 / -1

Your father was right to leave you at age 7.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he was as "pro-Israel as it gets" then he wouldn't need the Holocaust shame tour. Nor would he be allowing Palestinians to run wild on Twitter. Ditto for Trump and openly criticizing Netanyahu.

Well, he supports free speech. And Trump criticizes Netanyahu because N accepted Biden's victory, which he for some reason regarded as a betrayal, not because Israel bad.

You're Saudi? I thought you were Jewish.

Arab, not Saudi. Not really the same 'ethnicity', but I went for the rhetorical effect.

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, a lot of European leaders don't have chillens. They're fully dedicated to being a cog in the machine.

AntonioOfVenice 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's a book called 'How the Jews Defeated Hitler: Exploding the Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Face of Nazism' written by a jewish professor. It explains (and essentially brags) about how WW2 was entirely engineered by international jewish communists working together to crush Germany.

You have read it?

Hell, there's even a part where he boasts about how the overwhelmingly jewish lead NKVD (soviet secret police) was operating slave factories in Russia, with women and children working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. He says this was a great jewish accomplishment because the dumb Germans were still sending their kids to school for education and the German wives were still at home raising their children.

Then you can quote that.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

But I don't hate him, so you're wrong again I guess.

Dunno the other two. Brother Nathaniel? Isn't he that Jewish convert to Orthodoxy, the best Christianity?

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon is as pro-Israel as it gets. Same for DJT. You guys are rather schizophrenic.

I'd rather be represented by Thomas Sowell than by Osama bin Laden.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0

You picked the one elite who is least bad. Although he's as pro-Israel as any, so I guess your argument is wrong even for the least bad elite.

AntonioOfVenice -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm sure you could find a few Tuesdays out of the decades that the USSR existed in which they were not as bad as the Nazis, but I'm not sure why you'd do such a thing, unless you were trying to elevate the evil of the Nazis and downplay that of the Soviets.

Well, I pointed out two decades rather than a few Tuesdays. How do you explain that?

If a killer murders their entire family, you don't praise them for stopping just because they ran out of people to kill. "Sure, Bob killed his entire family, but has he killed anybody lately?"

They didn't kill their entire family... like the 'better' Nazis wanted to do. Ever heard of General Plan Ost?

AntonioOfVenice -7 points ago +1 / -8

Well, considering that I didn't create Rule 16, I guess you're as wrong about that as you are about the rest of your claims.

AntonioOfVenice -3 points ago +1 / -4

Well sure, when the commissar points his Tokarev at you and tell you that you will fight for the motherland, you choose the probability of dying in the red army over the certainty of dying at the regime's hands.

Except that the Ukraine was occupied by the Germans for most of the war, and the early Soviet armies were destroyed or captured.

The Ukrainians didn't fight for their love of Stalin or communism

Well duh. Almost no one 'fought for communism', not Great Russians, let alone Little Russians. Nationalism, religion, and surprisingly, support for Stalin (people rally around their leads in war even if they're rather bad).

despite the bullshit revisionist history from Russophiles.

Russophiles? Mike Johnson, is that you?

But if you think the commies were in any way good

I'm not sure where you got the idea that I'm throwing a party for "STALIN WAS FANTASTIC! THREE CHEERS!" Of course they were bad. Which makes it noteworthy what people decided to do when they were confronted with two extraordinarily bad regimes.

As you say, the people who were the targets of starvation and elimination sided with Stalin rather than Hitler, because as bad as Stalin was, he would only kill some of you and not all of you.

Between the soviet genocide against the Ukrainians

It was farmers who were targeted, not 'Ukrainians' - which is not a real people to begin with. Of course, that had a disparate impact on the 'Ukrainian' bread basket.

Ukrainians fucking hated Moscow and thought that Germany would be better. Which is saying a lot and is my point.

I think in the beginning, a significant portion did regard Germany as possible liberators. And if the Germans had played their hands better, they could have recruited them and used them against Stalin rather than what they did.

AntonioOfVenice -1 points ago +1 / -2

I believe 75% of orthodox Jews vote for Trump.

Are the Jewish elites bad? Of course. Elites are bad. I hope your solution for the elites is not "replace the Jewish elites with equally bad huwhite elites"...

AntonioOfVenice 2 points ago +4 / -2

But why are we doing such stupid things? Cause the Americans told us to.

If we were to mind our own business and not warmonger for a change, we'd be fine.

AntonioOfVenice -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nobody else here is trying to argue that the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s was more evil than the short-lived Nazi regime. (but you could easily argue that)

I'm interested in that 'easy argument'. It seems very hard to me. Of course, picking an arbitrary period is a bit unfair - you might as well take Germany from 1933 through July 1938, but even then it was preparing for a war of aggression with the USSR wasn't.

They're saying communism is worse than the national socialists were

Would that not imply that the USSR in the 1970s and 80s is worse than the Nazi regime?

I will say that as someone not pro-Hitler who would not wish to live under either totalitarian state.

Good! That's the kind of person I'm interested in hearing from. Not a gotcha, I'm really curious as to how you view this matter.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wouldn't expect a eurotrash to understand.

Sniff... so unfair...

From your limited perspective, it's bad because your decadent, self indulgent societies cannot defend yourselves.

That is correct, but we don't need to. After all, we face no threats... except the one emanating from the US.

Your anemic military capabilities aren't even worth the name, and your historical enemies know it. Your continent could be conquered by the California Highway Patrol.

That's a damn lie!

The California Highway Patrol could only conquer 2/3 of Europe. It would have to leave some troops behind to keep order in the areas it had conquered.

And since the EU has irritated nearly everywhere else on earth with their policies of debt slavery, promoting faggotry and proliferation of censorship...

Well, I'm not fighting for any EU, nor for any national government. Why would I be an enabler to my enemy?

AntonioOfVenice -2 points ago +1 / -3

The guy who became an international fugitive because he violated ridiculous US sanctions by playing a chess game in Yugoslavia?

Sounds pretty good to me.

AntonioOfVenice -11 points ago +1 / -12

Excuse me Sir, I'm a RUSSIAN bot, not a WEF bot.

Respect my programmers.

AntonioOfVenice -3 points ago +1 / -4

No idea where you got that random point of contention from

I don't think it's minor. We only saw the Nazis at their worst - starting needless wars and committing genocide. Communism managed to evolve into something less repellent, at least in the USSR. And what's more, communism managed to be dismantled with barely any bloodshed. One of the 20th century's totalitarianisms took a massive war to end, the other one ended because Yeltsin climbed on a tank and spouted drunken nonsense.

or why all your comments here make dev sound practically "far-right",

Because people don't make judgments based on accurate history, but based on their politics. That's why you say 'far-right'. There should be nothing preventing someone who is far-left from concluding that communism is worse than Nazism, if the historical record warrants it.

Let's be real though. The reason people think Nazism is worse is not because of history, but because (1) they lost and (2) the countries inhabited by those countries fought a war against Nazis. If you visit other countries, like the Middle East, they may use 'fascist' and 'Hitler' as insults, but they don't have a similar sense of Nazi evil (and not just because they hate Jews), no more than you think Genghis Khan was 'evil' - but people in the ME do.

Just on both time and space scales they lasted longer and had more territory, so they had more opportunity to do evil.

And like I said, they got the opportunity to change into a less repellent form. In theory, Nazism could have evolved similarly into a less malignant form. Or it could have gotten worse. If Hitler had died in 1938, he would have been regarded as the greatest German leader - and perhaps leader of any country - in human history. He lived long enough to start wars that he lost and commit genocide, so he soiled whatever achievements he did have.

Beyond that you would need to do a point by point comparison of notable acts perpetrated by each regime or enabled by them, and determine if each act was binary good or evil (or how evil graded on an Evillness Scale) and what the impact of the act was, which you could determine by a proxy like number of people affected.

I agree. But no one actually does that, because no one actually cares about Nazis or communists beyond their use as instruments of polemic.

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks to the treasonous left, the military capacity of the United States has been hamstrung over the last few decades.

And this is bad, because otherwise you'd be able to wage more useless, endless wars?

AntonioOfVenice 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. The draft would hit rich kids.
  2. People are completely unwilling to go and fight.
  3. It would tear the country apart.

I don't see why it would be in their interests to do something so stupid. In theory, they could, but why would they do it?

It's one thing to pay no attention to the will of the population. That's par for the course everywhere in the West. It's quite another to force them to fight in your useless endless wars. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not doing enough to oppose my government, because of laziness and fear of retaliation, but if they wanted to put me through a meatgrinder for their nonsense? Hah. Even the laziest would go into open revolt.

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